rtl_433 version unknown inputs file rtl_tcp RTL-SDR SoapySDR Use -h for usage help and see https://triq.org/ for documentation. Trying conf file at "rtl_433.conf"... Trying conf file at "/home/dclaar/.config/rtl_433/rtl_433.conf"... Trying conf file at "/usr/local/etc/rtl_433/rtl_433.conf"... Trying conf file at "/etc/rtl_433/rtl_433.conf"... New defaults active, use "-Y classic -s 250k" for the old defaults! Registered 169 out of 175 device decoding protocols [ 1-4 6-8 10-17 19-26 29-64 67-175 ] rtl_433: warning: 106 "Wireless M-Bus, Mode R, 4.8kbps (-f 868330000)" does not support CSV output rtl_433: warning: 107 "Wireless M-Bus, Mode F, 2.4kbps" does not support CSV output Detached kernel driver Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner Exact sample rate is: 1000000.026491 Hz [R82XX] PLL not locked! Sample rate set to 1000000 S/s. Tuner gain set to Auto. Tuned to 915.000MHz. Allocating 15 zero-copy buffers Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:47:48 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 89, width: 12.04 ms (12043 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 37, width: 58 us [57;60] ( 58 S) [ 2] count: 6, width: 116 us [116;117] ( 116 S) [ 3] count: 4, width: 174 us [173;175] ( 174 S) [ 4] count: 3, width: 30 us [28;33] ( 30 S) [ 5] count: 20, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 234 us [234;234] ( 234 S) [ 7] count: 7, width: 7 us [6;8] ( 7 S) [ 8] count: 2, width: 16 us [16;17] ( 16 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 38 us [38;38] ( 38 S) [10] count: 7, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 31, width: 58 us [57;60] ( 58 S) [ 2] count: 4, width: 184 us [174;215] ( 184 S) [ 3] count: 3, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 4] count: 3, width: 232 us [231;233] ( 232 S) [ 5] count: 5, width: 114 us [108;117] ( 114 S) [ 6] count: 3, width: 387 us [350;407] ( 387 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 291 us [291;291] ( 291 S) [ 8] count: 13, width: 8 us [7;9] ( 8 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 930 us [930;930] ( 930 S) [10] count: 1, width: 1398 us [1398;1398] (1398 S) [11] count: 4, width: 38 us [35;43] ( 38 S) [12] count: 1, width: 5 us [5;5] ( 5 S) [13] count: 4, width: 18 us [16;22] ( 18 S) [14] count: 11, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [15] count: 1, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 27, width: 116 us [115;118] ( 116 S) [ 2] count: 9, width: 266 us [232;291] ( 266 S) [ 3] count: 6, width: 173 us [165;176] ( 173 S) [ 4] count: 2, width: 26 us [24;29] ( 26 S) [ 5] count: 3, width: 407 us [350;465] ( 407 S) [ 6] count: 2, width: 552 us [523;581] ( 552 S) [ 7] count: 11, width: 10 us [9;11] ( 10 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 1047 us [1047;1047] (1047 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 1455 us [1455;1455] (1455 S) [10] count: 5, width: 43 us [40;51] ( 43 S) [11] count: 2, width: 14 us [13;15] ( 14 S) [12] count: 5, width: 20 us [17;23] ( 20 S) [13] count: 1, width: 55 us [55;55] ( 55 S) [14] count: 10, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [15] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 68, width: 58 us [57;60] ( 58 S) [ 2] count: 11, width: 115 us [108;117] ( 115 S) [ 3] count: 8, width: 179 us [173;215] ( 179 S) [ 4] count: 5, width: 32 us [28;36] ( 32 S) [ 5] count: 23, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 6] count: 4, width: 232 us [231;234] ( 232 S) [ 7] count: 13, width: 7 us [7;8] ( 7 S) [ 8] count: 4, width: 16 us [16;17] ( 16 S) [ 9] count: 3, width: 40 us [38;43] ( 40 S) [10] count: 8, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [11] count: 3, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [12] count: 3, width: 387 us [350;407] ( 387 S) [13] count: 1, width: 291 us [291;291] ( 291 S) [14] count: 1, width: 930 us [930;930] ( 930 S) [15] count: 1, width: 1398 us [1398;1398] (1398 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 1075, 24 RSSI: -11.8 dB SNR: 16.5 dB Noise: -28.3 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -5357, -1113 (-81.7 kHz, -17.0 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:47:51 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 232, width: 2.43 ms ( 2434 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 27, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 2] count: 124, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 3] count: 34, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 4] count: 10, width: 7 us [7;7] ( 7 S) [ 5] count: 5, width: 23 us [20;26] ( 23 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 49 us [49;49] ( 49 S) [ 7] count: 13, width: 14 us [13;17] ( 14 S) [ 8] count: 15, width: 9 us [9;12] ( 9 S) [ 9] count: 2, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 77, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 1] count: 88, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 2] count: 21, width: 10 us [10;13] ( 10 S) [ 3] count: 33, width: 6 us [5;7] ( 6 S) [ 4] count: 3, width: 8 us [8;9] ( 8 S) [ 5] count: 5, width: 13 us [13;14] ( 13 S) [ 6] count: 3, width: 18 us [17;20] ( 18 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 27 us [27;27] ( 27 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 1] count: 131, width: 6 us [6;8] ( 6 S) [ 2] count: 43, width: 15 us [13;19] ( 15 S) [ 3] count: 17, width: 21 us [20;27] ( 21 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 56 us [56;56] ( 56 S) [ 5] count: 34, width: 10 us [9;13] ( 10 S) [ 6] count: 3, width: 29 us [27;30] ( 29 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 40 us [40;40] ( 40 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 33, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 2] count: 201, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 3] count: 122, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 4] count: 39, width: 7 us [7;8] ( 7 S) [ 5] count: 7, width: 23 us [20;27] ( 23 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 49 us [49;49] ( 49 S) [ 7] count: 21, width: 14 us [13;17] ( 14 S) [ 8] count: 36, width: 9 us [9;12] ( 9 S) [ 9] count: 2, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [10] count: 1, width: 31 us [31;31] ( 31 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 15956, 25 RSSI: -0.1 dB SNR: 28.0 dB Noise: -28.2 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: 5308, 13401 (+81.0 kHz, +204.5 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:47:55 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 285, width: 10.18 ms (10180 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 156, width: 10 us [8;16] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 59, width: 19 us [17;21] ( 19 S) [ 3] count: 4, width: 69 us [59;80] ( 69 S) [ 4] count: 2, width: 100 us [90;110] ( 100 S) [ 5] count: 24, width: 43 us [37;50] ( 43 S) [ 6] count: 24, width: 29 us [26;30] ( 29 S) [ 7] count: 2, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 8] count: 3, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 9] count: 6, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [10] count: 2, width: 7 us [7;7] ( 7 S) [11] count: 1, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [12] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 6 us [6;6] ( 6 S) [ 1] count: 139, width: 10 us [9;12] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 18, width: 40 us [39;49] ( 40 S) [ 3] count: 27, width: 30 us [29;32] ( 30 S) [ 4] count: 57, width: 20 us [19;22] ( 20 S) [ 5] count: 15, width: 53 us [50;61] ( 53 S) [ 6] count: 3, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 7] count: 22, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 81 us [81;81] ( 81 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 111 us [111;111] ( 111 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 8, width: 6 us [5;7] ( 6 S) [ 1] count: 85, width: 19 us [16;25] ( 19 S) [ 2] count: 57, width: 53 us [43;63] ( 53 S) [ 3] count: 18, width: 73 us [69;90] ( 73 S) [ 4] count: 64, width: 29 us [25;33] ( 29 S) [ 5] count: 6, width: 116 us [99;130] ( 116 S) [ 6] count: 32, width: 39 us [38;41] ( 39 S) [ 7] count: 8, width: 10 us [10;12] ( 10 S) [ 8] count: 4, width: 14 us [13;15] ( 14 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [10] count: 1, width: 8 us [8;8] ( 8 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 295, width: 10 us [8;16] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 116, width: 19 us [17;22] ( 19 S) [ 3] count: 10, width: 66 us [59;81] ( 66 S) [ 4] count: 3, width: 103 us [90;111] ( 103 S) [ 5] count: 53, width: 43 us [37;52] ( 43 S) [ 6] count: 51, width: 29 us [26;32] ( 29 S) [ 7] count: 24, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 8] count: 3, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 9] count: 7, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [10] count: 2, width: 7 us [7;7] ( 7 S) [11] count: 1, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [12] count: 4, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 1623, 29 RSSI: -10.0 dB SNR: 17.5 dB Noise: -27.5 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: 7475, 11267 (+114.1 kHz, +171.9 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:47:55 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 83, width: 3.00 ms ( 3005 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 31, width: 8 us [8;10] ( 8 S) [ 2] count: 12, width: 19 us [19;21] ( 19 S) [ 3] count: 3, width: 63 us [59;70] ( 63 S) [ 4] count: 21, width: 10 us [10;11] ( 10 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 110 us [110;110] ( 110 S) [ 6] count: 8, width: 29 us [29;30] ( 29 S) [ 7] count: 3, width: 39 us [39;40] ( 39 S) [ 8] count: 2, width: 49 us [49;50] ( 49 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 83 us [83;83] ( 83 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 50, width: 10 us [9;12] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 10, width: 43 us [40;51] ( 43 S) [ 3] count: 5, width: 30 us [29;31] ( 30 S) [ 4] count: 16, width: 19 us [19;21] ( 19 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 36, width: 20 us [19;21] ( 20 S) [ 2] count: 16, width: 44 us [39;50] ( 44 S) [ 3] count: 11, width: 71 us [60;80] ( 71 S) [ 4] count: 16, width: 29 us [28;32] ( 29 S) [ 5] count: 2, width: 110 us [99;121] ( 110 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 33, width: 8 us [8;10] ( 8 S) [ 2] count: 28, width: 19 us [19;21] ( 19 S) [ 3] count: 8, width: 55 us [49;70] ( 55 S) [ 4] count: 70, width: 10 us [10;12] ( 10 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 110 us [110;110] ( 110 S) [ 6] count: 13, width: 29 us [29;31] ( 29 S) [ 7] count: 10, width: 40 us [39;42] ( 40 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 83 us [83;83] ( 83 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 7475, 18 RSSI: -3.4 dB SNR: 26.2 dB Noise: -29.6 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: 7279, 11370 (+111.1 kHz, +173.5 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:47:55 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 150, width: 5.65 ms ( 5646 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 87, width: 9 us [8;11] ( 9 S) [ 2] count: 29, width: 18 us [16;20] ( 18 S) [ 3] count: 1, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 4] count: 6, width: 67 us [59;79] ( 67 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 101 us [101;101] ( 101 S) [ 6] count: 14, width: 29 us [29;33] ( 29 S) [ 7] count: 6, width: 38 us [38;39] ( 38 S) [ 8] count: 5, width: 49 us [48;50] ( 49 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 80, width: 10 us [10;12] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 14, width: 45 us [39;52] ( 45 S) [ 3] count: 1, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 4] count: 17, width: 30 us [30;33] ( 30 S) [ 5] count: 30, width: 20 us [19;23] ( 20 S) [ 6] count: 2, width: 60 us [60;61] ( 60 S) [ 7] count: 3, width: 13 us [13;13] ( 13 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 81 us [81;81] ( 81 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 55, width: 20 us [17;22] ( 20 S) [ 2] count: 31, width: 44 us [39;51] ( 44 S) [ 3] count: 33, width: 29 us [28;33] ( 29 S) [ 4] count: 25, width: 67 us [59;80] ( 67 S) [ 5] count: 3, width: 116 us [109;120] ( 116 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 89 us [89;89] ( 89 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 170, width: 10 us [8;13] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 59, width: 19 us [16;23] ( 19 S) [ 3] count: 2, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 4] count: 9, width: 67 us [59;81] ( 67 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 101 us [101;101] ( 101 S) [ 6] count: 31, width: 30 us [29;33] ( 30 S) [ 7] count: 13, width: 39 us [38;42] ( 39 S) [ 8] count: 12, width: 50 us [48;52] ( 50 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [10] count: 1, width: 6 us [6;6] ( 6 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 7354, 27 RSSI: -3.5 dB SNR: 24.4 dB Noise: -27.8 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: 7836, 11614 (+119.6 kHz, +177.2 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:47:55 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 75, width: 2.43 ms ( 2425 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 2] count: 50, width: 10 us [9;11] ( 10 S) [ 3] count: 10, width: 20 us [19;21] ( 20 S) [ 4] count: 2, width: 64 us [60;69] ( 64 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 130 us [130;130] ( 130 S) [ 6] count: 6, width: 30 us [30;30] ( 30 S) [ 7] count: 2, width: 39 us [39;40] ( 39 S) [ 8] count: 2, width: 49 us [49;50] ( 49 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 1] count: 51, width: 9 us [9;11] ( 9 S) [ 2] count: 4, width: 42 us [39;49] ( 42 S) [ 3] count: 6, width: 30 us [30;31] ( 30 S) [ 4] count: 12, width: 20 us [19;21] ( 20 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 1] count: 1, width: 13 us [13;13] ( 13 S) [ 2] count: 40, width: 20 us [19;21] ( 20 S) [ 3] count: 16, width: 43 us [39;50] ( 43 S) [ 4] count: 5, width: 65 us [59;79] ( 65 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 160 us [160;160] ( 160 S) [ 6] count: 9, width: 30 us [30;31] ( 30 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 109 us [109;109] ( 109 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 2] count: 101, width: 10 us [9;11] ( 10 S) [ 3] count: 22, width: 20 us [19;21] ( 20 S) [ 4] count: 2, width: 64 us [60;69] ( 64 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 130 us [130;130] ( 130 S) [ 6] count: 13, width: 30 us [30;31] ( 30 S) [ 7] count: 5, width: 39 us [39;40] ( 39 S) [ 8] count: 3, width: 49 us [49;50] ( 49 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 2089, 39 RSSI: -8.9 dB SNR: 17.3 dB Noise: -26.2 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -10500, -6761 (-160.2 kHz, -103.2 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:47:55 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 76, width: 2.30 ms ( 2296 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 2] count: 50, width: 10 us [9;11] ( 10 S) [ 3] count: 13, width: 19 us [19;21] ( 19 S) [ 4] count: 2, width: 65 us [61;70] ( 65 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 130 us [130;130] ( 130 S) [ 6] count: 3, width: 40 us [40;41] ( 40 S) [ 7] count: 4, width: 29 us [29;30] ( 29 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 56, width: 9 us [9;12] ( 9 S) [ 2] count: 2, width: 44 us [40;49] ( 44 S) [ 3] count: 6, width: 30 us [29;31] ( 30 S) [ 4] count: 10, width: 20 us [19;21] ( 20 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 1, width: 14 us [14;14] ( 14 S) [ 2] count: 41, width: 20 us [19;21] ( 20 S) [ 3] count: 14, width: 43 us [39;51] ( 43 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 80 us [80;80] ( 80 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 150 us [150;150] ( 150 S) [ 6] count: 13, width: 29 us [29;31] ( 29 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 110 us [110;110] ( 110 S) [ 8] count: 2, width: 60 us [60;60] ( 60 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 3, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 2] count: 106, width: 10 us [9;12] ( 10 S) [ 3] count: 23, width: 19 us [19;21] ( 19 S) [ 4] count: 2, width: 65 us [61;70] ( 65 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 130 us [130;130] ( 130 S) [ 6] count: 5, width: 42 us [40;49] ( 42 S) [ 7] count: 10, width: 29 us [29;31] ( 29 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 2024, 29 RSSI: -9.1 dB SNR: 18.4 dB Noise: -27.5 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -11059, -7659 (-168.8 kHz, -116.9 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:47:56 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 71, width: 2.37 ms ( 2368 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 46, width: 10 us [10;12] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 13, width: 19 us [16;21] ( 19 S) [ 3] count: 2, width: 65 us [61;70] ( 65 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 131 us [131;131] ( 131 S) [ 5] count: 6, width: 31 us [31;32] ( 31 S) [ 6] count: 2, width: 51 us [51;51] ( 51 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 45, width: 9 us [9;11] ( 9 S) [ 2] count: 3, width: 39 us [39;39] ( 39 S) [ 3] count: 9, width: 28 us [28;30] ( 28 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 49 us [49;49] ( 49 S) [ 5] count: 11, width: 19 us [18;21] ( 19 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 35, width: 20 us [19;22] ( 20 S) [ 2] count: 20, width: 43 us [38;50] ( 43 S) [ 3] count: 4, width: 67 us [60;79] ( 67 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 159 us [159;159] ( 159 S) [ 5] count: 8, width: 29 us [29;30] ( 29 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 110 us [110;110] ( 110 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 91, width: 10 us [9;12] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 24, width: 19 us [16;21] ( 19 S) [ 3] count: 2, width: 65 us [61;70] ( 65 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 131 us [131;131] ( 131 S) [ 5] count: 15, width: 29 us [28;32] ( 29 S) [ 6] count: 3, width: 50 us [49;51] ( 50 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 8] count: 3, width: 39 us [39;39] ( 39 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 15946, 28 RSSI: -0.1 dB SNR: 27.6 dB Noise: -27.7 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -10562, -6808 (-161.2 kHz, -103.9 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:47:56 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 64, width: 2.21 ms ( 2211 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 45, width: 10 us [9;12] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 5, width: 20 us [20;22] ( 20 S) [ 3] count: 3, width: 67 us [62;71] ( 67 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 131 us [131;131] ( 131 S) [ 5] count: 3, width: 44 us [41;50] ( 44 S) [ 6] count: 5, width: 31 us [31;32] ( 31 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 7 us [7;7] ( 7 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 2, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 39, width: 9 us [9;11] ( 9 S) [ 2] count: 7, width: 39 us [38;48] ( 39 S) [ 3] count: 6, width: 29 us [28;30] ( 29 S) [ 4] count: 9, width: 18 us [17;19] ( 18 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 33, width: 20 us [19;21] ( 20 S) [ 2] count: 12, width: 46 us [39;52] ( 46 S) [ 3] count: 7, width: 68 us [60;80] ( 68 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 148 us [148;148] ( 148 S) [ 5] count: 8, width: 29 us [29;31] ( 29 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 110 us [110;110] ( 110 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 84, width: 10 us [9;12] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 14, width: 19 us [17;22] ( 19 S) [ 3] count: 3, width: 67 us [62;71] ( 67 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 131 us [131;131] ( 131 S) [ 5] count: 10, width: 41 us [38;50] ( 41 S) [ 6] count: 11, width: 30 us [28;32] ( 30 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 7 us [7;7] ( 7 S) [ 8] count: 2, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 15902, 15 RSSI: -0.1 dB SNR: 30.3 dB Noise: -30.4 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -10404, -5741 (-158.8 kHz, -87.6 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:01 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 18, width: 0.29 ms ( 288 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 1, width: 5 us [5;5] ( 5 S) [ 2] count: 12, width: 14 us [12;16] ( 14 S) [ 3] count: 1, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 11 us [11;11] ( 11 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 18 us [18;18] ( 18 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 2, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 1] count: 9, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 2] count: 2, width: 7 us [7;8] ( 7 S) [ 3] count: 3, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 2, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 1] count: 2, width: 12 us [11;13] ( 12 S) [ 2] count: 12, width: 19 us [17;21] ( 19 S) [ 3] count: 1, width: 5 us [5;5] ( 5 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 11, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 2] count: 12, width: 14 us [12;16] ( 14 S) [ 3] count: 1, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 11 us [11;11] ( 11 S) [ 5] count: 4, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 18 us [18;18] ( 18 S) [ 7] count: 2, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 8] count: 2, width: 7 us [7;8] ( 7 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 1000, 38 RSSI: -12.1 dB SNR: 14.2 dB Noise: -26.3 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -2509, 20971 (-38.3 kHz, +320.0 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:04 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 110, width: 12.02 ms (12018 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 5, width: 24 us [22;28] ( 24 S) [ 2] count: 8, width: 17 us [14;19] ( 17 S) [ 3] count: 42, width: 57 us [50;59] ( 57 S) [ 4] count: 2, width: 10 us [9;11] ( 10 S) [ 5] count: 13, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 6] count: 4, width: 117 us [116;122] ( 117 S) [ 7] count: 3, width: 31 us [31;32] ( 31 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 84 us [84;84] ( 84 S) [ 9] count: 3, width: 185 us [174;196] ( 185 S) [10] count: 5, width: 7 us [7;8] ( 7 S) [11] count: 20, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [12] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [13] count: 2, width: 5 us [5;5] ( 5 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 5, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 14, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 2] count: 36, width: 58 us [54;60] ( 58 S) [ 3] count: 4, width: 174 us [174;175] ( 174 S) [ 4] count: 3, width: 232 us [232;233] ( 232 S) [ 5] count: 6, width: 116 us [116;117] ( 116 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 466 us [466;466] ( 466 S) [ 7] count: 2, width: 349 us [349;349] ( 349 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 930 us [930;930] ( 930 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 1396 us [1396;1396] (1396 S) [10] count: 3, width: 23 us [22;24] ( 23 S) [11] count: 4, width: 12 us [11;14] ( 12 S) [12] count: 4, width: 6 us [6;7] ( 6 S) [13] count: 9, width: 8 us [8;9] ( 8 S) [14] count: 7, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [15] count: 8, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 6, width: 25 us [23;29] ( 25 S) [ 2] count: 10, width: 18 us [15;20] ( 18 S) [ 3] count: 6, width: 76 us [65;90] ( 76 S) [ 4] count: 28, width: 116 us [114;118] ( 116 S) [ 5] count: 3, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 6] count: 13, width: 190 us [174;232] ( 190 S) [ 7] count: 4, width: 33 us [32;37] ( 33 S) [ 8] count: 4, width: 306 us [290;356] ( 306 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 523 us [523;523] ( 523 S) [10] count: 2, width: 406 us [406;407] ( 406 S) [11] count: 2, width: 53 us [51;55] ( 53 S) [12] count: 1, width: 1046 us [1046;1046] (1046 S) [13] count: 1, width: 1454 us [1454;1454] (1454 S) [14] count: 2, width: 7 us [7;7] ( 7 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 9, width: 24 us [22;29] ( 24 S) [ 2] count: 9, width: 16 us [14;19] ( 16 S) [ 3] count: 78, width: 57 us [50;60] ( 57 S) [ 4] count: 14, width: 9 us [8;12] ( 9 S) [ 5] count: 19, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 6] count: 10, width: 117 us [116;122] ( 117 S) [ 7] count: 3, width: 31 us [31;32] ( 31 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 84 us [84;84] ( 84 S) [ 9] count: 7, width: 178 us [174;196] ( 178 S) [10] count: 9, width: 7 us [6;8] ( 7 S) [11] count: 34, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [12] count: 9, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [13] count: 2, width: 5 us [5;5] ( 5 S) [14] count: 3, width: 232 us [232;233] ( 232 S) [15] count: 1, width: 466 us [466;466] ( 466 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 1000, 20 RSSI: -12.1 dB SNR: 17.0 dB Noise: -29.1 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -5167, -2 (-78.8 kHz, -0.0 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:06 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 84, width: 3.00 ms ( 2997 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 1, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 2] count: 52, width: 9 us [9;11] ( 9 S) [ 3] count: 10, width: 18 us [18;21] ( 18 S) [ 4] count: 4, width: 64 us [58;70] ( 64 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 110 us [110;110] ( 110 S) [ 6] count: 8, width: 29 us [29;30] ( 29 S) [ 7] count: 6, width: 39 us [38;40] ( 39 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 49 us [49;49] ( 49 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 52, width: 10 us [9;14] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 6, width: 40 us [39;41] ( 40 S) [ 3] count: 7, width: 30 us [29;31] ( 30 S) [ 4] count: 15, width: 19 us [18;22] ( 19 S) [ 5] count: 2, width: 50 us [50;51] ( 50 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 38, width: 20 us [17;21] ( 20 S) [ 2] count: 20, width: 44 us [39;51] ( 44 S) [ 3] count: 7, width: 75 us [69;80] ( 75 S) [ 4] count: 11, width: 30 us [29;31] ( 30 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 120 us [120;120] ( 120 S) [ 6] count: 5, width: 59 us [59;61] ( 59 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 1, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 2] count: 104, width: 10 us [9;12] ( 10 S) [ 3] count: 25, width: 19 us [18;22] ( 19 S) [ 4] count: 4, width: 64 us [58;70] ( 64 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 110 us [110;110] ( 110 S) [ 6] count: 15, width: 29 us [29;31] ( 29 S) [ 7] count: 12, width: 39 us [38;41] ( 39 S) [ 8] count: 3, width: 50 us [49;51] ( 50 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [10] count: 1, width: 14 us [14;14] ( 14 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 3559, 16 RSSI: -6.6 dB SNR: 23.5 dB Noise: -30.1 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: 7159, 11571 (+109.2 kHz, +176.6 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:06 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 301, width: 11.89 ms (11888 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 2] count: 159, width: 9 us [8;11] ( 9 S) [ 3] count: 61, width: 18 us [17;21] ( 18 S) [ 4] count: 8, width: 68 us [58;80] ( 68 S) [ 5] count: 24, width: 42 us [38;51] ( 42 S) [ 6] count: 45, width: 29 us [27;31] ( 29 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 120 us [120;120] ( 120 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 12 us [12;12] ( 12 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 146, width: 10 us [9;15] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 27, width: 39 us [32;42] ( 39 S) [ 3] count: 70, width: 19 us [18;22] ( 19 S) [ 4] count: 13, width: 53 us [49;61] ( 53 S) [ 5] count: 34, width: 29 us [28;31] ( 29 S) [ 6] count: 5, width: 75 us [70;81] ( 75 S) [ 7] count: 4, width: 13 us [13;13] ( 13 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 88, width: 20 us [17;22] ( 20 S) [ 2] count: 57, width: 53 us [48;61] ( 53 S) [ 3] count: 32, width: 78 us [68;91] ( 78 S) [ 4] count: 62, width: 29 us [28;32] ( 29 S) [ 5] count: 57, width: 39 us [38;42] ( 39 S) [ 6] count: 2, width: 110 us [110;110] ( 110 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 150 us [150;150] ( 150 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 2, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 2] count: 309, width: 10 us [8;13] ( 10 S) [ 3] count: 132, width: 19 us [15;22] ( 19 S) [ 4] count: 17, width: 68 us [58;81] ( 68 S) [ 5] count: 48, width: 40 us [33;49] ( 40 S) [ 6] count: 81, width: 29 us [27;32] ( 29 S) [ 7] count: 11, width: 50 us [49;51] ( 50 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 120 us [120;120] ( 120 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 3492, 35 RSSI: -6.7 dB SNR: 20.0 dB Noise: -26.7 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: 6928, 11558 (+105.7 kHz, +176.4 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:08 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 88, width: 2.44 ms ( 2445 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 4, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 2] count: 68, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 3] count: 9, width: 5 us [5;5] ( 5 S) [ 4] count: 2, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 5] count: 3, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 7 us [7;7] ( 7 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 5, width: 8 us [7;9] ( 8 S) [ 1] count: 22, width: 16 us [13;19] ( 16 S) [ 2] count: 6, width: 58 us [53;66] ( 58 S) [ 3] count: 7, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 4] count: 4, width: 98 us [85;117] ( 98 S) [ 5] count: 6, width: 20 us [20;23] ( 20 S) [ 6] count: 3, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 7] count: 2, width: 76 us [76;77] ( 76 S) [ 8] count: 12, width: 28 us [25;32] ( 28 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 142 us [142;142] ( 142 S) [10] count: 6, width: 38 us [36;44] ( 38 S) [11] count: 2, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [12] count: 3, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [13] count: 6, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [14] count: 2, width: 12 us [12;12] ( 12 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 8, width: 9 us [8;11] ( 9 S) [ 1] count: 23, width: 19 us [16;23] ( 19 S) [ 2] count: 6, width: 61 us [55;70] ( 61 S) [ 3] count: 14, width: 29 us [24;34] ( 29 S) [ 4] count: 6, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 5] count: 5, width: 14 us [12;15] ( 14 S) [ 6] count: 2, width: 112 us [103;122] ( 112 S) [ 7] count: 3, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 8] count: 4, width: 84 us [77;96] ( 84 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 144 us [144;144] ( 144 S) [10] count: 7, width: 39 us [34;46] ( 39 S) [11] count: 4, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [12] count: 4, width: 7 us [7;7] ( 7 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 6, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 2] count: 75, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 3] count: 15, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 4] count: 5, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 5] count: 6, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 6] count: 4, width: 7 us [7;8] ( 7 S) [ 7] count: 3, width: 9 us [9;9] ( 9 S) [ 8] count: 22, width: 16 us [13;19] ( 16 S) [ 9] count: 6, width: 58 us [53;66] ( 58 S) [10] count: 4, width: 98 us [85;117] ( 98 S) [11] count: 6, width: 20 us [20;23] ( 20 S) [12] count: 2, width: 76 us [76;77] ( 76 S) [13] count: 12, width: 28 us [25;32] ( 28 S) [14] count: 1, width: 142 us [142;142] ( 142 S) [15] count: 6, width: 38 us [36;44] ( 38 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 1866, 22 RSSI: -9.4 dB SNR: 19.3 dB Noise: -28.7 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -26226, -9201 (-400.2 kHz, -140.4 kHz) Guessing modulation: Pulse Code Modulation (Not Return to Zero) Attempting demodulation... short_width: 1, long_width: 1, reset_limit: 1024, sync_width: 0 Use a flex decoder with -X 'n=name,m=FSK_PCM,s=1,l=1,r=1024' pulse_demod_pcm(): Analyzer Device bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 1 [00] {2048} 00 70 00 07 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 c0 00 0e 00 01 f0 00 01 80 01 80 00 19 80 03 e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 00 06 00 00 c0 00 0c 00 03 00 00 0d 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 80 00 3e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 00 03 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 0c 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 8c 00 00 00 03 e0 30 00 00 01 8c 00 04 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 66 c0 00 00 00 cf 86 00 0f 06 00 00 00 07 f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 00 00 01 80 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 00 1e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 03 00 01 80 00 00 00 03 00 00 01 80 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 01 87 c0 00 01 80 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 80 00 00 36 00 00 0c 00 0c 30 00 00 00 00 03 00 Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:08 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 85, width: 2.30 ms ( 2296 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 13, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 2] count: 14, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 3] count: 55, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 8 us [8;8] ( 8 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 6, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 1] count: 7, width: 37 us [31;47] ( 37 S) [ 2] count: 26, width: 17 us [14;20] ( 17 S) [ 3] count: 4, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 4] count: 6, width: 12 us [10;14] ( 12 S) [ 5] count: 8, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 6] count: 5, width: 77 us [68;86] ( 77 S) [ 7] count: 8, width: 25 us [23;29] ( 25 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 9] count: 2, width: 7 us [7;8] ( 7 S) [10] count: 1, width: 130 us [130;130] ( 130 S) [11] count: 2, width: 173 us [169;177] ( 173 S) [12] count: 2, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [13] count: 4, width: 53 us [49;63] ( 53 S) [14] count: 2, width: 9 us [9;9] ( 9 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 7, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 1] count: 6, width: 37 us [32;42] ( 37 S) [ 2] count: 24, width: 19 us [17;23] ( 19 S) [ 3] count: 8, width: 14 us [12;15] ( 14 S) [ 4] count: 6, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 5] count: 6, width: 76 us [66;87] ( 76 S) [ 6] count: 8, width: 27 us [24;30] ( 27 S) [ 7] count: 2, width: 7 us [7;8] ( 7 S) [ 8] count: 5, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 9] count: 4, width: 50 us [50;53] ( 50 S) [10] count: 1, width: 131 us [131;131] ( 131 S) [11] count: 2, width: 175 us [170;180] ( 175 S) [12] count: 4, width: 9 us [9;11] ( 9 S) [13] count: 1, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 17, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 2] count: 16, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 3] count: 64, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 4] count: 4, width: 7 us [6;8] ( 7 S) [ 5] count: 2, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 6] count: 5, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 7] count: 7, width: 37 us [31;47] ( 37 S) [ 8] count: 26, width: 17 us [14;20] ( 17 S) [ 9] count: 6, width: 12 us [10;14] ( 12 S) [10] count: 5, width: 77 us [68;86] ( 77 S) [11] count: 8, width: 25 us [23;29] ( 25 S) [12] count: 1, width: 130 us [130;130] ( 130 S) [13] count: 2, width: 173 us [169;177] ( 173 S) [14] count: 4, width: 53 us [49;63] ( 53 S) [15] count: 2, width: 9 us [9;9] ( 9 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 2148, 27 RSSI: -8.8 dB SNR: 19.0 dB Noise: -27.8 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -25900, -9975 (-395.2 kHz, -152.2 kHz) Guessing modulation: Pulse Code Modulation (Not Return to Zero) Attempting demodulation... short_width: 1, long_width: 1, reset_limit: 1024, sync_width: 0 Use a flex decoder with -X 'n=name,m=FSK_PCM,s=1,l=1,r=1024' pulse_demod_pcm(): Analyzer Device bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 1 [00] {2048} 03 00 00 00 00 01 80 00 1c e0 01 c0 00 30 00 00 00 00 0e 00 00 10 00 0b 00 00 80 00 08 00 00 80 00 10 00 00 80 00 04 00 00 40 00 03 80 00 00 00 04 00 00 40 00 04 00 01 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 0e 00 04 00 00 04 00 10 00 85 80 04 00 00 01 01 03 b0 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 c0 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ec 00 00 00 00 40 00 22 00 00 40 00 2c c0 00 10 40 00 00 00 17 f8 00 08 20 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 02 00 04 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 04 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 16 00 00 00 73 c1 00 00 00 20 00 40 00 00 08 00 00 01 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 01 80 00 00 38 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 04 00 00 Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ time : 2024-01-02 18:48:20 model : Fineoffset-WH24 ID : 49 Battery : 1 Temperature: 11.7 C Humidity : 87 % Wind direction: 123 Wind speed: 2.1 m/s Gust speed: 2.2 m/s Rainfall : 2838.6 mm UV : 2 UVI : 0 Light : 0.0 lux Integrity : CRC Analyzing pulses... Total count: 94, width: 12.01 ms (12007 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 38, width: 57 us [50;68] ( 57 S) [ 2] count: 17, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 3] count: 2, width: 16 us [15;17] ( 16 S) [ 4] count: 2, width: 41 us [41;42] ( 41 S) [ 5] count: 5, width: 113 us [104;116] ( 113 S) [ 6] count: 5, width: 222 us [173;263] ( 222 S) [ 7] count: 3, width: 23 us [20;27] ( 23 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 73 us [73;73] ( 73 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 148 us [148;148] ( 148 S) [10] count: 2, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [11] count: 6, width: 8 us [8;9] ( 8 S) [12] count: 1, width: 5 us [5;5] ( 5 S) [13] count: 9, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [14] count: 1, width: 30 us [30;30] ( 30 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 33, width: 58 us [56;64] ( 58 S) [ 2] count: 10, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 3] count: 4, width: 174 us [173;175] ( 174 S) [ 4] count: 3, width: 232 us [232;233] ( 232 S) [ 5] count: 4, width: 116 us [115;117] ( 116 S) [ 6] count: 3, width: 349 us [349;349] ( 349 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 873 us [873;873] ( 873 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 1454 us [1454;1454] (1454 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 91 us [91;91] ( 91 S) [10] count: 2, width: 40 us [36;44] ( 40 S) [11] count: 3, width: 24 us [21;27] ( 24 S) [12] count: 2, width: 12 us [12;13] ( 12 S) [13] count: 6, width: 9 us [9;9] ( 9 S) [14] count: 7, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [15] count: 6, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 28, width: 115 us [100;118] ( 115 S) [ 2] count: 5, width: 52 us [45;58] ( 52 S) [ 3] count: 5, width: 16 us [15;19] ( 16 S) [ 4] count: 6, width: 230 us [212;243] ( 230 S) [ 5] count: 4, width: 174 us [174;175] ( 174 S) [ 6] count: 5, width: 302 us [289;354] ( 302 S) [ 7] count: 3, width: 75 us [73;78] ( 75 S) [ 8] count: 3, width: 392 us [381;406] ( 392 S) [ 9] count: 6, width: 26 us [23;30] ( 26 S) [10] count: 1, width: 582 us [582;582] ( 582 S) [11] count: 1, width: 989 us [989;989] ( 989 S) [12] count: 1, width: 1458 us [1458;1458] (1458 S) [13] count: 3, width: 38 us [33;44] ( 38 S) [14] count: 6, width: 10 us [10;11] ( 10 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 71, width: 58 us [50;68] ( 58 S) [ 2] count: 27, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 3] count: 5, width: 15 us [13;18] ( 15 S) [ 4] count: 4, width: 40 us [36;44] ( 40 S) [ 5] count: 9, width: 114 us [104;117] ( 114 S) [ 6] count: 8, width: 226 us [173;263] ( 226 S) [ 7] count: 6, width: 24 us [20;27] ( 24 S) [ 8] count: 2, width: 82 us [73;91] ( 82 S) [ 9] count: 5, width: 169 us [148;175] ( 169 S) [10] count: 9, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [11] count: 14, width: 8 us [7;9] ( 8 S) [12] count: 4, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [13] count: 10, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [14] count: 1, width: 30 us [30;30] ( 30 S) [15] count: 3, width: 349 us [349;349] ( 349 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 1000, 26 RSSI: -12.1 dB SNR: 15.9 dB Noise: -28.0 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -6241, -1526 (-95.2 kHz, -23.3 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:36 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 192, width: 4.41 ms ( 4411 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 118, width: 6 us [6;9] ( 6 S) [ 2] count: 38, width: 12 us [11;14] ( 12 S) [ 3] count: 3, width: 43 us [39;46] ( 43 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 99 us [99;99] ( 99 S) [ 5] count: 3, width: 33 us [33;33] ( 33 S) [ 6] count: 16, width: 18 us [18;20] ( 18 S) [ 7] count: 10, width: 25 us [25;26] ( 25 S) [ 8] count: 2, width: 8 us [8;8] ( 8 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 83, width: 6 us [6;7] ( 6 S) [ 2] count: 40, width: 8 us [8;9] ( 8 S) [ 3] count: 26, width: 21 us [19;27] ( 21 S) [ 4] count: 31, width: 13 us [12;15] ( 13 S) [ 5] count: 7, width: 35 us [33;40] ( 35 S) [ 6] count: 2, width: 60 us [54;67] ( 60 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 28 us [28;28] ( 28 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 86, width: 13 us [13;16] ( 13 S) [ 2] count: 45, width: 29 us [26;34] ( 29 S) [ 3] count: 18, width: 44 us [39;54] ( 44 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 125 us [125;125] ( 125 S) [ 5] count: 36, width: 20 us [19;21] ( 20 S) [ 6] count: 2, width: 59 us [59;59] ( 59 S) [ 7] count: 2, width: 79 us [79;80] ( 79 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 201, width: 6 us [6;9] ( 6 S) [ 2] count: 65, width: 12 us [11;14] ( 12 S) [ 3] count: 10, width: 37 us [33;46] ( 37 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 99 us [99;99] ( 99 S) [ 5] count: 19, width: 26 us [25;33] ( 26 S) [ 6] count: 38, width: 19 us [15;21] ( 19 S) [ 7] count: 42, width: 8 us [8;9] ( 8 S) [ 8] count: 2, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 9] count: 3, width: 15 us [15;15] ( 15 S) [10] count: 2, width: 60 us [54;67] ( 60 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 15880, 20 RSSI: -0.1 dB SNR: 29.0 dB Noise: -29.1 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: 6062, 11970 (+92.5 kHz, +182.7 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:36 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 71, width: 2.35 ms ( 2348 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 44, width: 10 us [9;13] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 9, width: 19 us [19;20] ( 19 S) [ 3] count: 3, width: 67 us [61;70] ( 67 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 130 us [130;130] ( 130 S) [ 5] count: 5, width: 30 us [30;31] ( 30 S) [ 6] count: 3, width: 50 us [50;50] ( 50 S) [ 7] count: 2, width: 40 us [40;40] ( 40 S) [ 8] count: 2, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 47, width: 9 us [9;11] ( 9 S) [ 2] count: 2, width: 39 us [38;41] ( 39 S) [ 3] count: 6, width: 29 us [28;30] ( 29 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 49 us [49;49] ( 49 S) [ 5] count: 11, width: 19 us [19;20] ( 19 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 35, width: 20 us [19;23] ( 20 S) [ 2] count: 15, width: 43 us [39;51] ( 43 S) [ 3] count: 4, width: 77 us [69;90] ( 77 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 160 us [160;160] ( 160 S) [ 5] count: 9, width: 29 us [28;31] ( 29 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 110 us [110;110] ( 110 S) [ 7] count: 2, width: 60 us [60;61] ( 60 S) [ 8] count: 2, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 91, width: 10 us [9;13] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 20, width: 19 us [19;20] ( 19 S) [ 3] count: 3, width: 67 us [61;70] ( 67 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 130 us [130;130] ( 130 S) [ 5] count: 11, width: 29 us [28;31] ( 29 S) [ 6] count: 8, width: 44 us [38;50] ( 44 S) [ 7] count: 3, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 8] count: 2, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 9] count: 2, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 15872, 16 RSSI: -0.1 dB SNR: 30.0 dB Noise: -30.1 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -10155, -6637 (-155.0 kHz, -101.3 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:36 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 69, width: 2.18 ms ( 2181 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 49, width: 10 us [9;13] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 9, width: 19 us [18;20] ( 19 S) [ 3] count: 2, width: 65 us [60;70] ( 65 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 129 us [129;129] ( 129 S) [ 5] count: 5, width: 44 us [40;51] ( 44 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 30 us [30;30] ( 30 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 6 us [6;6] ( 6 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 48, width: 10 us [9;11] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 2, width: 39 us [39;40] ( 39 S) [ 3] count: 5, width: 29 us [29;31] ( 29 S) [ 4] count: 9, width: 19 us [19;20] ( 19 S) [ 5] count: 2, width: 49 us [49;50] ( 49 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 36, width: 20 us [19;23] ( 20 S) [ 2] count: 10, width: 54 us [49;61] ( 54 S) [ 3] count: 1, width: 79 us [79;79] ( 79 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 148 us [148;148] ( 148 S) [ 5] count: 12, width: 29 us [29;31] ( 29 S) [ 6] count: 5, width: 40 us [39;41] ( 40 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 110 us [110;110] ( 110 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 10 us [10;10] ( 10 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 97, width: 10 us [9;13] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 18, width: 19 us [18;20] ( 19 S) [ 3] count: 2, width: 65 us [60;70] ( 65 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 129 us [129;129] ( 129 S) [ 5] count: 9, width: 44 us [39;51] ( 44 S) [ 6] count: 6, width: 29 us [29;31] ( 29 S) [ 7] count: 2, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 15945, 20 RSSI: -0.1 dB SNR: 29.0 dB Noise: -29.1 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -10286, -6130 (-157.0 kHz, -93.5 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:36 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ time : 2024-01-02 18:48:36 model : Fineoffset-WH24 ID : 49 Battery : 1 Temperature: 11.7 C Humidity : 87 % Wind direction: 175 Wind speed: 2.2 m/s Gust speed: 3.4 m/s Rainfall : 2838.6 mm UV : 2 UVI : 0 Light : 0.0 lux Integrity : CRC Analyzing pulses... Total count: 119, width: 12.00 ms (12001 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 33, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 2] count: 15, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 3] count: 3, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 4] count: 2, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 5] count: 39, width: 57 us [49;71] ( 57 S) [ 6] count: 7, width: 113 us [95;125] ( 113 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 173 us [173;173] ( 173 S) [ 8] count: 5, width: 7 us [7;8] ( 7 S) [ 9] count: 2, width: 232 us [232;233] ( 232 S) [10] count: 1, width: 45 us [45;45] ( 45 S) [11] count: 4, width: 13 us [13;15] ( 13 S) [12] count: 2, width: 5 us [5;5] ( 5 S) [13] count: 1, width: 9 us [9;9] ( 9 S) [14] count: 2, width: 20 us [19;21] ( 20 S) [15] count: 1, width: 32 us [32;32] ( 32 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 5, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 14, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 2] count: 8, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 3] count: 22, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 5 us [5;5] ( 5 S) [ 5] count: 33, width: 57 us [47;62] ( 57 S) [ 6] count: 4, width: 174 us [173;175] ( 174 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 233 us [233;233] ( 233 S) [ 8] count: 7, width: 116 us [112;120] ( 116 S) [ 9] count: 2, width: 349 us [349;349] ( 349 S) [10] count: 1, width: 581 us [581;581] ( 581 S) [11] count: 1, width: 870 us [870;870] ( 870 S) [12] count: 1, width: 1681 us [1681;1681] (1681 S) [13] count: 5, width: 23 us [21;26] ( 23 S) [14] count: 1, width: 88 us [88;88] ( 88 S) [15] count: 2, width: 35 us [35;35] ( 35 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 4, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 33, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 2] count: 2, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 3] count: 6, width: 54 us [46;65] ( 54 S) [ 4] count: 32, width: 116 us [112;129] ( 116 S) [ 5] count: 3, width: 231 us [231;232] ( 231 S) [ 6] count: 7, width: 174 us [169;179] ( 174 S) [ 7] count: 3, width: 292 us [289;298] ( 292 S) [ 8] count: 2, width: 610 us [582;638] ( 610 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 406 us [406;406] ( 406 S) [10] count: 1, width: 986 us [986;986] ( 986 S) [11] count: 1, width: 1740 us [1740;1740] (1740 S) [12] count: 5, width: 15 us [14;17] ( 15 S) [13] count: 2, width: 90 us [89;92] ( 90 S) [14] count: 3, width: 42 us [40;43] ( 42 S) [15] count: 3, width: 31 us [27;33] ( 31 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 47, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 2] count: 20, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 3] count: 25, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 4] count: 10, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 5] count: 72, width: 57 us [47;71] ( 57 S) [ 6] count: 14, width: 114 us [95;125] ( 114 S) [ 7] count: 5, width: 173 us [173;175] ( 173 S) [ 8] count: 8, width: 7 us [7;8] ( 7 S) [ 9] count: 3, width: 232 us [232;233] ( 232 S) [10] count: 1, width: 45 us [45;45] ( 45 S) [11] count: 7, width: 13 us [12;16] ( 13 S) [12] count: 4, width: 5 us [5;5] ( 5 S) [13] count: 4, width: 9 us [9;9] ( 9 S) [14] count: 7, width: 21 us [18;24] ( 21 S) [15] count: 4, width: 32 us [26;35] ( 32 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 1000, 29 RSSI: -12.1 dB SNR: 15.4 dB Noise: -27.5 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -5414, -248 (-82.6 kHz, -3.8 kHz) Guessing modulation: Pulse Code Modulation (Not Return to Zero) Attempting demodulation... short_width: 1, long_width: 1, reset_limit: 1024, sync_width: 0 Use a flex decoder with -X 'n=name,m=FSK_PCM,s=1,l=1,r=1024' pulse_demod_pcm(): Analyzer Device bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 1 [00] {2048} 2c 61 e7 31 d0 65 86 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 ff ff ff ff ff ff fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3f ff ff ff ff ff ff e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 ff ff ff ff ff ff fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3f ff ff ff ff ff ff f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1f ff ff ff ff ff ff f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 3f ff ff ff ff ff ff f8 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 ff ff ff ff ff ff f8 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 0f ff ff ff ff ff ff f8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 1f ff ff ff ff ff ff f8 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 0f ff ff ff ff ff ff fc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff e0 00 pulse_demod_pcm(): Analyzer Device bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 1 [00] {1324} ff ff ff ff ff ff ff c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ff ff ff ff ff f7 ff c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 ef ff 9f ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff c0 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff f0 00 00 7f 80 00 00 00 0f f8 00 00 07 ff ff 7f ff 7f ff fc 00 21 08 42 00 84 01 08 43 18 84 21 88 63 18 c2 10 84 21 00 42 00 00 7f 84 00 03 7f fc 06 f8 00 00 10 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 7f 80 ff ff ff ff 00 ff 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 1e 00 Detected OOK package 2024-01-02 18:48:37 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 1, width: 0.01 ms ( 10 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 10 us [10;10] ( 10 S) Gap width distribution: Pulse period distribution: Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 10 us [10;10] ( 10 S) [ 1] count: 1, width: 10001 us [10001;10001] (10001 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 1829, 234 RSSI: -9.5 dB SNR: 8.9 dB Noise: -18.5 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -225, 0 (-3.4 kHz, +0.0 kHz) Guessing modulation: Single pulse detected. Probably Frequency Shift Keying or just noise... view at https://triq.org/pdv/#AAB102000A27118155 Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:39 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 115, width: 2.43 ms ( 2429 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 5, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 2] count: 3, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 3] count: 23, width: 13 us [11;16] ( 13 S) [ 4] count: 19, width: 19 us [15;25] ( 19 S) [ 5] count: 8, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 6] count: 20, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 7] count: 8, width: 62 us [53;75] ( 62 S) [ 8] count: 7, width: 46 us [40;56] ( 46 S) [ 9] count: 8, width: 35 us [30;42] ( 35 S) [10] count: 4, width: 28 us [28;30] ( 28 S) [11] count: 8, width: 8 us [7;9] ( 8 S) [12] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 40, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 23, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 2] count: 13, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 3] count: 16, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 4] count: 17, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 5] count: 4, width: 7 us [7;8] ( 7 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 9 us [9;9] ( 9 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 17, width: 5 us [5;8] ( 5 S) [ 2] count: 24, width: 16 us [13;19] ( 16 S) [ 3] count: 9, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 4] count: 18, width: 21 us [19;26] ( 21 S) [ 5] count: 5, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 6] count: 6, width: 69 us [60;80] ( 69 S) [ 7] count: 9, width: 28 us [25;33] ( 28 S) [ 8] count: 8, width: 50 us [42;62] ( 50 S) [ 9] count: 7, width: 38 us [33;44] ( 38 S) [10] count: 8, width: 10 us [9;11] ( 10 S) [11] count: 2, width: 8 us [8;8] ( 8 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 28, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 2] count: 20, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 3] count: 23, width: 13 us [11;16] ( 13 S) [ 4] count: 19, width: 19 us [15;25] ( 19 S) [ 5] count: 24, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 6] count: 61, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 7] count: 8, width: 62 us [53;75] ( 62 S) [ 8] count: 7, width: 46 us [40;56] ( 46 S) [ 9] count: 8, width: 35 us [30;42] ( 35 S) [10] count: 4, width: 28 us [28;30] ( 28 S) [11] count: 13, width: 8 us [7;9] ( 8 S) [12] count: 14, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 1083, 39 RSSI: -11.8 dB SNR: 14.4 dB Noise: -26.2 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: 1353, 23063 (+20.6 kHz, +351.9 kHz) Guessing modulation: Pulse Code Modulation (Not Return to Zero) Attempting demodulation... short_width: 1, long_width: 1, reset_limit: 1024, sync_width: 0 Use a flex decoder with -X 'n=name,m=FSK_PCM,s=1,l=1,r=1024' pulse_demod_pcm(): Analyzer Device bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 1 [00] {2048} 3f 20 ff f9 3f ff e1 ff f0 47 ff 39 ff ff 3f ff 86 ff f8 3f ff 31 ff f8 1f ff 03 ff ff 7f ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff f0 6f ff cf ff f0 3f ff 9f ff fe 0f ff cf ff ff ff ff ff ff f3 ff ff e1 ff fc ff ff ff ff fc cf ff ff ff ff fc ff f8 7f ff ff ff ef ff fe 3f ff ff ff ff ff f3 07 ff ff 1f ff ff fe fb ff fc 1f ff f7 3f cf f9 fe 3f ff ff ff 18 0f 3f ff ff ff fe 1f fe 01 ff ff ff e7 ff ff ff ff ff c1 ff c7 ff ff ff e7 ff c0 3f ff ff ff ff ff 87 ff fb 87 ff ff f3 81 9f ff ff ff fc 7f ff f0 7f ff ff ff ff cf 8f ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 3f ff ff ff df ff ff ff ff e7 ff ff 39 8f ff ff ff ff ff ff ff c0 ff ff 03 ff f0 67 0f ff ff ff fe ff 81 c3 ff fc 63 ff ff ff ff ff 8e 67 ff fe ff ff fc 3f c1 b0 fc c7 ff ff ff ff ff ff f0 7f ff ff ff ff ff ff ff e1 bf ff fe 7f 83 7f ff ff Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:39 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 161, width: 2.22 ms ( 2218 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 6, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 2] count: 24, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 3] count: 34, width: 15 us [13;18] ( 15 S) [ 4] count: 39, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 5] count: 8, width: 19 us [18;23] ( 19 S) [ 6] count: 8, width: 39 us [33;44] ( 39 S) [ 7] count: 8, width: 11 us [9;12] ( 11 S) [ 8] count: 4, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 9] count: 20, width: 6 us [5;9] ( 6 S) [10] count: 3, width: 27 us [25;30] ( 27 S) [11] count: 5, width: 58 us [53;62] ( 58 S) [12] count: 1, width: 75 us [75;75] ( 75 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 47, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 56, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 2] count: 16, width: 5 us [5;7] ( 5 S) [ 3] count: 28, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 4] count: 11, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 5] count: 2, width: 7 us [7;8] ( 7 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 2, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 18, width: 9 us [8;11] ( 9 S) [ 2] count: 40, width: 18 us [15;22] ( 18 S) [ 3] count: 19, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 4] count: 27, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 5] count: 7, width: 26 us [22;31] ( 26 S) [ 6] count: 8, width: 42 us [36;48] ( 42 S) [ 7] count: 7, width: 13 us [12;14] ( 13 S) [ 8] count: 19, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 9] count: 8, width: 7 us [7;8] ( 7 S) [10] count: 5, width: 61 us [55;70] ( 61 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 62, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 2] count: 52, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 3] count: 34, width: 15 us [13;18] ( 15 S) [ 4] count: 86, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 5] count: 8, width: 19 us [18;23] ( 19 S) [ 6] count: 8, width: 39 us [33;44] ( 39 S) [ 7] count: 8, width: 11 us [9;12] ( 11 S) [ 8] count: 15, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 9] count: 18, width: 7 us [6;9] ( 7 S) [10] count: 21, width: 5 us [5;7] ( 5 S) [11] count: 3, width: 27 us [25;30] ( 27 S) [12] count: 5, width: 58 us [53;62] ( 58 S) [13] count: 1, width: 75 us [75;75] ( 75 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 1068, 35 RSSI: -11.9 dB SNR: 14.8 dB Noise: -26.7 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: 3813, 24499 (+58.2 kHz, +373.8 kHz) Guessing modulation: Pulse Code Modulation (Not Return to Zero) Attempting demodulation... short_width: 1, long_width: 1, reset_limit: 1024, sync_width: 0 Use a flex decoder with -X 'n=name,m=FSK_PCM,s=1,l=1,r=1024' pulse_demod_pcm(): Analyzer Device bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 1 [00] {2048} 2e 03 ff fe ff fe 03 ff e0 ef ff c1 ff fc 7f ff b7 ff e3 ff ff 03 ff ff ff ff cf ff fc 7f ff b3 ff fc 9f ff 3b ff f8 ff ff 08 ff fe ef ff 7f ff e1 ef ff ce ff f3 8f ff 10 ff f8 9f ff 87 ff fe 7f ff cf 7f f8 37 ff ff ff ff ff 3b ff ff ff ff ff 37 ff fe ff 87 ff fd f9 37 f3 07 ff e0 ef ff ff ff ff 3f 31 b8 ff e3 c0 c7 19 dd b1 b1 c7 7f e1 df ff ff ff ff 83 8f ef ff ff f9 fc 18 38 ff ff 7f ff 1d fc db ff ff c0 ff 33 bf ff 0e f3 ff ff ff f7 f3 ff 36 df ff cf df ff ff ff ff fc df ff 31 b0 1f e7 1f ff e6 df ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 80 60 ff fe 3f e7 ff ff fe 7f ff f9 8d be 63 ff ff ff ff ff ff e6 ff fe 07 ff f1 f9 ff ff ff ff ff ff fc fe fd be 1c 1d bf ff f1 ff ff e7 ff fe 6f ff ff ff f8 ff ff e6 fe ff ff c3 fc df 3f ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 0f f3 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 3b Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:40 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 34, width: 2.24 ms ( 2243 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 1, width: 14 us [14;14] ( 14 S) [ 2] count: 1, width: 11 us [11;11] ( 11 S) [ 3] count: 12, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 4] count: 7, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 5] count: 12, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 1] count: 1, width: 9 us [9;9] ( 9 S) [ 2] count: 1, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 3] count: 9, width: 16 us [15;19] ( 16 S) [ 4] count: 3, width: 38 us [38;39] ( 38 S) [ 5] count: 4, width: 58 us [49;68] ( 58 S) [ 6] count: 2, width: 78 us [78;79] ( 78 S) [ 7] count: 2, width: 21 us [20;22] ( 21 S) [ 8] count: 5, width: 115 us [99;129] ( 115 S) [ 9] count: 2, width: 329 us [299;359] ( 329 S) [10] count: 1, width: 150 us [150;150] ( 150 S) [11] count: 2, width: 29 us [29;29] ( 29 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 1] count: 12, width: 20 us [18;23] ( 20 S) [ 2] count: 1, width: 14 us [14;14] ( 14 S) [ 3] count: 4, width: 42 us [39;50] ( 42 S) [ 4] count: 3, width: 63 us [59;69] ( 63 S) [ 5] count: 2, width: 80 us [80;81] ( 80 S) [ 6] count: 5, width: 116 us [101;130] ( 116 S) [ 7] count: 2, width: 330 us [300;361] ( 330 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 151 us [151;151] ( 151 S) [ 9] count: 2, width: 30 us [30;30] ( 30 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 10, width: 16 us [14;19] ( 16 S) [ 2] count: 2, width: 10 us [9;11] ( 10 S) [ 3] count: 13, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 4] count: 7, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 5] count: 12, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 7] count: 3, width: 38 us [38;39] ( 38 S) [ 8] count: 4, width: 58 us [49;68] ( 58 S) [ 9] count: 2, width: 78 us [78;79] ( 78 S) [10] count: 2, width: 21 us [20;22] ( 21 S) [11] count: 6, width: 118 us [99;133] ( 118 S) [12] count: 2, width: 329 us [299;359] ( 329 S) [13] count: 1, width: 150 us [150;150] ( 150 S) [14] count: 2, width: 29 us [29;29] ( 29 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 15967, 23 RSSI: -0.1 dB SNR: 28.4 dB Noise: -28.5 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -26458, -11114 (-403.7 kHz, -169.6 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:40 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 25, width: 2.22 ms ( 2222 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 18, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 2] count: 3, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 3] count: 2, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 11 us [11;11] ( 11 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 7, width: 98 us [78;112] ( 98 S) [ 2] count: 8, width: 18 us [17;20] ( 18 S) [ 3] count: 3, width: 221 us [216;230] ( 221 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 379 us [379;379] ( 379 S) [ 5] count: 2, width: 30 us [29;32] ( 30 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 68 us [68;68] ( 68 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 169 us [169;169] ( 169 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 7, width: 99 us [81;113] ( 99 S) [ 2] count: 8, width: 20 us [18;22] ( 20 S) [ 3] count: 3, width: 222 us [217;231] ( 222 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 380 us [380;380] ( 380 S) [ 5] count: 2, width: 32 us [30;35] ( 32 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 69 us [69;69] ( 69 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 170 us [170;170] ( 170 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 19, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 2] count: 3, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 3] count: 3, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 11 us [11;11] ( 11 S) [ 5] count: 7, width: 98 us [78;112] ( 98 S) [ 6] count: 8, width: 18 us [17;20] ( 18 S) [ 7] count: 3, width: 221 us [216;230] ( 221 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 379 us [379;379] ( 379 S) [ 9] count: 2, width: 30 us [29;32] ( 30 S) [10] count: 1, width: 68 us [68;68] ( 68 S) [11] count: 1, width: 169 us [169;169] ( 169 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 15978, 19 RSSI: -0.1 dB SNR: 29.2 dB Noise: -29.4 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -27146, -5082 (-414.2 kHz, -77.5 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:44 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 145, width: 4.40 ms ( 4395 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 31, width: 16 us [14;19] ( 16 S) [ 2] count: 31, width: 37 us [31;48] ( 37 S) [ 3] count: 11, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 4] count: 2, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 5] count: 26, width: 25 us [22;29] ( 25 S) [ 6] count: 3, width: 11 us [11;12] ( 11 S) [ 7] count: 21, width: 54 us [48;66] ( 54 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 8 us [8;8] ( 8 S) [ 9] count: 6, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [10] count: 7, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [11] count: 3, width: 70 us [63;74] ( 70 S) [12] count: 1, width: 95 us [95;95] ( 95 S) [13] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 18, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 1] count: 24, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 2] count: 26, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 3] count: 41, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 4] count: 23, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 5] count: 12, width: 7 us [7;10] ( 7 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 8, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 1] count: 30, width: 19 us [17;23] ( 19 S) [ 2] count: 38, width: 38 us [31;50] ( 38 S) [ 3] count: 8, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 4] count: 16, width: 28 us [24;32] ( 28 S) [ 5] count: 4, width: 13 us [12;15] ( 13 S) [ 6] count: 24, width: 58 us [48;71] ( 58 S) [ 7] count: 7, width: 7 us [7;9] ( 7 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 10 us [10;10] ( 10 S) [ 9] count: 5, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [10] count: 2, width: 75 us [75;76] ( 75 S) [11] count: 1, width: 100 us [100;100] ( 100 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 31, width: 16 us [14;19] ( 16 S) [ 2] count: 31, width: 37 us [31;48] ( 37 S) [ 3] count: 53, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 4] count: 25, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 5] count: 26, width: 25 us [22;29] ( 25 S) [ 6] count: 6, width: 10 us [9;12] ( 10 S) [ 7] count: 21, width: 54 us [48;66] ( 54 S) [ 8] count: 15, width: 7 us [6;8] ( 7 S) [ 9] count: 19, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [10] count: 31, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [11] count: 3, width: 70 us [63;74] ( 70 S) [12] count: 1, width: 95 us [95;95] ( 95 S) [13] count: 27, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 7044, 22 RSSI: -3.7 dB SNR: 25.1 dB Noise: -28.7 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -1069, 20646 (-16.3 kHz, +315.0 kHz) Guessing modulation: Pulse Code Modulation (Not Return to Zero) Attempting demodulation... short_width: 1, long_width: 1, reset_limit: 1024, sync_width: 0 Use a flex decoder with -X 'n=name,m=FSK_PCM,s=1,l=1,r=1024' pulse_demod_pcm(): Analyzer Device bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 1 [00] {2048} 03 ff fc 7f ff ff ff fc 3f ff 9f ff ff ff ff e7 ff ff ff ff c7 ff ff ff ff e7 ff fe 7f ff 83 ff fe df ff f7 ff fc ff ff 9b ff fc 7f ff ff ff ff 7f ff 8f ff f0 3f ff f7 ff fe 7f ff c3 ff ff ff ff ff f9 ff ff ff ff ff fc 7f ff 98 4f ff ff ff fe 7f ff ff ff c7 ff ff fe 07 ff 9f ff ff ff ff ff fc ff 7f ff ff ff ff ff e7 ff fc 4d bf ff ff ff ff ff c0 fc ff f3 ff ff ff ff 0f ff ff ff fe 00 7e 1d df ff ff ff ff ff f8 0e ff ff bf ff ff 03 3f ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 87 ff 7f ff ff ff ff c3 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff e1 ff ff ff e1 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 80 7f ff ff ff e6 7f ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 0f ff e0 7f ff c7 ff ff ff ff ff ff f9 ff ff ff 98 7f ff ff ff ff ff fc 39 ff ff ff ff ff ff f0 ff ff ff ff c7 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff fc ff ff ff ff ff ff 83 ff ff ff ff f0 7f ff ff 8f ff Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:49 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 85, width: 3.02 ms ( 3021 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 17, width: 19 us [16;21] ( 19 S) [ 2] count: 49, width: 10 us [10;12] ( 10 S) [ 3] count: 3, width: 71 us [61;80] ( 71 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 120 us [120;120] ( 120 S) [ 5] count: 6, width: 30 us [29;32] ( 30 S) [ 6] count: 7, width: 45 us [41;52] ( 45 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 6 us [6;6] ( 6 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 53, width: 9 us [8;11] ( 9 S) [ 2] count: 7, width: 43 us [38;49] ( 43 S) [ 3] count: 4, width: 29 us [29;30] ( 29 S) [ 4] count: 17, width: 18 us [17;20] ( 18 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 71 us [71;71] ( 71 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 38, width: 20 us [19;25] ( 20 S) [ 2] count: 19, width: 45 us [39;51] ( 45 S) [ 3] count: 8, width: 64 us [59;80] ( 64 S) [ 4] count: 3, width: 116 us [109;129] ( 116 S) [ 5] count: 14, width: 29 us [28;31] ( 29 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 90 us [90;90] ( 90 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 34, width: 19 us [16;21] ( 19 S) [ 2] count: 100, width: 10 us [9;12] ( 10 S) [ 3] count: 4, width: 71 us [61;80] ( 71 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 120 us [120;120] ( 120 S) [ 5] count: 10, width: 30 us [29;32] ( 30 S) [ 6] count: 14, width: 44 us [38;52] ( 44 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 6 us [6;6] ( 6 S) [ 8] count: 2, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 9] count: 2, width: 8 us [8;8] ( 8 S) [10] count: 1, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 15995, 16 RSSI: -0.1 dB SNR: 30.0 dB Noise: -30.1 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -10614, -7071 (-162.0 kHz, -107.9 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:49 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 157, width: 5.66 ms ( 5655 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 2, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 2] count: 83, width: 10 us [9;13] ( 10 S) [ 3] count: 35, width: 19 us [16;21] ( 19 S) [ 4] count: 6, width: 66 us [60;79] ( 66 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 110 us [110;110] ( 110 S) [ 6] count: 14, width: 30 us [29;32] ( 30 S) [ 7] count: 12, width: 44 us [39;51] ( 44 S) [ 8] count: 3, width: 13 us [13;13] ( 13 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 2, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 1, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 2] count: 96, width: 9 us [8;11] ( 9 S) [ 3] count: 8, width: 39 us [38;41] ( 39 S) [ 4] count: 16, width: 28 us [27;30] ( 28 S) [ 5] count: 26, width: 18 us [17;20] ( 18 S) [ 6] count: 5, width: 51 us [49;58] ( 51 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 80 us [80;80] ( 80 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 12 us [12;12] ( 12 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 2, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 59, width: 20 us [18;23] ( 20 S) [ 2] count: 45, width: 43 us [39;52] ( 43 S) [ 3] count: 18, width: 66 us [59;80] ( 66 S) [ 4] count: 4, width: 116 us [108;128] ( 116 S) [ 5] count: 28, width: 29 us [28;32] ( 29 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 3, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 2] count: 177, width: 10 us [9;13] ( 10 S) [ 3] count: 61, width: 19 us [16;21] ( 19 S) [ 4] count: 8, width: 67 us [58;80] ( 67 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 110 us [110;110] ( 110 S) [ 6] count: 30, width: 29 us [27;32] ( 29 S) [ 7] count: 24, width: 43 us [38;51] ( 43 S) [ 8] count: 3, width: 13 us [13;13] ( 13 S) [ 9] count: 2, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [10] count: 3, width: 8 us [8;8] ( 8 S) [11] count: 1, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 15940, 11 RSSI: -0.1 dB SNR: 31.6 dB Noise: -31.7 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -11021, -7525 (-168.2 kHz, -114.8 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:50 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 73, width: 2.42 ms ( 2416 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 47, width: 10 us [10;11] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 12, width: 20 us [20;21] ( 20 S) [ 3] count: 2, width: 66 us [61;71] ( 66 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 121 us [121;121] ( 121 S) [ 5] count: 6, width: 30 us [30;31] ( 30 S) [ 6] count: 4, width: 46 us [41;51] ( 46 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 15 us [15;15] ( 15 S) [ 1] count: 50, width: 9 us [9;10] ( 9 S) [ 2] count: 1, width: 39 us [39;39] ( 39 S) [ 3] count: 5, width: 29 us [29;30] ( 29 S) [ 4] count: 13, width: 19 us [19;20] ( 19 S) [ 5] count: 2, width: 64 us [59;69] ( 64 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 15 us [15;15] ( 15 S) [ 1] count: 36, width: 20 us [20;20] ( 20 S) [ 2] count: 12, width: 53 us [49;60] ( 53 S) [ 3] count: 4, width: 75 us [70;80] ( 75 S) [ 4] count: 15, width: 30 us [30;31] ( 30 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 150 us [150;150] ( 150 S) [ 6] count: 3, width: 40 us [40;40] ( 40 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 97, width: 9 us [9;11] ( 9 S) [ 2] count: 25, width: 20 us [19;21] ( 20 S) [ 3] count: 4, width: 65 us [59;71] ( 65 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 121 us [121;121] ( 121 S) [ 5] count: 12, width: 30 us [29;37] ( 30 S) [ 6] count: 5, width: 44 us [39;51] ( 44 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 15 us [15;15] ( 15 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 14777, 22 RSSI: -0.4 dB SNR: 28.3 dB Noise: -28.7 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -29939, -23608 (-456.8 kHz, -360.2 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... view at https://triq.org/pdv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etected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:50 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 38, width: 1.81 ms ( 1810 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 31, width: 10 us [10;11] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 2, width: 20 us [20;21] ( 20 S) [ 3] count: 1, width: 71 us [71;71] ( 71 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 121 us [121;121] ( 121 S) [ 5] count: 2, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 15 us [15;15] ( 15 S) [ 1] count: 32, width: 9 us [9;10] ( 9 S) [ 2] count: 1, width: 39 us [39;39] ( 39 S) [ 3] count: 1, width: 29 us [29;29] ( 29 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 857 us [857;857] ( 857 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 15 us [15;15] ( 15 S) [ 1] count: 30, width: 20 us [20;20] ( 20 S) [ 2] count: 2, width: 50 us [50;50] ( 50 S) [ 3] count: 1, width: 80 us [80;80] ( 80 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 30 us [30;30] ( 30 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 122 us [122;122] ( 122 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 860 us [860;860] ( 860 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 63, width: 10 us [9;11] ( 10 S) [ 2] count: 2, width: 20 us [20;21] ( 20 S) [ 3] count: 1, width: 71 us [71;71] ( 71 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 121 us [121;121] ( 121 S) [ 5] count: 2, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 6] count: 1, width: 15 us [15;15] ( 15 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 39 us [39;39] ( 39 S) [ 8] count: 1, width: 29 us [29;29] ( 29 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [10] count: 1, width: 857 us [857;857] ( 857 S) [11] count: 1, width: 485 us [485;485] ( 485 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 14523, 18 RSSI: -0.5 dB SNR: 29.1 dB Noise: -29.6 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -28774, -22541 (-439.1 kHz, -344.0 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:52 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ time : 2024-01-02 18:48:52 model : Fineoffset-WH24 ID : 49 Battery : 1 Temperature: 11.7 C Humidity : 87 % Wind direction: 166 Wind speed: 0.8 m/s Gust speed: 1.1 m/s Rainfall : 2838.6 mm UV : 2 UVI : 0 Light : 0.0 lux Integrity : CRC Analyzing pulses... Total count: 109, width: 11.95 ms (11954 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 30, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 2] count: 6, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 3] count: 2, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 4] count: 6, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 5] count: 35, width: 57 us [56;60] ( 57 S) [ 6] count: 4, width: 14 us [12;16] ( 14 S) [ 7] count: 6, width: 38 us [33;45] ( 38 S) [ 8] count: 3, width: 21 us [19;23] ( 21 S) [ 9] count: 7, width: 115 us [109;117] ( 115 S) [10] count: 3, width: 173 us [171;175] ( 173 S) [11] count: 1, width: 72 us [72;72] ( 72 S) [12] count: 5, width: 7 us [7;8] ( 7 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 16, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 1] count: 3, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 2] count: 2, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 3] count: 4, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 4] count: 33, width: 58 us [57;60] ( 58 S) [ 5] count: 13, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 6] count: 3, width: 168 us [156;175] ( 168 S) [ 7] count: 3, width: 252 us [233;291] ( 252 S) [ 8] count: 6, width: 115 us [108;118] ( 115 S) [ 9] count: 5, width: 407 us [348;467] ( 407 S) [10] count: 2, width: 872 us [871;874] ( 872 S) [11] count: 5, width: 20 us [19;22] ( 20 S) [12] count: 3, width: 14 us [14;15] ( 14 S) [13] count: 4, width: 9 us [9;10] ( 9 S) [14] count: 2, width: 26 us [25;27] ( 26 S) [15] count: 3, width: 7 us [7;7] ( 7 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 2, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 1] count: 20, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 2] count: 3, width: 7 us [7;8] ( 7 S) [ 3] count: 2, width: 61 us [61;62] ( 61 S) [ 4] count: 29, width: 115 us [104;118] ( 115 S) [ 5] count: 7, width: 14 us [13;16] ( 14 S) [ 6] count: 4, width: 38 us [36;44] ( 38 S) [ 7] count: 1, width: 78 us [78;78] ( 78 S) [ 8] count: 7, width: 262 us [228;291] ( 262 S) [ 9] count: 7, width: 167 us [149;175] ( 167 S) [10] count: 11, width: 25 us [20;30] ( 25 S) [11] count: 6, width: 459 us [406;479] ( 459 S) [12] count: 2, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [13] count: 2, width: 960 us [933;988] ( 960 S) [14] count: 4, width: 10 us [10;11] ( 10 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 43, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) [ 2] count: 9, width: 5 us [5;6] ( 5 S) [ 3] count: 4, width: 3 us [3;3] ( 3 S) [ 4] count: 10, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 5] count: 70, width: 58 us [56;72] ( 58 S) [ 6] count: 7, width: 14 us [12;16] ( 14 S) [ 7] count: 7, width: 37 us [33;45] ( 37 S) [ 8] count: 8, width: 20 us [19;23] ( 20 S) [ 9] count: 13, width: 115 us [108;118] ( 115 S) [10] count: 6, width: 171 us [156;175] ( 171 S) [11] count: 8, width: 7 us [7;8] ( 7 S) [12] count: 16, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [13] count: 3, width: 252 us [233;291] ( 252 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 1000, 15 RSSI: -12.1 dB SNR: 18.2 dB Noise: -30.4 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -4905, -443 (-74.8 kHz, -6.8 kHz) Guessing modulation: Pulse Code Modulation (Not Return to Zero) Attempting demodulation... short_width: 1, long_width: 1, reset_limit: 1024, sync_width: 0 Use a flex decoder with -X 'n=name,m=FSK_PCM,s=1,l=1,r=1024' pulse_demod_pcm(): Analyzer Device bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 1 [00] {2048} 08 3e 39 87 20 62 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7f ff ff ff ff ff ff e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 ff ff ff ff ff ff fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3f ff ff ff ff ff ff e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1f ff ff ff ff ff ff f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 ff df ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1f ff ff ff ff 7f ff f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3f ff ff ff ff ff ff f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1f ff ff ff ff ff ff f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 1f ff ff ff ff ff ff f8 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 1f ff ff ff ff ff ff fc 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 1f ff ff ff ff ff ff fc 00 00 Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:56 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 101, width: 1.94 ms ( 1940 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 2] count: 74, width: 6 us [6;7] ( 6 S) [ 3] count: 11, width: 12 us [12;13] ( 12 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 52 us [52;52] ( 52 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 80 us [80;80] ( 80 S) [ 6] count: 4, width: 19 us [19;20] ( 19 S) [ 7] count: 5, width: 8 us [8;8] ( 8 S) [ 8] count: 3, width: 28 us [26;33] ( 28 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 71, width: 6 us [6;8] ( 6 S) [ 2] count: 5, width: 8 us [8;8] ( 8 S) [ 3] count: 11, width: 22 us [19;27] ( 22 S) [ 4] count: 2, width: 33 us [33;34] ( 33 S) [ 5] count: 10, width: 13 us [12;14] ( 13 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 67, width: 13 us [12;15] ( 13 S) [ 2] count: 18, width: 28 us [26;34] ( 28 S) [ 3] count: 2, width: 93 us [86;100] ( 93 S) [ 4] count: 9, width: 19 us [18;21] ( 19 S) [ 5] count: 3, width: 43 us [39;46] ( 43 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 2] count: 144, width: 6 us [6;7] ( 6 S) [ 3] count: 21, width: 12 us [12;14] ( 12 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 52 us [52;52] ( 52 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 80 us [80;80] ( 80 S) [ 6] count: 10, width: 19 us [19;21] ( 19 S) [ 7] count: 11, width: 8 us [8;8] ( 8 S) [ 8] count: 10, width: 28 us [25;34] ( 28 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [10] count: 1, width: 1 us [1;1] ( 1 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 15838, 12 RSSI: -0.1 dB SNR: 31.2 dB Noise: -31.4 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -18857, -10181 (-287.7 kHz, -155.4 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue... Detected FSK package 2024-01-02 18:48:56 Analyzing pulses... Total count: 93, width: 1.80 ms ( 1801 S) Pulse width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 2] count: 71, width: 6 us [6;7] ( 6 S) [ 3] count: 7, width: 12 us [12;14] ( 12 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 53 us [53;53] ( 53 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 80 us [80;80] ( 80 S) [ 6] count: 4, width: 28 us [26;33] ( 28 S) [ 7] count: 3, width: 8 us [8;8] ( 8 S) [ 8] count: 4, width: 20 us [19;21] ( 20 S) Gap width distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 64, width: 6 us [6;8] ( 6 S) [ 2] count: 7, width: 8 us [8;8] ( 8 S) [ 3] count: 6, width: 28 us [26;33] ( 28 S) [ 4] count: 7, width: 19 us [19;21] ( 19 S) [ 5] count: 7, width: 12 us [12;13] ( 12 S) Pulse period distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) [ 1] count: 62, width: 13 us [12;15] ( 13 S) [ 2] count: 12, width: 33 us [27;40] ( 33 S) [ 3] count: 2, width: 89 us [86;93] ( 89 S) [ 4] count: 8, width: 19 us [19;21] ( 19 S) [ 5] count: 2, width: 46 us [46;46] ( 46 S) [ 6] count: 5, width: 26 us [25;27] ( 26 S) Pulse timing distribution: [ 0] count: 1, width: 0 us [0;0] ( 0 S) [ 1] count: 1, width: 4 us [4;4] ( 4 S) [ 2] count: 135, width: 6 us [6;7] ( 6 S) [ 3] count: 14, width: 12 us [12;14] ( 12 S) [ 4] count: 1, width: 53 us [53;53] ( 53 S) [ 5] count: 1, width: 80 us [80;80] ( 80 S) [ 6] count: 10, width: 28 us [26;33] ( 28 S) [ 7] count: 11, width: 8 us [8;8] ( 8 S) [ 8] count: 11, width: 19 us [19;21] ( 19 S) [ 9] count: 1, width: 2 us [2;2] ( 2 S) Level estimates [high, low]: 15904, 15 RSSI: -0.1 dB SNR: 30.3 dB Noise: -30.4 dB Frequency offsets [F1, F2]: -18861, -12075 (-287.8 kHz, -184.3 kHz) Guessing modulation: No clue...