English | 简体中文
- Create a python package in the plugins directory, here named funcs
- Create the required module in funcs, here named hitokoto
- Register the function hitokoto in hitokoto.py
- Add hitokoto record in __all__ of plugins\funcs\__init__.py
- Add this python package name to the plugins-list entry in config.yaml
# plugins\\funcs\\__init__.py
__all__ = ["hitokoto"]
# plugins\\funcs\\hitokoto.py
import asyncio
import aiohttp
from wcferry import WxMsg
from plugins import register
from suswx.common import wcf, logger
@register(fromFriend=True, mode="async", check=[lambda msg: msg.content == "@一言"])
async def hitokoto(msg: WxMsg) -> None:
Hitokoto, represents the touch of words and the communication of souls
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get("https://v1.hitokoto.cn") as resp:
r = await asyncio.wait_for(resp.json(), timeout=5)
wcf.send_text(info := f'{r["hitokoto"]}\n----{r["from"]}[{r["from_who"]}]', msg.sender)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
wcf.send_text(info := "Sorry, hitokoto timed out", msg.sender)
# config.yaml
info: {}
- funcs
from typing import Callable, Optional
from wcferry import WxMsg
from suswx import Content
from suswx.Registry import func_startup_mode
# func_startup_mode = Literal["mt", "async"]
def register(
msgType: tuple[Content] = (Content.TEXT,),
fromFriend: bool = False,
fromGroup: bool = False,
fromAdmin: bool = False,
name: Optional[str] = None,
mode: func_startup_mode = "mt",
enable: bool = True,
access: Optional[set] = None,
check: Sequence[Callable[[WxMsg], None]] = None,
frozen: bool = False,
save_config: bool = True
) -> Callable[[Callable[[WxMsg], None]], None]:
- msgType: a tuple of Message types allowed to be processed
- fromFriend: Whether to handle messages from friends
- fromGroup: Whether to handle messages from groups
- fromAdmin: Whether to handle messages from the admin
- name: Function name (Optional, default is function name)
- mode: Function startup method (multithreaded "mt" or asynchronous "async")
- enable: Whether to enable
- access: The set of wxids of allowed message senders(Optional)
- check: Other sequence of methods to check whether the message meets the conditions
- frozen: Whether to freeze this function (cannot be modified)
- save_config: Whether to set default configuration, including access and enable, and will be written to config.yaml