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File metadata and controls

112 lines (66 loc) · 3.52 KB
arch: (amd64 | i386) (default=amd64)

OS architecture type.

cmode: (console | shell | tty) (default=tty)

Console mode. By default, the console command tries to open a connection to one of the available tty devices. By setting cmode to 'console' it tries to attach to /dev/console instead. If you set cmode to 'shell', it simply invokes a shell inside the container (no login).

console: boolean (default=1)

Attach a console device (/dev/console) to the container.

cpulimit: number (0 - 128) (default=0)

Limit of CPU usage.

If the computer has 2 CPUs, it has a total of '2' CPU time. Value '0' indicates no CPU limit.
cpuunits: integer (0 - 500000) (default=1024)

CPU weight for a VM. Argument is used in the kernel fair scheduler. The larger the number is, the more CPU time this VM gets. Number is relative to the weights of all the other running VMs.

You can disable fair-scheduler configuration by setting this to 0.
description: string

Container description. Only used on the configuration web interface.

hostname: string

Set a host name for the container.

lock: (backup | migrate | rollback | snapshot)

Lock/unlock the VM.

memory: integer (16 - N) (default=512)

Amount of RAM for the VM in MB.

mp[n]: mp=<Path>, [volume=]<volume> [,acl=<acl>] [,backup=<[1|0]>] [,quota=<[0|1]>] [,ro=<ro>] [,size=<DiskSize>]

Use volume as container mount point (experimental feature).

nameserver: string

Sets DNS server IP address for a container. Create will automatically use the setting from the host if you neither set searchdomain nor nameserver.

net[n]: name=<String> [,bridge=<vmbr<Number>>] [,firewall=<[1|0]>] [,gw=<GatewayIPv4>] [,gw6=<GatewayIPv6>] [,hwaddr=<MAC>] [,ip=<IPv4Format/CIDR>] [,ip6=<IPv6Format/CIDR>] [,mtu=<Number>] [,rate=<mbps>] [,tag=<VlanNo>] [,trunks=<vlanid[;vlanid…​]>] [,type=<veth>]

Specifies network interfaces for the container.

onboot: boolean (default=0)

Specifies whether a VM will be started during system bootup.

ostype: (alpine | archlinux | centos | debian | fedora | opensuse | ubuntu | unmanaged)

OS type. This is used to setup configuration inside the container, and corresponds to lxc setup scripts in /usr/share/lxc/config/<ostype>.common.conf. Value 'unmanaged' can be used to skip and OS specific setup.

protection: boolean (default=0)

Sets the protection flag of the container. This will prevent the CT or CT’s disk remove/update operation.

rootfs: [volume=]<volume> [,acl=<acl>] [,backup=<[1|0]>] [,quota=<[0|1]>] [,ro=<ro>] [,size=<DiskSize>]

Use volume as container root.

searchdomain: string

Sets DNS search domains for a container. Create will automatically use the setting from the host if you neither set searchdomain nor nameserver.

startup: `[[order=]\d+] [,up=\d+] [,down=\d+] `

Startup and shutdown behavior. Order is a non-negative number defining the general startup order. Shutdown in done with reverse ordering. Additionally you can set the 'up' or 'down' delay in seconds, which specifies a delay to wait before the next VM is started or stopped.

swap: integer (0 - N) (default=512)

Amount of SWAP for the VM in MB.

template: boolean (default=0)

Enable/disable Template.

tty: integer (0 - 6) (default=2)

Specify the number of tty available to the container

unprivileged: boolean (default=0)

Makes the container run as unprivileged user. (Should not be modified manually.)

unused[n]: string

Reference to unused volumes.