Restrict packet destination address. This can refer to a single IP address, an IP set ('+ipsetname') or an IP alias definition. You can also specify an address range like '', or a list of IP addresses and networks (entries are separated by comma). Please do not mix IPv4 and IPv6 addresses inside such lists.
Restrict TCP/UDP destination port. You can use service names or simple numbers (0-65535), as defined in '/etc/services'. Port ranges can be specified with '\d+:\d+', for example '80:85', and you can use comma separated list to match several ports or ranges.
Network interface name. You have to use network configuration key names for VMs and containers ('net\d+'). Host related rules can use arbitrary strings.
IP protocol. You can use protocol names ('tcp'/'udp') or simple numbers, as defined in '/etc/protocols'.
Restrict packet source address. This can refer to a single IP address, an IP set ('+ipsetname') or an IP alias definition. You can also specify an address range like '', or a list of IP addresses and networks (entries are separated by comma). Please do not mix IPv4 and IPv6 addresses inside such lists.
Restrict TCP/UDP source port. You can use service names or simple numbers (0-65535), as defined in '/etc/services'. Port ranges can be specified with '\d+:\d+', for example '80:85', and you can use comma separated list to match several ports or ranges.