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42Wolfsburg - Software Engineering

Rank Project Language Short Summary
00 libft C 42 Project - Libft - This project is about writing our own version of a set of functions from the standard libc and also some that are either not in the libc, or that are part of it but in a different form.
01 ft_printf C 42 Project - ft_printf - This project is about writing our own printf function by understanding and using variadic functions.
01 get_next_line C 42 Project - get_next_line - This project is about programming a function that returns a line read from a file descriptor.
02 minitalk C 42 project - minitalk - This project is about to learn and implement the concepts of signals, server-client communication and bitshifting.
02 push_swap C 42 project - push_swap - This project involves sorting data on a stack, with a limited set of instructions, and the smallest number of moves.
02 so_long C 42 project - so_long - This project is the first graphical project and is about designing and programming a simple top-down 2D game by unsing the 42 school graphical library: the MiniLibX!.
03 minishell C 42 project - minishell - This project involves creating a simplified version of a Unix shell.
03 philosophers C 42 project - philosophers - This project is about learning the basics of threading a process, creating threads and mutexes.
04 cub3D C 42 project - cub3D - This project is inspired by the world-famous eponymous 90's game Wolfenstein 3D. It is about configuration file and map parsing, ray-casting principles, efficient use of the mlx library for graphics, handling keyboard and mouse events for navigation, and texture mapping for wall surfaces.
04 CPP00 C++ 42 Project - CPP00 - This is the first module of C++ and designed to understand the specifities of the language compared to C. Time to dive into Object Oriented Programming! The module is about Namespaces, classes, member functions, stdio streams, initialization lists, static, const, and some other basic stuff.
04 CPP01 C++ 42 Project - CPP01 - This module is about memory allocation, pointers to members, references and switch statement.
04 CPP02 C++ 42 Project - CPP02 - This module is about ad-hoc polymorphism, operator overloading and Orthodox Canonical class form.
04 CPP03 C++ 42 Project - CPP03 - This module is about Inheritance.
04 CPP04 C++ 42 Project - CPP04 - This modul is about subtype polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces.
05 CPP05 C++ 42 Project - CPP05 - This module is about to understand Try/Catch and Exceptions.
05 CPP06 C++ 42 Project - CPP06 - This module is about the different cast types in CPP.
05 CPP07 C++ 42 Project - CPP07 - This module is about Templates in CPP.
05 CPP08 C++ 42 Project - CPP08 - This project is about templated containers, iterators and algorithms in CPP.
05 CPP09 C++ 42 Project - CPP09 - This project is about containers, working with databases and the merge-insertion sort algorithm.
05 webserv C++ 42 Project - webserv - This project is about writing your own HTTP server.
05 inception dockerfile 42 Project - inception - This project aims to broaden your knowledge of system administration by using Docker.
06 ft_transcendence Django, Python, JavaScript, HTML, Bootstrap, CSS, dockerfile, RabitMQ 42 Project - transcendence - Building a website and Pong game hosted on the website with user management, statistics, security features and other modules.

Popular repositories Loading

  1. libft libft Public


  2. ft_printf ft_printf Public


  3. get_next_line get_next_line Public


  4. minitalk minitalk Public


  5. so_long so_long Public


  6. push_swap push_swap Public
