Open the repo of the active file in the browser (e.g., GitHub)
-- lazy.nvim
---@type snacks.Config
opts = {
gitbrowse = {
-- your gitbrowse configuration comes here
-- or leave it empty to use the default settings
-- refer to the configuration section below
---@class snacks.gitbrowse.Config
---@field url_patterns? table<string, table<string, string|fun(fields:snacks.gitbrowse.Fields):string>>
notify = true, -- show notification on open
-- Handler to open the url in a browser
---@param url string
open = function(url)
if vim.fn.has("nvim-0.10") == 0 then
require("lazy.util").open(url, { system = true })
---@type "repo" | "branch" | "file" | "commit"
what = "file", -- what to open. not all remotes support all types
branch = nil, ---@type string?
line_start = nil, ---@type number?
line_end = nil, ---@type number?
-- patterns to transform remotes to an actual URL
remote_patterns = {
{ "^(https?://.*)%.git$" , "%1" },
{ "^git@(.+):(.+)%.git$" , "https://%1/%2" },
{ "^git@(.+):(.+)$" , "https://%1/%2" },
{ "^git@(.+)/(.+)$" , "https://%1/%2" },
{ "^ssh://git@(.*)$" , "https://%1" },
{ "^ssh://([^:/]+)(:%d+)/(.*)$" , "https://%1/%3" },
{ "^ssh://([^/]+)/(.*)$" , "https://%1/%2" },
{ "*)/(.*)$", "" },
{ "^https://%w*@(.*)" , "https://%1" },
{ "^git@(.*)" , "https://%1" },
{ ":%d+" , "" },
{ "%.git$" , "" },
url_patterns = {
[""] = {
branch = "/tree/{branch}",
file = "/blob/{branch}/{file}#L{line_start}-L{line_end}",
commit = "/commit/{commit}",
[""] = {
branch = "/-/tree/{branch}",
file = "/-/blob/{branch}/{file}#L{line_start}-L{line_end}",
commit = "/-/commit/{commit}",
[""] = {
branch = "/src/{branch}",
file = "/src/{branch}/{file}#lines-{line_start}-L{line_end}",
commit = "/commits/{commit}",
---@class snacks.gitbrowse.Fields
---@field branch? string
---@field file? string
---@field line_start? number
---@field line_end? number
---@field commit? string
---@field line_count? number
---@type fun(opts?: snacks.gitbrowse.Config)
---@param repo string
---@param fields snacks.gitbrowse.Fields
---@param opts? snacks.gitbrowse.Config
Snacks.gitbrowse.get_url(repo, fields, opts)
---@param opts? snacks.gitbrowse.Config