Visualize indent guides and scopes based on treesitter or indent.
Similar plugins:
-- lazy.nvim
---@type snacks.Config
opts = {
indent = {
-- your indent configuration comes here
-- or leave it empty to use the default settings
-- refer to the configuration section below
---@class snacks.indent.Config
---@field enabled? boolean
indent = {
priority = 1,
enabled = true, -- enable indent guides
char = "│",
only_scope = false, -- only show indent guides of the scope
only_current = false, -- only show indent guides in the current window
hl = "SnacksIndent", ---@type string|string[] hl groups for indent guides
-- can be a list of hl groups to cycle through
-- hl = {
-- "SnacksIndent1",
-- "SnacksIndent2",
-- "SnacksIndent3",
-- "SnacksIndent4",
-- "SnacksIndent5",
-- "SnacksIndent6",
-- "SnacksIndent7",
-- "SnacksIndent8",
-- },
-- animate scopes. Enabled by default for Neovim >= 0.10
-- Works on older versions but has to trigger redraws during animation.
---@class snacks.indent.animate: snacks.animate.Config
---@field enabled? boolean
--- * out: animate outwards from the cursor
--- * up: animate upwards from the cursor
--- * down: animate downwards from the cursor
--- * up_down: animate up or down based on the cursor position
---@field style? "out"|"up_down"|"down"|"up"
animate = {
enabled = vim.fn.has("nvim-0.10") == 1,
style = "out",
easing = "linear",
duration = {
step = 20, -- ms per step
total = 500, -- maximum duration
---@class snacks.indent.Scope.Config: snacks.scope.Config
scope = {
enabled = true, -- enable highlighting the current scope
priority = 200,
char = "│",
underline = false, -- underline the start of the scope
only_current = false, -- only show scope in the current window
hl = "SnacksIndentScope", ---@type string|string[] hl group for scopes
chunk = {
-- when enabled, scopes will be rendered as chunks, except for the
-- top-level scope which will be rendered as a scope.
enabled = false,
-- only show chunk scopes in the current window
only_current = false,
priority = 200,
hl = "SnacksIndentChunk", ---@type string|string[] hl group for chunk scopes
char = {
corner_top = "┌",
corner_bottom = "└",
-- corner_top = "╭",
-- corner_bottom = "╰",
horizontal = "─",
vertical = "│",
arrow = ">",
-- filter for buffers to enable indent guides
filter = function(buf)
return vim.g.snacks_indent ~= false and vim.b[buf].snacks_indent ~= false and[buf].buftype == ""
---@class snacks.indent.Scope: snacks.scope.Scope
---@field win number
---@field step? number
---@field animate? {from: number, to: number}
Disable indent guides
Enable indent guides