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File metadata and controls

65 lines (53 loc) · 3.84 KB

No Old Images (NOI, /neu̯/)

Simplifies searching for fresh content by generating CSS to hide already displayed images.

You can paste the generated CSS into a style manager (i.e. Stylus) to make it active permanently. The extension automatically stores the CSS in browser storage, so no additional extensions are needed.

Currently works only with Google Images and since it originally displays almost all images in base64 it requires running NOI to generate href on each linked image in order to make CSS selectors valid.


The idea is that once displayed images:


are not going to be displayed again in same or any other search results (or will be grayed out):


How it works

Example of generated CSS

NOI adresses images by its parent's (<a>) href attribute. If you look at the HTLM structure of Google Images you will understand why.

a[href^="/imgres?"] div,
a[href^="/imgres?"] div,
a[href^="/imgres?"] div,
a[href^="/imgres?"] div,
a[href^="/imgres?"] div,
a[href^="/imgres?"] div,
a[href^="/imgres?"] div,
a[href^="/imgres?"] div { 
	opacity: 0.2;

HTML structure of Google Images

Before mousedown event is triggered on <a> element:

<a class="wXeWr islib nfEiy" jsname="sTFXNd" tabindex="0" role="button" 
   jsaction="J9iaEb;mousedown:npT2md; touchstart:npT2md;" data-nav="1" style="height: 180px;">
    <div class=" bRMDJf islir" jsname="DeysSe" style="height: 194px;">
            data-deferred="1" class="rg_i Q4LuWd" jsname="Q4LuWd" width="145" height="194" alt="house cat - Wikidata"
            data-atf="true" data-iml="1438">
    <div class="c7cjWc mvjhOe"></div>

After mousedown event is triggered on <a> element:

<a class="wXeWr islib nfEiy" jsname="sTFXNd" tabindex="0" role="button" 
   jsaction="J9iaEb;mousedown:npT2md; touchstart:npT2md;" data-nav="1" style="height: 180px;" 
   href="/imgres?;;tbnid=U6GpUslQrdCfcM&amp;vet=12ahUKEwjAjcTH8fb6AhUaJcUKHZWzA0EQMygCegUIARDmAQ..i&amp;docid=_Xck-vPrSARjYM&amp;w=1200&amp;h=1602&amp;q=cat&amp;ved=2ahUKEwjAjcTH8fb6AhUaJcUKHZWzA0EQMygCegUIARDmAQ" data-navigation="server">
    <div class=" bRMDJf islir" jsname="DeysSe" style="height: 194px;">
            data-deferred="1" class="rg_i Q4LuWd" jsname="Q4LuWd" width="145" height="194" alt="house cat - Wikidata"
            data-atf="true" data-iml="1438">
    <div class="c7cjWc mvjhOe"></div>