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File metadata and controls

236 lines (119 loc) · 11.3 KB


Command-line usage

todo [<context>] [--flat|--tidy]

Print undone tasks that have started and that are in the given context, which defaults to the root context (identified by the empty string).

The --flat or --tidy option indicates whether subcontexts are listed below tasks (tidy) or whether tasks of subcontexts are integrated with general tasks (flat). If no such option is specified the configuration value is used (which defaults to tidy).

Tasks are sorted in the following order:

  1. Priority, descending
  2. Remaining time, ascending
  3. Context priority, descending
  4. Date added, ascending

Subcontexts are sorted in the following order:

  1. Priority, descending
  2. Total number of tasks (including in the descendance), descending

Note: If <context> happens to be the name of one of the built-in todo command, then you can use todo ctx <context> instead.

todo add <title> [--deadline MOMENT] [--start MOMENT] [--context CONTEXT] [--priority PRIORITY] [--depends-on DEPENDENCY1 DEPENDENCY2...] [--period PERIOD] [--front [true|false]]

Add a task titled <title> and apply to it the options:

-d --deadline MOMENT

Define a dealine for the task. MOMENT can be a specific moment in time, in the following format:




It can also be a delay, such as 2w which means "2 weeks from now". Other accepted characters are s, m, h, d, w, which respectively correspond to seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks. An integer must preeced the letter.

A task with no deadline is considered to have a deadline set to infinity.

-s --start MOMENT

Set the time at which a task starts. Non-started tasks aren't printed in the todolist. MOMENT uses the same format that with the --deadline option.

By default, a task starts at the moment it is created.

Tasks that have not yet started can be listed with the future command.

-c --context CONTEXT

The path of the context the task belongs to. It's a sequence of strings separated by dots where each string indicate the name of a context in the contexts hierarchy.

Any intermediary contexts will be created automatically.

By default, a task is associated to the root context.

Note: The root context having the empty string as name, the path of any subcontext formally start with a . (separating the empty string from the name if the first subcontext). However, for user convenience, the starting dot is optional.

-p --priority PRIORITY

An integer indicating the priority of the task. The highest the integer the highest the priority.

By default, a task has a priority of 1.


A list of task IDs this task depends on. See Dependencies.

--period PERIOD

Make the task recurring every given PERIOD. The format for PERIOD is the same as for the delays accepted by the --deadline option. See Recurring tasks.

--front [true|false]

Set of unset the task as a front task. Using the --front argument without value is equivalent to using --front true.

todo done <id>...

Set the tasks identified by ids as done. The ID of a task is shown at its left in lists output by todo.

todo task <id> [--deadline MOMENT] [--start MOMENT] [--context CONTEXT] [--priority PRIORITY] [--title TITLE] [--depends-on DEPENDENCY1 DEPENDENCY2...] [--period PERIOD] [--front [true|false]]

Without any option, print the contents of the task (its metadata followed by its body).

With at least one option: apply the given options to the task identified by id. Options are described in the todo add parts, with the addition of:

-t --title TITLE

Overwrite the title of a task with TITLE

todo edit <id>

Open the text editor with a file containing the description of the task identified by <id>. Update the description of the task with the content of the file upon closing the editor.

The editor used can be configured. See Configuration.

todo history

Print the list of all tasks sorted by creation date, along with their properties.

todo search <term> [--context CONTEXT] [--done|--undone] [--before MOMENT] [--after MOMENT] [--case]

Search for tasks whose title contains the substring <term>. The search is case unsensitive, unless the --case flag is set. The flag --done (resp. --undone) restricts the search to done (resp. undone) tasks. You can select a segment of time in which searching the tasks (by their creation date), MOMENT being in same the format than other MOMENTs (deadlines, etc).

Note: if you want to perform an advanced search using regular expressions and such, use this command with the empty string for <term>, which will print all tasks matching the other options, and pipe the output to grep to do custom filtering on titles

todo rm <id>...

Remove tasks identified by the given <id>s (separated by spaces) from history.

todo ping <id>...

Increment the ping counter of the given tasks.

todo purge [--force] [--before MOMENT]

Remove done tasks from history that were created before MOMENT. Ask the user for confirmation, unless the --force flag is given.

Note: MOMENT is in the same format than for --deadline. Of course, if a delay is given such as 2w it means "two weeks ago" (in the past) and not "in two weeks".

todo ctx <context> [--flat|--tidy] [--priority PRIORITY] [--visibility VISIBILITY] [--name NAME]

If no mutation option is given, has the same effect than todo <context>.

If at least one mutation option is given, apply the option to the context and prints nothing.

--name renames the context. In the context's path, the name of the context is the last part among parts separated by dots. For example, renaming culture.movies with films will lead to the new path culture.films. An error is printed if the new name contains a dot or if the destination context already exists.

todo mv <ctx1> <ctx2>

Move all tasks and subcontexts from <ctx1> to <ctx2>. Any necessary new context is created.

todo rmctx <context> [--force]

Remove the context <context>, including all of its tasks (done and undone) and subcontexts recursively. Ask the user for confirmation, unless the --force flag is given.

todo future

Show tasks that have not yet started. See --start.

todo --version

Print current version.

todo --help

Print basic help.

todo --location

Print the path of the data directory. By default, the location is ~/.toduh. However, it's possible to set a different dataset for a specific directory, by creating a folder named .toduh inside it and then calling todo from this directory.

todo --install-autocompletion

Add an auto-complete function to your .zshrc or .bashrc file, whichever is found first. You must source your config file again if you want it to work on your current terminal.


Configuration is done by editing a configuration file which sits at ~/.toduhrc.

The configuration file is in the INI format. It's made of sections, each of which is introduced by a [Title] enclosed in brackets. The lines of a section consist of key = value pairs. As a todo-specific convention, sections' title are capitalized while keys are all lower-case.

What follows is an exhaustive list of all sections recognized, and for each section, a table of all keys recognized, the fashion with which their value should be formatted and the defalt value.


Key Behavior Value format Default value
editor Select the editor to use with todo edit <id> The name of the command to launch the text-editor. The command should accept a filename as first argument None (fallback to the EDITOR environment variable if no configuration found; fallback to vim if no env variable found)
todo_fashion Sets the --flat or --tidy option of the todo command by default flat or tidy tidy
show_empty_contexts Whether empty subcontexts should be listed when running todo on or off on
show_content_tag Whether to show the ellipsis marker for a task with a body on or off on


Key Behavior Value format Default value
colors Turns coloring on or off on or off on
palette Chose how to diplay colors 8, xterm-256 or rgb 8
id Color for tasks' id Color-format* yellow
context Color for context Color-format* cyan
deadline Color for deadline Color-format* cyan
priority Color for priority Color-format* green
content_tag Color for the ellipsis body marker Color-format* blue


Colors can be defined in multiple way:

  • One of the following: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white
  • An integer between 0 and 255, according to the xterm color palette
  • rgb(R,G,B) where R, G and B are integers between 0 and 255 in their decimal representation
  • #RRGGBBwhere RR, GG, BB are integers between 0 and 255 in their hexadecimal representation

All formats work with any palette used, as necessary conversions will be made automatically.


Key Behavior Value format Default value
title Enable word-wrapping for tasks' titles in todo listing on or off on
content Enable word-wrapping for tasks' content in todo task <id> output on or off on
smart Enable "smart" word-wrapping for Markdown content (experimental) on or off off
width Width to use for word-wrapping integer -1 (means: use current terminal width)