- Support for Php 8.3
- Code style updates for newer Magento Coding Standard
- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.6
- Support for Php 8.2
- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.5
- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.4
- Support for Php 8.0/8.1
- pt_BR translation thanks to Vitor Martins
- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.3
- Compatibility with Magento 2.3.7
- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.2
- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.1 and 2.3.6
- Don't keep temporary files in var folder
- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.0
- Support for Php 7.4
- Support for Magento 2.3.5
- Support for Magento 2.2.11 and 2.3.4
- Support for Magento 2.2.10
- Support for Php 7.3
- Support for Magento 2.3.3
- Re-release of 3.1.3
- Support for Magento 2.3.2, 2.2.9 and 2.1.18
- PHPStan to development tools
- Adopt latest Magento Coding Standards
- Support for Magento 2.3.1, 2.2.8 and 2.1.17
- Initial MFTF acceptance test
- Support for Magento 2.3
- Adjust integration test for 2.2.5
- Ability to translate more terms (thanks @gediminaskv)
- Minor code style issue
- Package changed into a Metapackage - Implementation moved into fooman/printorderpdf-implementation-m2 package
- Semantic versioning will only be applied to the implementation package
- Change setTemplate workaround, use area emulation instead Constructor change in Plugin\PaymentInfoBlockPlugin, removes copied template files
- Allow for different pdf versions in test
- Added preprocessing of tests to run across 2.1/2.2
- Empty payment details by providing frontend pdf template for known template files
- Added support for PHP 7.1
- Support for bundled products
- Compatibility with Magento 2.1, for Magento 2.0 use earlier versions
- Test improvements
- Change folder structure to src/ and tests/
- Provide a Pdf Renderer so that Fooman Email Attachments M2 (separate extension) can attach a pdf to outgoing order confirmation emails
- Translations
- PSR-2
- Use Magento repositories and factory
- Use Magento massaction
- Update code to stay compatible with latest Magento development branch
- Update code to stay compatible with latest Magento development branch
- Initial release for Magento 2