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144 lines (106 loc) · 5.15 KB



  • Our released (production) branch is main
  • Our work happens in topic branches (feature and/or bug fix)
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Building the Library

Clone the project and cd into it:

$ git clone
$ cd salesforcedx-vscode-service-provider

Ensure that you have Yarn installed, then run:

$ yarn install
$ yarn build

Using the Library

Install the library locally by adding this information to your project's package.json:

"@salesforce/vscode-service-provider": "file://path/to/salesforcedx-vscode-service-provider" (Windows)
"@salesforce/vscode-service-provider": "/Users/myUser/path/to/salesforcedx-vscode-service-provider" (MacOS)


Running the Test Suite

$ yarn test

When running tests, code changes don't need to be built with yarn build first because the test suite uses ts-node as its runtime environment. Otherwise, run yarn build before manually testing changes.

Running Individual Tests

While developing, you may temporarily edit the test command in the package.json of the package to limit the command to your individual test file. For instance:

$ "test": "jest --testMatch \"./test/**/aSpecificTest.test.ts\" --runInBand --verbose",

Adding a new Service

The ServiceProvider class in the serviceProvider.ts file is a utility class that provides services of different types. Each service type can have multiple instances, identified by their instance names. The class uses a static Map to store service instances, where the key is the service type and the value is another Map that stores service instances by their instance names.

Here are the main capabilities of the ServiceProvider class:

  • getService(type, instanceName, Retrieves a service instance of the specified type and instance name. If the service instance does not exist, it will be created.

  • hasService(type): Checks if a service of the specified type exists.

  • has(type, instanceName): Checks if a service instance of the specified type and instance name exists.

  • clear(type): Removes all instances of a service of the specified type.

  • remove(type, instanceName): Removes a service instance of the specified type and instance name.

  • removeService(type): Removes a service of the specified type, including all its instances.

  • clearAllServices(): Removes all services, including all their instances.

Example of adding a new service named MyHelloPlanet

The implementation of the service requires a planet name for the instance name. The MyHelloPlanet class has a single method called "hello", which takes a parameter named "name".

To add a new service type named MyHelloPlanet, you need to modify the ServiceType enum and add the new service type. You also need to update the ServiceParamsMap and ServiceReturnType types to handle the new service type.

Here's how you can do it:

export enum ServiceType {
  MyHelloPlanet // New service type

// Define a mapping from service types to their corresponding parameter types
interface ServiceParamsMap {
  [ServiceType.Logger]: [string]; // TelemetryService requires a string parameter
  [ServiceType.MyHelloPlanet]: [string]; // MyHelloPlanet requires a string parameter

// Define a type that represents the parameter types for a given service type
export type ServiceParams<T extends ServiceType> = T extends keyof typeof ServiceType
  ? ServiceParamsMap[T]
  : never;

// Define a type that represents the return type for a given service type
export type ServiceReturnType<T extends ServiceType> =
  T extends ServiceType.Logger ? ILogger :
  T extends ServiceType.MyHelloPlanet ? IMyHelloPlanet : // New service return type

Next, you need to create an interface that describes the MyHelloPlanet implementation. This interface should have a hello method that takes a name parameter:

export interface IMyHelloPlanet {
  hello(name: string): void;

Next, update the materializeService method to handle the new service type:

private static async materializeService<T extends ServiceType>(
  type: T,
  instanceName: string, ServiceParams<T>[]
): Promise<ServiceReturnType<T>> {
  let serviceInstance: ServiceReturnType<T> | undefined;

  switch (type) {
    case ServiceType.Logger:
      // Call VSCode command to materialize Logger service
      serviceInstance = await vscode.commands.executeCommand<
      >('sf.vscode.core.logger.get.instance', instanceName,;
    case ServiceType.MyHelloPlanet:
      // Call function to materialize MyHelloPlanet service
      serviceInstance = await createMyHelloPlanetService(instanceName,;
      throw new Error(`Unsupported service type: ${type}`);

  // Rest of the method...