Releases: formancehq/payments
Releases · formancehq/payments
Bug fixes
- 475e1f: fix: payments publish (@gfyrag)
Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.1.3
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Bug fixes
- 4729bb: fix: bad dependencies (@gfyrag)
Other work
- e1f094: chore(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 1 to 2 (@dependabot[bot])
- ecbb8d: chore: add dependabot (@antoinegelloz)
- ba0c92: chore: bump go-libs (@antoinegelloz)
- f52207: chore: bump go-libs (@antoinegelloz)
- caf40f: chore: first (@antoinegelloz)
- 2945ea: chore: move kafka messages to core pkg (@antoinegelloz)
- b23fb2: chore: move message models (@antoinegelloz)
- 9782f0: chore: new method to create kafka message (@antoinegelloz)
- bfc6f8: chore: revert moving files (@antoinegelloz)
- 4aa232: chore: update messages (@antoinegelloz)
- 0c131f: chore: update messages (@antoinegelloz)
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2
What to do next?
- Read the documentation
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Bug fixes
- eec30ba: fix: GET using id (@gfyrag)
- 1ac6272: fix: first (@antoinegelloz)
- a5589b1: fix: lint (@antoinegelloz)
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1
What to do next?
- Read the documentation
- Join our Discord server
New Features
- 9762a4c: feat: Add Readme file (@flemzord)
- 231bbcc: feat: Add check pr style name (@flemzord)
- 9975bd7: feat: Add storage to store arbitrary object. (@gfyrag)
- 70cc35f: feat: Add test in main (@flemzord)
- 6a9d822: feat: Improve swagger. (@gfyrag)
- 5e38b99: feat: Increase stripe allowed tasks. (@gfyrag)
- 60cca2d: feat: Little improvement for multi command (@flemzord)
- 52eef0e: feat: Make task restarting optional with rescheduling the same task multiple times. (@gfyrag)
- a45ea7a: feat: Make task scheduler accept a container factory (@gfyrag)
- 8a1b9ba: feat: Move command from Makefile to Taskfile. (@gfyrag)
- 6fc5295: feat: Split command in the dockerfile using entrypoint/cmd. (@gfyrag)
- f6635b6: feat: factorize some stripe code. (@gfyrag)
- acce8a9: feat: upgrade deps for action (@flemzord)
Bug fixes
Other work
- d2ea294: Add Dates on stripe state. (@gfyrag)
- a202ebf: Add a check. (@gfyrag)
- e03d4eb: Add a dedicated collections for connectors states. (@gfyrag)
- 6b0b538: Add a dedicated logger for potential otlp errors. (@gfyrag)
- 6ed2168: Add a error log when a strip balance transaction type is not handled. (@gfyrag)
- 6ab52dc: Add adjusments. (@gfyrag)
- d8b6769: Add adjustments to computed payments. (@gfyrag)
- 2563d3e: Add assets conversion. (@gfyrag)
- 24e7b93: Add bridge. (@gfyrag)
- 0a39425: Add connector reset. (@gfyrag)
- 09456f0: Add deletion of log objects storage when a connector is reset. (@gfyrag)
- 701fb09: Add handling of payout_cancel and adjustment objects. (@gfyrag)
- de24c46: Add index on payment provider. (@gfyrag)
- 9c6af05: Add index on payment references. (@gfyrag)
- a07c6a8: Add index on type. (@gfyrag)
- cc7c057: Add log. (@gfyrag)
- 7688000: Add mongodb indexes. (@gfyrag)
- a40e175: Add pipeline to build specific branch name. (@gfyrag)
- d77b49b: Add scopes. (@gfyrag)
- 8bf4a79: Add some test. (@gfyrag)
- 395b6ea: Add topic mapping. (@gfyrag)
- 8931db3: Be smart on when fetching conencted account transactions. (@gfyrag)
- fe66011: Catch panic and display a log. (@gfyrag)
- 8957b0d: Change write concern in reset connection transaction. (@gfyrag)
- 195cf57: Clean useless flags. (@gfyrag)
- cb8288a: Clean. (@gfyrag)
- 637808c: DEBUG. (@gfyrag)
- cb5a86b: Do not restart connector after a reset if it is disabled. (@gfyrag)
- fb5faaa: Error handling. (@gfyrag)
- 3220951: Fix adjustment data unmarshlling. (@gfyrag)
- 194100a: Fix bad account. (@gfyrag)
- 1df136a: Fix bson decoding for empty interfaces. (@gfyrag)
- fc006f9: Fix bson key. (@gfyrag)
- c7d0426: Fix client code. (@gfyrag)
- d25fd4a: Fix concurrent read/write on map. (@gfyrag)
- 788e85e: Fix conflicts when resetting connectors. (@gfyrag)
- 9c41d63: Fix connector config parsing. (@gfyrag)
- 3352e73: Fix connector stop. (@gfyrag)
- ed928d5: Fix events. (@gfyrag)
- f3c9261: Fix log. (@gfyrag)
- c7e96d9: Fix logging. (@gfyrag)
- 48f50ba: Fix mongodb write conflict and update default stripe connector config. (@gfyrag)
- 1263a6f: Fix panic on stripe pool. (@gfyrag)
- 69212c1: Fix payment computed value. (@gfyrag)
- 2f4d6a1: Fix payments list. (@gfyrag)
- aa4e998: Fix payout_failure. (@gfyrag)
- 62edb0c: Fix provider in generated payments. (@gfyrag)
- bf075db: Fix race condition. (@gfyrag)
- c81214f: Fix read payment. (@gfyrag)
- eba8b55: Fix routing. (@gfyrag)
- 7687b9c: Fix some bson issues. (@gfyrag)
- 7f78fe0: Fix some tags. (@gfyrag)
- 9255ea3: Fix state update. (@gfyrag)
- 9923022: Fix stripe connector stop. (@gfyrag)
- a9cda45: Fix stripe refund. (@gfyrag)
- bbb30c0: Fix targetted stripe account. (@gfyrag)
- 4fa7173: Fix tests. (@gfyrag)
- 159b734: Fix timeline. (@gfyrag)
- 08130a9: Handle payment_refund and payment_failure. (@gfyrag)
- e398814: Harmonize events with ledger (@gfyrag)
- ba396e8: Increase commit time. (@gfyrag)
- 4f1934f: Integrate a new task mechanism inside the framework. (@gfyrag)
- 75de72c: Introduce log object storage. (@gfyrag)
- e451085: Let MongoDB driver handle transactions. (@gfyrag)
- b03cfad: Optimize build. (@gfyrag)
- 9d7d61d: Records stripe balance transactions in database for debug purpose. (@gfyrag)
- 6c87e44: Remove MongoDB monitor. (@gfyrag)
- d809d70: Remove custom unmarshalling using go generics instead. (@gfyrag)
- 771196d: Remove debug print. (@gfyrag)
- f11b9a6: Remove unused flag. (@gfyrag)
- d77f3cd: Remove useless code and and fast stripe runner stop. (@gfyrag)
- cb86e86: Reorganize code. (@gfyrag)
- a8882c0: Respect disabled flag when restoring state. (@gfyrag)
- f515824: Send payments events outside mongo transactions. (@gfyrag)
- fc60e9f: Simplify Dockerfile. (@gfyrag)
- de1a4af: Simplify connector loading. (@gfyrag)
- eb64465: Simplify connector reset. (@gfyrag)
- fb9ff83: Skip stripe transactions if source is not defined. (@gfyrag)
- 02e1262: Some fix on transactions. (@gfyrag)
- 9ad6933: Some fix. (@gfyrag)
- 77f447c: Split packages. (@gfyrag)
- f831d54: Test stripe worker pool. (@gfyrag)
- 0e576a0: Update stripe default values. (@gfyrag)
- 224bd8f: Update topic. (@gfyrag)
- aefdf31: Use auth from go-libs. (@gfyrag)
- a4e101c: ci: Add CodeCov (@flemzord)
- 5ddab0c: ci: Add GoReleaser Build (@flemzord)
- da23257: ci: Add GoReleaser Release (@flemzord)
- f16c923: ci: Add docker build for main branch (@flemzord)
- 06ddf02: ci: Replace go-test.yml to golang-test.yml (@flemzord)
- 9108179: ci: Use same code for all CI (@flemzord)
- 08bc91b: ci: Use same code for all CI (@flemzord)
- c244c58: doc: Add a tutorial about how to create a connector (@gfyrag)
- d1d43db: refacto: Use reflection instead of generics to handle task states as the state can be strongly different from a task to another. (@gfyrag)
- ec866dd: wip (@gfyrag)
Full Changelog: ...v0.1.0
What to do next?
- Read the documentation
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