[A one-paragraph description.]
[List required time, participants, materials, skills, knowledges, people, etc. Example follows.]
- Time: 50-80 minutes
- Participants: 2+
- In teams of size 2-3
- Computers
- 1 per team
- git
- installed
- configured
- Plain text editor
- installed
- configured
- Environment:
- Internet connection
- Internet connection
Participant must be able to:
- Command-line operations:
- Change working directory (cd)
- Filesystem operations:
- Create, rename, move, and delete directories and files
- Plaintext editor operations:
- Edit and save a file
[List what the participants will be able to do after the lesson/activity/homework etc.]
Participants will be able to ...
- Create a local git repository
- Stage and commit changes to a local git repository
- Unstage staged changes
- Undo a commit
- Check the status of a local git repository
How to use this project.
[Change the copyright notice. You may select a different license for your project, but we recommend CC-BY-SA.]
(c) 2016 Stoney Jackson SOME RIGHTS RESERVED
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.