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giter8 templates
Tony Koval edited this page Jul 17, 2020
213 revisions
Here are some templates maintained by the developers of the projects that are up to date.
- foundweekends/giter8.g8 (A template for Giter8 templates)
- scala/scala-seed.g8 (Seed template for Scala)
- scala/hello-world.g8 (A minimal Scala application)
- scala/scalatest-example.g8 (A template for trying out ScalaTest)
- justinhj/fp-starter-pack.g8 (A template for Cats, Zio, Monix and Fs2 setup + ammonite REPL)
- Clover-Group/zio-template.g8 (A minimal ZIO application)
- Clover-Group/zio-cats.g8 (A minimal ZIO application with Cats integration)
- ScalaConsultants/zio-akka-quickstart.g8 (Basic Scala application build using ZIO, Akka HTTP and Slick)
- lampepfl/dotty.g8 (simple dotty-compiled sbt project template)
- lampepfl/dotty-cross.g8 (Dotty and Scala 2 cross-compiled sbt template)
- akka/akka-quickstart-scala.g8 (Akka Quickstart with Scala)
- akka/akka-quickstart-java.g8 (Akka Quickstart with Java)
- akka/akka-http-quickstart-scala.g8 (Akka HTTP Quickstart in Scala)
- akka/akka-http-quickstart-java.g8 (Akka HTTP Quickstart in Java)
- playframework/play-scala-seed.g8 (Play Scala Seed Template)
- playframework/play-java-seed.g8 (Play Java Seed template)
- lagom/lagom-scala.g8 (A Lagom Scala seed template for sbt)
- lagom/lagom-java.g8 (A Lagom Java seed template for sbt)
- scala-native/scala-native.g8 (Scala Native)
- portable-scala/sbt-crossproject.g8 (sbt-crosspoject)
- scalacenter/scalafix.g8 (Template to start with scalafix rewrite development)
- http4s/http4s.g8 (http4s services)
- unfiltered/unfiltered.g8 (Unfiltered application)
- unfiltered/unfiltered-netty.g8 (Unfiltered with Netty)
- unfiltered/unfiltered-war.g8 (Unfiltered template to use with servlet containers)
- unfiltered/unfiltered-scalate.g8 (Unfiltered with Scalate and Jetty)
- unfiltered/unfiltered-gae.g8 (Unfiltered with Google App Engine)
- unfiltered/unfiltered-oauth-server.g8 (Unfiltered OAuth server)
- unfiltered/unfiltered-oauth2-server.g8 (Unfiltered OAuth2 server)
- scalatra/scalatra.g8 (Basic Scalatra project template)
- holdenk/sparkProjectTemplate.g8 (Template for Scala Apache Spark project).
- spark-jobserver/spark-jobserver.g8 (Template for Spark Jobserver)
- joescii/lift-ng.g8 (A template for getting off the ground with Scala, Lift, and AngularJS)
scalafx/scalafx.g8 (Creates a ScalaFX project with build support of sbt and dependencies.)
sfxcode/sapphire-sbt.g8 (Creates MVC ScalaFX App based on sapphire-core
- inkytonik/kiama.g8 (Kiama-based Scala projects)
- joost-de-vries/play-angular-typescript.g8 (Play Typescript Angular2 application)
- joost-de-vries/play-reactjs-typescript.g8 (Play Typescript ReactJs Typescript)
- ddanielbee/typescript-react.g8(React + Typescript application)
- UdashFramework/udash.g8 (Udash with configured Scala.js, Spring, Jetty and sbt-native-packager)
- gatling/gatling.g8 (Gatling performance test suite)
- earldouglas/xsbt-web-plugin.g8 (Seed Template for xsbt-web-plugin)
Giter8 has been around since 2010, so some templates are fairly new while others are outdated. We've put last updated year on some of them (e.g. 2012).
- sbt/sbt-autoplugin.g8 (sbt 0.13.5+ AutoPlugin)
- akiomik/sbt-plugin.g8 (2013. A template for sbt plugins)
- ict-group/ict-play-template.g8 (A Play, Scalikejdbc, Swagger REST CRUD template)
- xuwei-k/play.g8 (Play project template for Scala users)
- guardian/scala-play.g8 (Play g8 template)
- lloydmeta/ctdi-play.g8 (Compile-time DI Play template. Includes test harnesses.)
- lloydmeta/slim-play.g8 (A slim Play app that is almost Sinatra-like.)
- muya/play-sbt-scala-seed.g8.g8 (Scala Play Framework template with SBT Layout)
- sameergarg/scala-play-macwire-reactivemongo.g8 (2014. Play 2.3, Scala, macwire and reactive mongo)
- tysonjh/playJavaBootstrap.g8 (2014. Play 2.2, Java, with Twitter Bootstrap)
- mbseid/play-mongo-securesocial.g8 (2013. Play 2.1 application. Comes rolled with Salat driver for MongoDB, and SecureSocial for authentication.)
- polentino/play-gradle-template.g8 2020 Play 2.6 template that will setup also Liquibase, H2/MySQL, Swagger-UI and, if enabled, also Typescript client API generation from swagger definition and inclusion in a simple Angular project to showcase its usage.
- orhanbalci/akka-http-microservice.g8 (Akka Http Microservice template)
- silvaren/akka-http.g8 (Akka HTTP microservice with easy start/stop controls)
- ScalaWilliam/akka-stream-kafka-template.g8 (Akka Streams and Kafka)
- shigemk2/minimal-akka-scala.g8 (very simple and minimal akka-scala template)
(A slimmer version of ymasory's sbt project with typesafe config, logback, scalatest and akka. Features a spray option via
g8 mhamrah/sbt -b spray
.) - cfeduke/akka-scala-sbt.g8 (2014. Akka 2.2, Scala)
- yannick-cw/elm-akka-http.g8 (Elm running on Akka-Http)
- liquidarmour/akka-http-docker.g8 (An Akka HTTP application ready to release and run in Docker)
- innFactory/bootstrap-akka-http.g8 (2017 A docker ready akka HTTP template with slick, in-memory postgres for tests, swagger-doc, swagger-ui, hickaricp, Flyway Migration and AWS Cognito Auth)
- innFactory/bootstrap-akka-graphql.g8 (2017 Like the http microservice template but with sangria graphql support)
- niqdev/akka-seed.g8 (2018 Akka HTTP template)
- Bunyod/akka-http-tapir.g8 (2019 Akka HTTP Swagger REST template. Libs: tapir, pureconfig, cats, circe, jwt, etc)
- imarios/frameless.g8 (A simple frameless template to start with more expressive types for Spark)
- tillrohrmann/flink-project.g8 (Flink project.)
- nttdata-oss/basic-spark-project.g8 (Spark basic project.)
- Daxten/bay-scalajs.g8 (A Scala.js template with scaffolding, postgres, scalajs-react and play-framework in the backen)
- vmunier/play-scalajs.g8 (Template to get started with Play and Scala.js)
- vmunier/akka-http-scalajs.g8 (Template to get started with Akka HTTP and Scala.js)
- VEINHORN/chrome-extension.g8 (Template to get started with Chrome API and Scala.js)
- dborisenko/scalajs-react-play-material-ui.g8 (Client-server application template with Scala.js, React, Material-UI and Play)
- dborisenko/scalajs-react-play-elemental-ui.g8 (Client-server application template with Scala.js, React, Elemental-UI and Play)
- shadaj/create-react-scala-app.g8 (Write React apps in Scala just like you would in ES6)
- taisukeoe/android-pfn-app.g8 (Android project in Scala with pfn/android-sdk-plugin)
- aafa/rest-android-scala.g8 (sbt project for Android REST client based on Retrofit with Macroid and Robolectric for testing)
- ajhager/libgdx-sbt-project.g8 (2014. sbt project for developing Scala games using libGDX)
- chototsu/mmstemplandroid.g8 (2013. Template for MikMikuStudio(Android version).)
- gseitz/android-sbt-project.g8 (2011. sbt project for Android)
- xuwei-k/unfiltered-heroku.g8 (Unfiltered heroku)
- davececere/unfiltered-squeryl-war.g8 (2013. Full persistent REST api of a single resource. SBT, Scala, Unfiltered, Squeryl, .war build artifact)
- akollegger/unfiltered-neo4j-on-heroku.g8 (2012. Unfiltered, dispatch to Neo4j, host on Heroku)
- mindcandy/unfiltered-rest-gatling.g8 (2012 .sbt project for Unfiltered with Netty, Gatling load testing, and Specs2)
- softprops/unfiltered.g8 (2012. sbt project for Unfiltered with Jetty)
- chrislewis/unfiltered-gae.g8 (2011. sbt project for Unfiltered on Google App Engine)
- takezoe/scalatra-twirl.g8 (A web application using Scalatra with Twirl template)
- takezoe/scalatra-scalajs.g8 (A application using Scalatra and Scala.js)
- dkrieg/scalatra-angularjs-seed.g8 (2013. Template for web app with Scalatra, AngularJS, AngularUI-Boostrap, CoffeeScript, Less, Jasmine, Scala 2.10.0, sbt 0.12.2.)
- JanxSpirit/scalatra-mongodb.g8 (2012. A web application using Scalatra, Casbah and MongoDB - builds with SBT 0.11.x)
- jrevault/scalatra-squeryl.g8 (2012. sbt, Scalatra, Squeryl with usage samples, includes several plugins)
- eltimn/lift-mongo.g8 (Template to get a Lift-MongoDB webapp up and running quickly.)
- temon/griya-basic.g8 (A template for start your Lift project with Spec2)
- mads379/lift-blank.g8 (2012. Lift minimalistic project)
- aafa/bintray-sbt-template.g8 (A Bintray sbt project)
- anvie/multiproject.g8 (A multi project sbt)
- anvie/sbt-simple-project.g8 (A simple sbt build with a single project.)
- chriscoffey/multi-project.g8 (A multi-project build with packaging and dependencies)
- chrislewis/basic-project.g8 (Bootstrapped sbt project with simple configuration)
- DevInsideYou/cat.g8 (Clean Architecture Template)
- DevInsideYou/scala-seed.g8 (Scala seed)
- djspiewak/base.g8 (My cool template)
- fayimora/basic-scala-project.g8 (A simple Scala project with ScalaTest.)
- ferhtaydn/sbt-skeleton.g8 (A simple sbt Scala project with ScalaTest and ScalaCheck.)
- harshad-deo/sbtbase.g8 (sbt project with linting, code formatting and a few useful plugins)
- j5ik2o/sbt-with-scalafmt.g8 (sbt with Scalafmt)
- kurochan/java-seed.g8 (A simple hello world app in Java.)
- lewismj/sbt-project.g8 (Modern Scala 2.12 project template, incorporates tut, microsites and default layout, 'core', 'tests', 'doc' etc...)
- lewismj/sbt-template.g8 (Multi-module project with application (Scala 2.12, no use of Build.scala))
- lloydmeta/seed-scala.g8 (Scala skeleton project w/ Scalatest, DocTest, Scalafmt, Wartremover, Coursier and scalac options configured)
- pmandera/basic-scala-project.g8 (Simple scala project. Fork of fayimora/basic-scala-project.g8 using specs2 instead of ScalaTest.)
- rlazoti/scala-sbt.g8 (An app with ScalaTest, Scala 2.10.2, sbt 0.12.3, sbt-eclipse and sbt-package-dist plugins.)
- kasured/scala-sbt.g8(Giter8 template ships with Scala, SBT, Scalatest, Scala Logging and Cats Core. Package name and versions go with the sensible default values)
- adinapoli/sbt-revolver.g8 (2012. Generic sbt project with sbt-revolver)
- akiomik/scala-migrations.g8 (2013. A template for sbt projects using scala-migrations.)
- ctranxuan/sbt-multi-modules.g8 (2013. A template for sbt multi-modules project)
- joescii/scala-oss.g8 (2014. A template for creating an open-source Scala project.)
- ymasory/sbt-code-quality.g8 (2013. CheckStyle and PMD for Java projects)
- ymasory/sbt.g8 (2013. Generic sbt project for projects using GitHub)
- elbaulp/elbaulp-scala.g8 (Simple Scala project with Property Checks, ScalaTest and log4j)
- jokade/scalanative-cocoa-seed.g8 (Template for Cocoa projects with scala-native)
- adinapoli/scalaz-revolver.g8 (Generic sbt project with scalaz 7 and sbt-revolver)
- bneil/finch-skeleton.g8 (A project that centers on finagle/finch using circe, scalaz, scalacheck and shapeless)
- bsamaripa/http4s.g8 (A simple http4s template)
- edinhodzic/kyriakos-rest-micro-service-spray.g8 (REST CRUD microservice based on Sbt, Spray, MongoDb, Kamon metrics)
- guardian/lambda-scala-boilerplate.g8 (Scala AWS lambda g8 template)
- jimschubert/finatra.g8 (A simple Finatra 2.5 template with sbt-revolver and sbt-native-packager)
- joescii/presentera.g8 (A template for making awesome presentations with Presentera)
- jmhofer/scalatron-bot.g8 (A template for Scalatron bots.)
- julien-truffaut/presentation.g8 (A template using tut and remark.js)
- mefellows/respite-sbt.g8 (sbt project for the Respite REST micro-framework)
- polymorphic/gatling-simulation-template.g8 (Gatling simulations)
- ripla/vaadin-scala.g8 (Template to easily get started with a Scala Vaadin project using the Scaladin add-on.)
- anvie/spray-rest-sbt-0.11.2.g8 (2012. sbt template for Spray Rest sbt 0.11.2 included eclipse and idea plugins.)
- chototsu/mmstempl.g8 (2013. Template for MikMikuStudio.)
- codesolid/cassandra.g8 (2014. giter8 project featuring Cassandra in a simple ScalaTest project, with TypeSafe configuration)
- exu/phalcon.g8.git (2012. CPhalcon basic template)
- gfrison/proto-app.g8 (2013. Archetype of any Java or Groovy standalone application based on Spring (Grails DSL) and Gradle)
- giTorto/template-openRefine-extension.g8 (2014. Template to easily get started with an OpenRefine extension.)
- jackywyz/sbtweb-app.g8 (2014. sbt web project basic template)
- jeffling/sbt-finagle.g8 (2013. Finagle Thrift template (with scrooge) with subprojects for the interface and server for easy deploying and publishing.)
- jimschubert/finatra-app.g8 (2014. A template for a Finatra 1.5.3 Application using the bower/Bootstrap template provided by Finatra)
- jrudolph/scalac-plugin.g8 (2012. sbt project for Scala Compiler Plugins)
- marceloemanoel/gradle-plugin-template.g8 (2013. Gradle plugin template with info for deploying to Maven Central.)
- matlockx/simple-gradle-scala.g8 (2013. A Scala project with Gradle and Heroku support.)
- mesosphere/scala-sbt-mesos-framework.g8 (2014. A bare-bones Apache Mesos framework project in Scala.)
- n8han/giter8.g8 (2014. sbt project for new giter8 templates)
- non/caliper.g8 (2013. Template for writing micro-benchmarks using Caliper.)
- omphe/ansible_project.g8 (2014. A template for Ansible projects according to best-practice directory layouts)
- omphe/cr_scala_cli.g8 (2014. Simple Scala CLI app template with Scallop option handling)
- philcali/lwjgl-project.g8 (2012. sbt project with LWJGL integration)
- semberal/slick-sbt-project.g8 (2014. A template for Slick database access library with BoneCP connection pool and Typesafe config)
- Jannyboy11/ScalaDemoPlugin.g8 (2018. A template for Bukkit plugins in Scala)
- softprops/chrome-plugin.g8 (2012. Google Chrome Plugin g8 template)
- tboloo/scala-jna-project.g8 (2014. A sample scala project for accessing native libraries with JNA)
- tysonjh/scalaMacro.g8 (2014. A template for Scala Macros using the Macro Paradise plugin.)
- tysonjh/sprayTwirlTemplate.g8 (2014. A template for spray-can with twirl, templating, assembly, revolver (Scala))
- spotify/scio.g8 (2017. A template for Scio)
- yarenty/h2o-spark-seed.g8 (2017. Starting template for Sparkling-Water(H2O) Machine Learning framework on Spark (Scala))
- yarenty/tensorflow-scala-seed.g8 (2017. Template for production like project of Tensorflow using scala.)
- Biacco42/scala-jfx-jre-pack.g8 (2020. A template for OpenJFX. This also includes a release command that builds a package composed of your application jar, minimized JRE, and launch script.)
- tonykoval/nifi-scala-bundle.g8 (2020. A template for generating a new Scala NiFi processor bundle)
Searching GitHub with g8 as keyword, you can discover interesting templates.