diff --git a/Carleson/Defs.lean b/Carleson/Defs.lean index ab502a64..6fe6bec9 100644 --- a/Carleson/Defs.lean +++ b/Carleson/Defs.lean @@ -362,6 +362,12 @@ lemma measurable_Q₂ : Measurable fun p : X × X ↦ Q p.1 p.2 := fun s meass lemma aestronglyMeasurable_Q₂ : AEStronglyMeasurable fun p : X × X ↦ Q p.1 p.2 := measurable_Q₂.aestronglyMeasurable +@[fun_prop] +lemma measurable_Q₁ (x : X) : Measurable (Q x) := + let Q' : X → X → ℝ := fun x' y ↦ Q x' y + have : (fun y ↦ Q' x y) = Q x := rfl + this ▸ measurable_Q₂.of_uncurry_left + include a q K σ₁ σ₂ F G variable (X) in diff --git a/Carleson/ForestOperator/PointwiseEstimate.lean b/Carleson/ForestOperator/PointwiseEstimate.lean index 5eab8711..49a3354b 100644 --- a/Carleson/ForestOperator/PointwiseEstimate.lean +++ b/Carleson/ForestOperator/PointwiseEstimate.lean @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ import Carleson.Forest import Carleson.HardyLittlewood import Carleson.ToMathlib.BoundedCompactSupport +import Carleson.Psi open ShortVariables TileStructure variable {X : Type*} {a : ℕ} {q : ℝ} {K : X → X → ℂ} {σ₁ σ₂ : X → ℤ} {F G : Set X} @@ -51,7 +52,11 @@ lemma 𝓛_subset_𝓛₀ {𝔖 : Set (𝔓 X)} : 𝓛 𝔖 ⊆ 𝓛₀ 𝔖 := /-- The projection operator `P_𝓒 f(x)`, given above Lemma 7.1.3. In lemmas the `c` will be pairwise disjoint on `C`. -/ def approxOnCube (C : Set (Grid X)) (f : X → E') (x : X) : E' := - ∑ J ∈ { p | p ∈ C }, (J : Set X).indicator (fun _ ↦ ⨍ y, f y) x + ∑ J ∈ { p | p ∈ C }, (J : Set X).indicator (fun _ ↦ ⨍ y in J, f y) x + +lemma stronglyMeasurable_approxOnCube (C : Set (Grid X)) (f : X → E') : + StronglyMeasurable (approxOnCube (X := X) (K := K) C f) := + Finset.stronglyMeasurable_sum _ (fun _ _ ↦ stronglyMeasurable_const.indicator coeGrid_measurable) /-- The definition `I_i(x)`, given above Lemma 7.1.3. The cube of scale `s` that contains `x`. There is at most 1 such cube, if it exists. -/ @@ -249,17 +254,98 @@ lemma third_tree_pointwise (hu : u ∈ t) (hL : L ∈ 𝓛 (t u)) (hx : x ∈ L) /-- The constant used in `pointwise_tree_estimate`. Has value `2 ^ (151 * a ^ 3)` in the blueprint. -/ --- Todo: define this recursively in terms of previous constants -irreducible_def C7_1_3 (a : ℕ) : ℝ≥0 := 2 ^ (151 * (a : ℝ) ^ 3) +irreducible_def C7_1_3 (a : ℕ) : ℝ≥0 := max (C7_1_4 a) (C7_1_6 a) --2 ^ (151 * (a : ℝ) ^ 3) + +-- Used in the proof of Lemma 7.1.3 to translate `∑ p` into `∑ s` +private lemma p_sum_eq_s_sum (I : ℤ → X → ℂ) : + ∑ p ∈ Finset.filter (fun p ↦ p ∈ (fun x ↦ t.𝔗 x) u) Finset.univ, (E p).indicator (I (𝔰 p)) x = + ∑ s ∈ t.σ u x, I s x := by + -- Restrict to a sum over those `p` such that `x ∈ E p`. + let 𝔗' := Finset.filter (fun p ↦ p ∈ (fun x ↦ t.𝔗 x) u ∧ x ∈ E p) Finset.univ + have : ∑ p ∈ 𝔗', (E p).indicator (I (𝔰 p)) x = ∑ p ∈ Finset.filter + (fun p ↦ p ∈ (fun x ↦ t.𝔗 x) u) Finset.univ, (E p).indicator (I (𝔰 p)) x := by + apply Finset.sum_subset (fun p hp ↦ by simp [(Finset.mem_filter.mp hp).2.1]) + intro p p𝔗 p𝔗' + simp only [Finset.mem_filter, Finset.mem_univ, true_and, not_and, 𝔗'] at p𝔗 p𝔗' + exact indicator_of_not_mem (p𝔗' p𝔗) (I (𝔰 p)) + rw [← this] + -- Now the relevant values of `p` and `s` are in bijection. + apply Finset.sum_bij (fun p _ ↦ 𝔰 p) + · intro p hp + simp only [σ, Finset.mem_image] + exact ⟨p, by simpa [𝔗'] using hp⟩ + · intro p hp p' hp' hpp' + simp only [E, Grid.mem_def, sep_and, Finset.mem_filter, 𝔗'] at hp hp' + by_contra h + exact Nonempty.not_disjoint ⟨Q x, ⟨hp., hp'.⟩⟩ <| disjoint_Ω h <| + (eq_or_disjoint hpp').resolve_right <| Nonempty.not_disjoint ⟨x, ⟨hp., hp'.⟩⟩ + · intro s hs + simpa [𝔗', σ] using hs + · intro p hp + simp only [Finset.mem_filter, 𝔗'] at hp + exact indicator_of_mem hp.2.2 (I (𝔰 p)) /-- Lemma 7.1.3. -/ lemma pointwise_tree_estimate (hu : u ∈ t) (hL : L ∈ 𝓛 (t u)) (hx : x ∈ L) (hx' : x' ∈ L) (hf : BoundedCompactSupport f) : ‖carlesonSum (t u) (fun y ↦ exp (.I * - 𝒬 u y) * f y) x‖₊ ≤ C7_1_3 a * (MB volume 𝓑 c𝓑 r𝓑 (approxOnCube (𝓙 (t u)) (‖f ·‖)) x' + - t.boundaryOperator u (approxOnCube (𝓙 (t u)) (‖f ·‖)) x' + - nontangentialMaximalFunction (𝒬 u) (approxOnCube (𝓙 (t u)) f) x'):= by - set g := approxOnCube (𝓙 (t u)) (‖f ·‖) - sorry + t.boundaryOperator u (approxOnCube (𝓙 (t u)) (‖f ·‖)) x') + + nontangentialMaximalFunction (𝒬 u) (approxOnCube (𝓙 (t u)) f) x' := by + set g := approxOnCube (𝓙 (t u)) f + -- Convert the sum over `p` into a sum over `s`. + unfold carlesonSum carlesonOn + rw [p_sum_eq_s_sum fun s x ↦ ∫ (y : X), cexp (I * (Q x y - Q x x)) * K x y * + («ψ» D (D ^ (-s) * dist x y)) * (fun y ↦ cexp (I * -𝒬 u y) * f y) y] + -- Next introduce an extra factor of `‖cexp (I * 𝒬 u x)‖₊`, i.e., 1. Then simplify. + have : 1 = ‖cexp (I * 𝒬 u x)‖₊ := by simp [mul_comm I, nnnorm] + rw [← one_mul ‖_‖₊, this, ← nnnorm_mul, Finset.mul_sum] + have : ∑ i ∈ t.σ u x, cexp (I * 𝒬 u x) * ∫ (y : X), (cexp (I * (Q x y - Q x x)) * K x y * + («ψ» D (D ^ (-i) * dist x y)) * (cexp (I * -𝒬 u y) * f y)) = + ∑ i ∈ t.σ u x, ∫ (y : X), + (f y * ((exp (I * (- 𝒬 u y + Q x y + 𝒬 u x - Q x x)) - 1) * Ks i x y) + + (f y - g y) * Ks i x y + g y * Ks i x y) := by + simp_rw [← integral_mul_left, Ks, mul_sub, mul_add, sub_eq_add_neg, exp_add] + exact Finset.fold_congr (fun s hs ↦ integral_congr_ae (funext fun y ↦ by ring).eventuallyEq) + rw [this] + -- It suffices to show that the integral splits into the three terms bounded by Lemmas 7.1.4-6 + suffices ∑ i ∈ t.σ u x, ∫ (y : X), + (f y * ((cexp (I * (-𝒬 u y + Q x y + 𝒬 u x - Q x x)) - 1) * Ks i x y)) + + (f y - g y) * Ks i x y + g y * Ks i x y = + ∑ i ∈ t.σ u x, + ((∫ (y : X), f y * ((cexp (I * (-𝒬 u y + Q x y + 𝒬 u x - Q x x)) - 1) * Ks i x y)) + + (∫ (y : X), (f y - g y) * Ks i x y) + (∫ (y : X), g y * Ks i x y)) by + -- Separate the LHS into three pieces + rw [this, Finset.sum_add_distrib, Finset.sum_add_distrib] + apply le_trans <| ENNReal.coe_strictMono.monotone <| (nnnorm_add_le _ _).trans + (add_le_add_right (nnnorm_add_le _ _) _) + rw [ENNReal.coe_add, ENNReal.coe_add, mul_add] + -- Apply Lemmas 7.1.4, 7.1.5, and 7.1.6 + simp_rw [← mul_comm (Ks _ x _)] + refine add_le_add_three ?_ ?_ (second_tree_pointwise hu hL hx hx') + · simp_rw [mul_comm (Ks _ x _), mul_comm (f _)] + have h : C7_1_3 a ≥ C7_1_4 a := by rw [C7_1_3_def]; exact le_max_left (C7_1_4 a) (C7_1_6 a) + exact (first_tree_pointwise hu hL hx hx' hf).trans <| mul_right_mono (by exact_mod_cast h) + · have h : C7_1_3 a ≥ C7_1_6 a := by rw [C7_1_3_def]; exact le_max_right (C7_1_4 a) (C7_1_6 a) + exact (third_tree_pointwise hu hL hx hx' hf).trans <| mul_right_mono (by exact_mod_cast h) + -- In order to split the integral, we will first need some trivial integrability results + have h1 {i : ℤ} : Integrable (fun y ↦ approxOnCube (𝓙 (t.𝔗 u)) f y * Ks i x y) := by + apply (integrable_Ks_x <| one_lt_D (K := K)).bdd_mul + · exact (stronglyMeasurable_approxOnCube _ _).aestronglyMeasurable + · use ∑ J ∈ { p | p ∈ 𝓙 (t.𝔗 u) }, ‖⨍ y in J, f y‖ + refine fun x ↦ (norm_sum_le _ _).trans <| Finset.sum_le_sum (fun J hJ ↦ ?_) + by_cases h : x ∈ (J : Set X) <;> simp [h] + have : ∃ C, ∀ (y : X), ‖cexp (I * (-𝒬 u y + Q x y + 𝒬 u x - Q x x)) - 1‖ ≤ C := by + refine ⟨2, fun y ↦ le_of_le_of_eq (norm_sub_le _ _) ?_⟩ + norm_cast + rw [mul_comm, norm_exp_ofReal_mul_I, one_add_one_eq_two] + have h2 {i : ℤ} : Integrable + (fun y ↦ f y * ((cexp (I * (-𝒬 u y + Q x y + 𝒬 u x - Q x x)) - 1) * Ks i x y)) := + hf.integrable_mul <| (integrable_Ks_x <| one_lt_D (K := K)).bdd_mul + (Measurable.aestronglyMeasurable (by fun_prop)) this + have h3 {i : ℤ} : Integrable (fun y ↦ (f y - approxOnCube (𝓙 (t.𝔗 u)) f y) * Ks i x y) := by + simp_rw [sub_mul] + exact hf.integrable_mul (integrable_Ks_x <| one_lt_D (K := K)) |>.sub h1 + exact Finset.fold_congr fun i _ ↦ by rw [integral_add _ h1, integral_add h2 h3]; exact h2.add h3 end TileStructure.Forest diff --git a/Carleson/Psi.lean b/Carleson/Psi.lean index 92afd55a..fe835c31 100644 --- a/Carleson/Psi.lean +++ b/Carleson/Psi.lean @@ -752,10 +752,12 @@ lemma nnnorm_Ks_sub_Ks_le {s : ℤ} {x y y' : X} : exact ⟨fun h ↦ absurd h h', fun _ ↦ ENNReal.coe_ne_top⟩ exact absurd htop hnetop -lemma aestronglyMeasurable_Ks {s : ℤ} : AEStronglyMeasurable (fun x : X × X ↦ Ks s x.1 x.2) := by +lemma measurable_Ks {s : ℤ} : Measurable (fun x : X × X ↦ Ks s x.1 x.2) := by unfold Ks _root_.ψ - refine aestronglyMeasurable_K.mul ?_ - fun_prop + exact measurable_K.mul (by fun_prop) + +lemma aestronglyMeasurable_Ks {s : ℤ} : AEStronglyMeasurable (fun x : X × X ↦ Ks s x.1 x.2) := + measurable_Ks.aestronglyMeasurable /-- The function `y ↦ Ks s x y` is integrable. -/ lemma integrable_Ks_x {s : ℤ} {x : X} (hD : 1 < (D : ℝ)) : Integrable (Ks s x) := by diff --git a/blueprint/src/chapter/main.tex b/blueprint/src/chapter/main.tex index 2877741a..0bcbfe54 100644 --- a/blueprint/src/chapter/main.tex +++ b/blueprint/src/chapter/main.tex @@ -4332,7 +4332,7 @@ \section{The pointwise tree estimate} \begin{proof} - By \eqref{definetp}, if $T_{\fp}[ e(-\fcc(\fu))f](x) \ne 0$, then $x \in E(\fp)$. Combining this with $|e(\fcc(\fu)(x)-\tQ(x)(x))| = 1$, we obtain + By \eqref{definetp}, if $T_{\fp}[ e(-\fcc(\fu))f](x) \ne 0$, then $x \in E(\fp)$. Combining this with $|e(\fcc(\fu)(x))| = 1$, we obtain $$ |\sum_{\fp \in \fT(\fu)} T_{\fp}[ e(-\fcc(\fu))f](x)| $$