- Using Android components to build mobile applications.
- Improving skills to learn, share knowledge and team work.
- Apply Sun* GIT flow.
6 working days (Max 10 working days)
- Android Architecture
- Layout Container
- Activity Lifecycle
- Fragment Lifecycle => Implementing Calculator app using above techniques (calculator with +, -, *, / functions)
- Intent
- Drawable, Style, Theme
- RecyclerView
- Menu, pickers, user navigation
- AsyncTask
- Internet connection
- Broadcast receiver
- Service
- MVP partern => Implementing Music application using Service => Implementing an application with MVP architecture
- Document: https://developer.android.com/guide
- Videos and slides are available on S-Learn's "Android" course: https://tiv.wsm.vn/learn/vi/learning/1509/content/1353/
Note: Starting from slide 3.Activities and Intents
onwards, there will be exercises on the last slide, trainees
follow the codelabs and push to github, attach the github link to the report at the end of the day.
In the process of learning, you will share knowledge with the team in 1 or 2 lessons:
- Step 1: Find a topic and send it to the chatwork for feedback from trainers and other trainees (prioritize topics with depth that brings a lot of values)
- Step 2: Conduct research and make slides, then submit to receive feedback
- Step 3: After completing the slide, notify the trainer to schedule
- Step 4: Present knowledge and get reviews.
During the tutorial, there will be 3 applications you have to send pull requests: Calculator, Music and MVP. The basic steps to send a pull request are as follows:
- Step 1: Go to your personal github to create a new repo with gitignore as Android. Then clone to your device
- Step 2: You create init project on the folder just cloned with Android Studio and create the first pull request, send it to trainers and everyone to review and comment
- Step 3: If there is a comment, edit the pull request and resend it, if it is approved by everyone, merge it yourself, go to step 4
- Step 4: Continue with the rest of the application like step 2 and step 3
Host: https://tiv.wsm.vn/learn/vi/learning/1509/content/1390/