Django is a high-level Python web framework, it's free and open source that encourages rapid development and clean design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of web development. At the end of this module, students will be able to:
- Know how to install and configure Django and related packages
- Understanding Model-View-Template architecture for server-side applications
- Learn the basics of Django framework
- Complete a web application using Django
3 days (Includes Lectures, individual self-review and perform exam)
Read and follow [here]]( Require from part 2, the attendee must create pull requests after each part
You can read document from links below:
- Each pull request corresponds to a part, 1 pull request has 1 commit
- How to name:
- The github repository name: locallibrary
- The branch name corresponds to the part name. Example: part2, part3
- Pull request title (commit content): The title of that part. Example: "Django Tutorial Part 2: Creating a skeleton website", "Django Tutorial Part 3: Using models"
Using the Pull Request Tracking System (PRTS) to send and track the pull request review. Follow the steps below:
- Login using account your Github
- Install according to the instructions at "User Guide" menu. This link here
- Inform trainer to add to the box chat using review pull request.
- Absolutely do not wait for the merged pull request part previous to do the next part. Instead, you checkout the new branch from the previous branch and continue, later rebase and fix conflicts later if any.
- Pull request after sending the trainer, you wait for a maximum of 3 hours, if after 3 hours there is still no review, please send a message to remind the trainer.
- It is recommended to create 1 commit/pull during the tutorial.
- For the first pull request, the Chatbot will not have a notification, from the next time there will be a notification when using the PRTS system.
- In the process of doing, if you have a problem that can't be solved after research by yourself, please take the initiative to ask other friends or trainer for support
At the end of the Python module, the attendee must take an online exam to review knowledge
- Link:
- Account: Create with email registered with HR or company email if available
NOTE: You must set an account similar to your account chatwork
For example:
Full name: Nguyen Van A
Course name: Python 03
Position: Open Education
Branch: Da Nang
Account name: [DN_OE03_Python]Nguyen Van A