10 days (Calculated by working days, in case of part-time work up to 15 consecutive days from the start date)
Email the trainer to ask the trainer to share
Html, css, not JS
- Register for a redmine account on this site here and then send the information to the trainer
- Refer to how to name an account here
- Each ticket task estimate does not exceed 8 hours, in case the task is large, divide many tickets to perform.
- Change ticket status according to instructions here
- All work that needs to be done must be created into a redmine ticket before starting to work
- Tickets redmine must fill in Category, Target Version, Parent task, Start date, Due date, Estimated time
- Dev received ticket, then changed status "In Progress"
- Dev done, send pull request, update ticket redmine link of pull request, change %DONE to 90%
- Pull request sent to the whole team to review
- The pull request must have an OK review from team member before it can be sent to the trainer for review.
- Pull request is merged, dev updates %DONE of redmine ticket to 100%, status to Resolved
- Attachment link ticket redmine into pull
- Attachment image captures the layout of the pull's functions
- Send and track pull on the system PRTS
- Only review the project when the team completes >= 85% of the required functions of the project
- Request to deploy the project on heroku
- Use the heroku link to present the project
- The login data needs to be fake ready for presentation
- Which member function does that member present
- In case the team completes less than 85% of the requirements, it is necessary to contact the trainer 2 days before the deadline to request a reschedule and ask for more time.