- ui
- fragment
- activity
- dialog
- widget
- adapter
- service
- data
- remote
- local
- model
- util
Class name must be written in UpperCamelCase
For class that extended in Andoid, class name should end with the name of the component
For example: LoginActivity, MainActivity, UserController, WeatherService, SiginInDialog....
Resources file names are written in lowercase_underscore
Rule for naming Drawables:
Type | Prefix | Example |
Action bar | ab_ |
ab_stacked.9.png |
Button | btn_ |
btn_send_pressed.9.png |
Dialog | dialog_ |
dialog_top.9.png |
Divider | divider_ |
divider_horizontal.9.png |
Icon | ic_ |
ic_star.png |
Menu | menu_ |
menu_submenu_bg.9.png |
Notification | notification_ |
notification_bg.9.png |
Tabs | tab_ |
tab_pressed.9.png |
Rule for naming Icon (Theo Android iconography guidelines):
Type | Prefix | Example |
Icons | ic_ |
ic_star.png |
Launcher icons | ic_launcher |
ic_launcher_calendar.png |
Menu icons and Action Bar icons | ic_menu |
ic_menu_archive.png |
Status bar icons | ic_stat_notify |
ic_stat_notify_msg.png |
Tab icons | ic_tab |
ic_tab_recent.png |
Dialog icons | ic_dialog |
ic_dialog_info.png |
Naming selector states:
State | Suffix | Example |
Normal | _normal |
btn_order_normal.9.png |
Pressed | _pressed |
btn_order_pressed.9.png |
Focused | _focused |
btn_order_focused.9.png |
Disabled | _disabled |
btn_order_disabled.9.png |
Selected | _selected |
btn_order_selected.9.png |
Apply Type _object _ purpose structure. Layout file names should match the name of Android component, and put at the beginning of the Files. For example, file layout name of LoginActivity
will be activity_login.xml
Component | Class name | Layout name |
Activity | UserProfileActivity |
activity_user_profile.xml |
Fragment | SignUpFragment |
fragment_sign_up.xml |
Dialog | ChangePasswordDialog |
dialog_change_password.xml |
AdapterView item | --- | item_person.xml |
Partial layout | --- | partial_stats_bar.xml |
Because menu doesn't include Android component, naming Menu should follow name of screen.
For example, in MainActivity
, file manu name will be activity_main.xml
Naming file should not include menu
because files already is in menu
Resources files in valus should be in plural. For example strings.xml
, styles.xml
, colors.xml
, dimens.xml
, attrs.xml