Program for visualizing various sorting algorithms
- Python 3.9
- numpy
- scipy
- matplotlib
- FFmpeg -
- Required to compile the generated frames and sound into a mp4
- Must be in system PATH so that .bat file can call it
- Installation guide:
Down the zip of the repository, unzip, and double click the make_movie.bat. Input what sorting method you want to use and the array size, then sit back and watch as the sorting algorithm runs!
- Bubble (N <= 50)
- Cocktail (N <= 50)
- Selection (N <= 50)
- Insertion (N <= 50)
- Shell (N <= 50)
- Quick (N <= 100)
- Merge (N <= 100)
- Radix (N <= 100)
Dave's Space - Awesome tutorial videos on creating this visualization method,