Plugin that allows you to import data from CSV files.
Importing data is a two step process:
Step 1. Select import options
- Choose the type of element to import (Category, Entry, or User)
- Select the corresponding category group, section, entry type, or user group
- Select the Import Behavior:
- Append Data — Will add new categories, entries, or users.
- Replace Data — Will update data for existing matched categories, entries, or users.
- Delete Data — Will delete data for existing matched categories, entries, or users.
Step 2. Map CSV data
- Map the destination fields for the csv data.
- Select which fields will be used as criteria to match existing records to replace (update) or delete data.
And import!
- Import Entries, Users and Categories
- Map CSV columns onto Fields
- Append, replace or delete data
- When replacing or deleting, you can build your own criteria for finding
- Has a hook "registerImportOperation" to parse special FieldType inputs if you want.
- Has events "onImportFinish" and "onBeforeImportDelete"
- These will notify you when the import finishes or wants to delete an element
- Uses the Task service to import while you work on.
- Automatically detects CSV delimiters
- Will connect Entries (also Structures), Categories, Users and Assets by searching for them
- Will send a summary email when the task if finished
- View your import history
- Ability to revert imports
- Import more ElementTypes (Tags, Globals, Assets?) (0.8)
- Support JSON and XML (0.9)
The plugin's folder should be named "import"
- Added ability to connect to multiple categories
- Added support for the tag field type (thanks to Richard Brown)
- Added getCsrfInput function to forms
- Added automatic line ending detection
- Improved usability
- Fixed category structure importing
- Fixed errors when importing single-option fieldtype data (thanks to Richard Brown)
- Remove title workaround, the fix is to escape comma's
- Better date parsing
- Added ancestor matching (by uri)
- Improved entry type matching
- Added a workaround for title matching
- Fixed parent matching
- Added handling of option-based fieldtypes
- Fixed a bug with the onImportFinish event
- Improved the task checker
- Fixed handling element fields for category element
- Make sure there's always a valid criterium when matching
- Respect element connect limits
- Updated the slugify function to match the latest Craft createSlug function
- Check if the installation supports usergroups
- Fixed phpunit unit testing
- Respect import order when connecting to entries, assets or users
- Report when deleting fails
- Added the ability to import Users and Categories
- Added the ability to download the originally uploaded file
- Added the ability to delete import history
- Parse numbers while respecting locales
- Added Date FieldType parsing
- Smoother error handling
- Changed the "registerImportFinish" hook to "onImportFinish" event
- Improved UI
- Fixed a bug that led to not importing data and not failing import
- Added the ability to run a custom hook on import finish
- Added behaviour permissions and a section permissions check/warning
- Added unit testing via phpunit
- Added Number FieldType parsing (as float)
- Fixed a bug with importing Expiry Date
- Ability to revert imports
- Fixed a bug with parent matching where the parent wasn't looked up in the same section
- Added parent matching, so you can import entries as children of other entries
- Only list sections for which the user has permissions, also fixing an entrytype listing bug if the first found section was a single.
- Bugfix: Criteria matching now checks all statuses and has no limit
- Added an "onBeforeImportDelete" event, so your plugin can intervene on deletion by this plugin
- Disabled listing of singles to import into
- Fixed a redirecting bug that occured in the previous update
- Better live import updates
- Fixed a bug where errors in import failed to render a history detail page
- Get pending task info in import overview
- Ability to choose wether you want to receive an e-mail or not
- Added an import history tab
- Fixed a bug where specific backup settings would fail the import task
- Fixed a bug where some objects were supposed to be arrays
- The plugin now checks if you meet the minimum Craft build that's required
- Ability to backup database before importing
- You now get a warning when a CSV row is malformed (per mail)
- Now supports slug importing
- In certain situations, values of variables within the plugin weren't properly checked
- When the import task if finished, you'll receive an e-mail with info about the import task
- Fixed a bug where Title fields would not be set
- Initial push to GitHub