FPGA_1943 re-implements the famous arcade game from CAPCOM : 1943, the battle of midway.
Since the hardware is very close, games like Commando, Black Tiger, Gun Smoke or Side Arms could be supported.
- Uses the TV80 Z80 core.
- Very small implementation.
- Run out of one 16-bit SDRAM running at 72 MHz.
- One background 32x32 tile layer (16 colors).
- One foreground 32x32 tile layer (16 colors).
- One 8x8 character layer (4 colors).
- One sprite generator that handles 128 sprites (16 colors).
- Security chip is implemented.
- Two upscaling schemes : Scale2X or CRT grid with blooming (see the snapshots).
- The ROMs are not included with the core, graphics ones must be translated in a more core friendly format.
- Sound is missing :-(
You are reading it right now.
This is the top level of the 1943 hardware.
Simple 4-port SDRAM controller.
Different RAM blocks used in register files and FIFOs implementation.
Top level of the 1943 GPU.
Inputs / outputs registers (joysticks, DIP switches, coins, security). It also contains specials flags to configure the scandoubler / scaler.
Video beam generator, NTSC compatible in the bus clock domain (72 MHz). 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz compatible in the video clock domain (108 MHz).
DMA sequencer that schedules SDRAM access for the Z80 CPUs, the sprite generator and the tilemaps.
Tilemap address generator (for map and graphics), X/Y flip handling and video FIFO.
Sprites registers, X/Y comparators, address generator for graphics, X/Y flip handling and dual video FIFO.
Character RAM, address generator for graphics and video FIFO.
Layers multiplexer, palette index generator.
Scale2X upscaler.
Scandoubler that does CRT emulation with blooming.
Folder containing the TV80 core (https://opencores.org/projects/tv80).
Configurable clock generator for Verilator.
Configurable video output recorder for Verilator.
EasyBMP object used by the video output recorder.
Configurable SDR SDRAM C++ model for Verilator.
Compile script for the Verilator testbench.
Main loop of the Verilator testbench.
Verilator testbench configuration file.
Quick and dirty arcade ROM graphics converter.
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