This project adheres to a simple Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
To put it in a nutshell: please always be nice and always try to be constructive!
Ideas: As this project is currently in a preparation phase, the best starting point to contribute is to help us with collecting ideas and discuss them. Please feel invited to go over to the issues section - you will find good starting points within the milestones.
Bugs: If you identify any bugs, please contribute issues and let us know about it. You can find help mastering issues here. Please try to be as specific as you can!
Enhancement suggestions: If you have further ideas, please also use issues to give us a note. Please make sure you've shortly looked through the existing ones to check whether your ideas are already on the table. If there is a similar idea, please consider commenting on that one and elaborate on what you would change or add!
At the upcoming Mozilla Science Lab Global Sprint 2016 -- an event with local and virtual meetings -- we will work on the compendium. Again, you are invited to join us (which you can announce here: mozillascience/global-sprint-2016#36).
For the two days sprint we've created a milestone that contains the issues we want to particularly concentrate on within the sprint - these are also good starting points if you want to join!
There will be two sites where we will be available in person during the sprint:
- On Thursday Matthias will be at the sprint-site in Berlin
- On Friday Andreas and Konrad will be available at the University of Würzburg (exact location to be announced soon)
Further information including how to join us remotely can be found in this etherpad.
If you have contributed to this repo please add yourself to (, how to do that is described in the file.
Over time we will develop/extent a roadmap that provides a bit more oversight of what the current goals are and what the next goals will be.
If you want to get in contact you can do so (for the moment) via Twitter:
or by asking on the mailing list
If you have questions/remarks regarding specific topics or issues, please leave comments in the related issues.