Run the same script on multiple repositories.
Resources :
Usage: ./ [options]
Options marked with * are required.
Sample usage :
./ -k clone -s core -j repo-subset.json
--folder, -f
Setup the base folder , default : current folder (/Users/mttfranci/git/fug/turbo-guide/src/main/script/git
--json, -j
Path to json configuration, default: /repo-subset.json
--branch, -b
Set the variable.
Search order : command line parameter, proprietà ansc-repo-subset.json "[]..branch" and "options.banch"
--kommand, -k
Built in command to use :
1) list - print list of repo and branch that would be processed for the given subset
2) checkout - checkout of all repositories to a give branch
3) showhead - print head (git rev-parse HEAD)
4) showbranch - print branch (git branch --show-current)
5) showlog1 - print last entry of git log (git log -1)
6) clone - clone all repository using json.options.clone_base_url if set
--command, -c
Execute custom command on all repos
Show this help
"default": {
"desription":"fugerit universe repositories",
{ "folder":"fj-bom" },
{ "folder":"fj-lib" },
{ "folder":"fj-doc" },
{ "folder":"fj-daogen" },
{ "folder":"query-export-tool" },
{ "folder":"yaml-doc-tool" },
{ "folder":"github-issue-export" }
"core": {
"desription":"fugerit core repositories",
{ "folder":"fj-bom" },
{ "folder":"fj-lib" },
{ "folder":"fj-doc" },
{ "folder":"fj-daogen" }