Releases: funmaker/Hybooru
Releases · funmaker/Hybooru
1.5.0 - Multi Tag Services Support
- Added support for importing from multiple tag services/repositories
- package-lock.json is now included in production builds
1.4.8 - Security Update
v1.4.8 1.4.8 - Security update
1.4.7 - Webpack compatibility
1.4.6 - Style improvements
- Fixed compatibility problems with newer node/npm
- Improved full-height post page style
v1.4.5 - GitHub Actions
- Added GitHub actions to automate GitHub Releases and Docker container
- Docker container is now available at
- No code changes
1.4.4 - Hydrus v447 support
- Updated for Hydrus v447
1.4.3 - Optimized Docker image
- Optimized Docker image (by 98WuG)
1.4.2 - Large Files
- Added support for large files (2GB+)
- Rebuild Database button now hides if password is not set
- Fixed broken bugged gallery after page refresh
- Fixed sorting and rating buttons not having text in mobile/chrome browsers
- Fixed rating stars not hiding if rating is disabled
1.4.1 - Node v16
- Updated to Node v16.1.0
- Added support for scroll wheel in gallery
- Disabled animation in gallery when using keyboard buttons
1.4.0 - Mobile Gallery & Cache
- Added mobile-friendly Popup Gallery
- Added server-side and client-side cache
- Added autoplay to videos
- Added navigation using arrow keys in autocomplete box
- Added option to show namespaces
- Added option to disable image height limit
- Added option to rebuild database
- Added option to set page size
- Added post relations (alternatives, duplicates)
- Added tag relations (siblings, parents)
- Added tag whitelist
- Added rating configuration and filtering
- Added files and thumbnails path override configuration
- Added example Nginx reverse proxy configuration
- Theme now defaults to browser preferences until changed
- Optimized client rendering
- Improved documentation
- Improved unknown/binary/missing file handling
- Fixed handling of subtags containing
character - Fixed negative search autocomplete
- Fixed Hydrus database not being closed gracefully
- Fixed page title not updating when traversing browser history