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414 lines (341 loc) · 13.8 KB

File metadata and controls

414 lines (341 loc) · 13.8 KB


With drawcustom, you can create an image in Home Assistant and send the rendered image to an OpenEpaperLink AP.

The basic service call, looks like this:

service: open_epaper_link.drawcustom
    - open_epaper_link.0000028DF056743B
  background: white
  rotate: 90
    - type: text
      value: "Hello World!"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 0
      y: 0
      size: 40
      color: red
    - type: icon
      value: account-cowboy-hat
      x: 60
      y: 120
      size: 120
      color: red



Payload to draw, see below Types.

Required: true


Background color: black, white, red

Required: true


Rotate the whole image by 0, 90, 180, 270.

Required: false (default: 0)


Generate image, but don't send it to the AP.

Required: false (default: false)

dry-run: true



Draws text.

- type: text
  value: "Hello World!"
  font: "/media/custom.ttf"
  x: 0
  y: 0
  size: 40
  color: red


  • value (required) the text to display
  • x (required) position on x axis
  • size (optional) size of text, default: 20
  • font (optional) name of ttf file from custom_components folder. default: ppb.ttf. An additional font is available called rbm.ttf. If you want custom fonts, don't place them in the custom_components folder. Place them in, for example, /media, to not have them deleted by the next update.
  • color (optional) font color of text. default: black
  • y (optional) position on y axis
  • y_padding (optional) offset to last text or multiline y position. works only if y is not provided. default: 10
  • anchor (optional) Position from the text, which shall be used as anchor. default: lt (left_top). Other options include mm (middle_middle). See
  • max_width (optional) creates line breaks in the provided text, if text is longer than max_width defines
  • spacing (optional) if line breaks created in the provided text using max_width, set spacing between single lines. Default: 5
  • stroke_width (optional) adds stroke around text with color stroke_fill. Default: 0
  • stroke_fill (optional) the color of the added stroke. Default: white
  • align (optional) left, center, right default: left (this sets the alignment of any new lines)
  • visible (optional) show element, default: True


This payload takes a string and a delimiter, and will break the string on every delimiter and move the cursor the amount offset_y down the canvas.

- type: multiline
  value: "adb|asd"
  delimiter: "|"
  font: "ppb.ttf"
  offset_y: 50
  x: 0
  size: 40
  color: black
  y_padding: 10


  • value (required) the text to display
  • delimiter (required) the delimiting character, to split value, e.g. #
  • x (required) position on x axis
  • offset_y (required) This is the line height: how much space to start the next line down the y axis.
  • start_y (optional) position on y axis
  • y_padding (optional) offset to last text or multiline y position. works only if start_y is not provided. default: 10
  • size (optional) size of text, default: 20
  • font (optional) name of ttf font file (see text above for details). default: ppb.ttf
  • color (optional) font color of text. default: black
  • spacing (optional) if multiline text, spacing between single lines
  • stroke_width (optional) adds stroke around text with color stroke_fill. Default: 0
  • stroke_fill (optional) the color of the added stroke. Default: white
  • align (optional) left, center, right default: left (if text contains \n this sets the alignment of the lines)
  • visible (optional) show element, default: True


Draws a line.

- type: line
  x_start: 20
  x_end: 380
  y_start: 15
  y_end: 15
  width: 1
  fill: red


  • x_start (required)
  • y_start (optional) if y_start is not provided, it will automatically try to add the line at the bottom of the last text block
  • y_padding (optional) if no y_start is provided, this will offset the start of the line to the last text block
  • x_end (required)
  • y_end (optional)
  • fill (optional) default black
  • width (optional) default 1
  • visible (optional) show element, default: True


Draws a rectangle.

- type: rectangle
  x_start: 20
  x_end: 80
  y_start: 15
  y_end: 30
  width: 2
  fill: red
  outline: black


  • x_start (required)
  • y_start (required)
  • x_end (required)
  • y_end (required)
  • fill (optional) default null, use null to not draw the inside
  • outline (optional) default black
  • width (optional) width of outline, default 1
  • visible (optional) show element, default: True
  • radius (optional) default 0, if set, the rectangle will be drawn with rounded corners
  • corners (optional) if set, the rectangle will be drawn with rounded corners, possible values are all, or top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right separated by a comma, if set without radius the default radius will be 10

rectangle pattern

Draws rectangles that are repeated in x and y direction.

  - type: rectangle_pattern
    x_start: 5
    x_size: 35
    x_offset: 10
    y_start: 28
    y_size: 18
    y_offset: 2
    fill: white
    outline: red
    width: 1
    x_repeat: 1
    y_repeat: 4


  • x_start (required)
  • x_size (required) length of rectangle in the x direction
  • x_offset (required) distance between rectangles in x direction
  • y_start (required)
  • y_size (required) length of rectangle in the y direction
  • y_offset (required) distance between rectangles in y direction
  • fill (optional) default null use null to not draw the inside
  • outline (optional) default black
  • width (optional) default 1
  • x_repeat (required) number of rectangles in x direction
  • y_repeat (required) number of rectangles in y direction
  • visible (optional) show element, default: True
  • radius (optional) default 0, if set, the rectangle will be drawn with rounded corners, if set without corners all corners will be rounded
  • corners (optional) if set, the rectangle will be drawn with rounded corners, possible values are all, or top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right separated by a comma, if set without radius the default radius will be 10


Draws a circle around a center point.

- type: circle
  x: 50
  y: 50
  radius: 20


  • x (required) x position of the center
  • y (required) y position of the center
  • radius (required) radius of the circle
  • fill (optional) default null, use null to not draw the inside
  • outline (optional) default black
  • width (optional) width of outline, default 1


Draws an ellipse inside the bounding box.

- type: ellipse
  x_start: 50
  x_end: 100
  y_start: 50
  y_end: 100


  • x_start (required) x position of the upper left corner
  • y_start (required) y position of the upper left corner
  • x_end (required) x position of the lower right corner
  • y_end (required) y position of the lower right corner
  • fill (optional) default null, use null to not draw the inside
  • outline (optional) default black
  • width (optional) width of outline, default 1


Draws an icon.

- type: icon
  value: account-cowboy-hat
  x: 60
  y: 120
  size: 120
  color: red


  • value (required) name of icon from, may be optionally prefixed with "mdi:"
  • x (required) x position
  • y (required) y position
  • size (required) e.g. 20
  • fill (optional) default black (was color before)
  • anchor (optional) position from the text, (see text above for details)
  • visible (optional) show element, default: True


Downloads an image from a URL and renders it.

- type: dlimg
  url: ""
  x: 10
  y: 10
  xsize: 120
  ysize: 120
  rotate: 0


  • url (required) url of the image to download. Either the full http/https URL address for an externally accessible image or Data URI like '' or locally stored image needs to be e.g. url: /config/media/chuck-icon.jpg if stored within a folder called media in your main config or homeassistant folder.
  • x (required) e.g. 20
  • y (required) e.g. 10
  • xsize (required) e.g. x size the image is resized
  • ysize (required) e.g. y size the image is resized
  • rotate (optional) default 0
  • visible (optional) show element, default: True


- type: qrcode
  data: ""
  x: 140
  y: 50
  boxsize: 2
  border: 2
  color: "black"
  bgcolor: "white"


  • data (required) content of the qr code
  • x (required) e.g. 20
  • y (required) e.g. 10
  • boxsize (optional) default 2
  • border (optional) default 1
  • color (optional) default black
  • bgcolor (optional) default white
  • visible (optional) show element, default: True


Renders the history of given home assistant entities as a line plot. The plot will scale according to the data, so you should only use multiple entities within the same data range.

- type: plot
  x_start: 10
  y_start: 20
  x_end: 199 # inclusive
  y_end: 119 # inclusive
  duration: 36000 # 10h in seconds
  low: 10 # if all values are larger than 10, we include 10 anyway
  high: 20 # if all values are smaller than 20, we include 20 anyway
    position: right # show legend on the right
    color: red
    tick_width: 4 # show very wide ticks
    grid: 3 # place a grid point every 3rd pixel
    - entity: sensor.my_room_temperature
      width: 3 # show very thick line
    - entity: sensor.my_outside_temperature
      color: red


  • x_start (optional, default 0) the left start of the whole plot (inlusive)
  • y_start (optional, default 0) the top start of the whole plot (inlusive)
  • x_end (optional, default 0) the right end of the whole plot (inlusive)
  • y_end (optional, default 0) the bottom end of the whole plot (inlusive)
  • duration (optional, default 86400) the number of seconds to look back, defaults to one day, please keep in mind tat the recorder might not have the most up to date data
  • font (optional, default ppb.ttf) the font used for text output (may be overwritten by more specific font statements)
  • size (optional, default 10) the respective font size
  • low (optional) if provided, it is ensured that the given value is included on the lower end of the plot (e.g., if values are in the range 12 to 17, providing 10 will make 10 the lower end, providing 14 changes nothing)
  • high (optional) if provided, it is ensured that the given value is included on the upper end of the plot
  • debug (optional, default false) if true, draw a black rectangle around the whole plot region and a red rectangle around the region with the data
  • ylegend (optional) displays the highest and lowest value as a legend on the side, set to null to disable
    • width (optional, default -1) the number of pixels reserved for the legend, if -1 it is automatically computed
    • color (optional, default black) the color for the legend
    • position (optional, default left) either left or right, the position of the legend
    • font / size (optional) the font file and size, defaults to the font selected at main level
  • yaxis (optional) displays a vertical axis with ticks and a grid, set to null to disable
    • width (optional, default 1) the width of the vertical axis
    • color (optional, default black) the color of the vertical axis
    • tick_width (optional, default 2) the width for each axis tick, set to 0 to disable
    • tick_every (optional, default 1.0) place a tick at every
    • grid (optional, default 5) place a point horizontally every gridth pixel at the coordinates of the ticks, set to null to disable
    • grid_color (optional, default black) color for the grid points
  • data (required) a list of objects for which the history should be rendered, each object has the following properties:
    • entity (required) the home assistant entity with has numeric data
    • color (optional, default black) the color of the plot
    • width (optional, default 1) the width of the plot line
    • joint (optional, default null) sets the joint option for the line draw funtion, can be curve or null
  • visible (optional) show element, default: True

Progress Bar

Draws a progress bar

- type: progress_bar
  x_start: 10
  y_start: 10
  x_end: 280
  y_end: 30
  fill: red
  outline: black
  width: 1
  progress: 42
  direction: right
  show_percentage: true


  • x_start (required)
  • y_start (required)
  • x_end (required)
  • y_end (required)
  • progress (required) progress in percent, eg. 42
  • direction (optional, default right) direction in which the progress bar should be filled, possible values are right, left up, down
  • background (optional, default white)
  • fill (optional, default red) color of the progress bar
  • outline (optional, default black) color of outline
  • width (optional, default 1) width of outline
  • visible (optional, default True) show element
  • show_percentage (optional, default False) show percentage in the middle of the progress bar