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File metadata and controls

125 lines (90 loc) · 5.08 KB


A minimal IndexedDB wrapper for ClojureScript

star trek scotty


Clojars Project

To install, add the following to your project :dependencies:

[g7s/aye-db "0.1.0"]


NOTE: This library uses promises to create a better API for IndexedDB (which uses callbacks).

To start just create a database instance as such:

   [g7s.aye-db :as idb]))

(def db
  (idb/new-idb {:name    "mydb"
                :version 2
                (fn [e]
                  (let [ndb  (.-result (.-target e))
                        oldv (.-oldVersion e)]
                    (when (< oldv 1)
                      (.createObjectStore ndb "objects"))
                    (when (< oldv 2)
                      (.createObjectStore ndb "other-objects"))))}))

One can execute queries against this database using the with-tx macro that is of the form

(with-tx db exec-fn-symbol & body)

where db is the database instance that you created, the exec-fn-symbol is a symbol that you have to use inside the body to execute queries (it can be anything you like) and represents a function with a signature:

(exec-fn-symbol [object-store [query-type & args]])

where object-store is the string name of the object store that you are querying against and query-type is a keyword (e.g. :idb/get) and args are data that are needed by the query-type. The mapping of query type keyword to the native IndexedDB method is:

query type IndexedDB
:idb/get IDBObjectStore.get()
:idb/get-all IDBObjectStore.getAll()
:idb/get-key IDBObjectStore.getKey()
:idb/get-all-keys IDBObjectStore.getAllKeys()
:idb/cursor IDBObjectStore.openCursor()
:idb/key-cursor IDBObjectStore.openKeyCursor()
:idb/index IDBObjectStore.index()
:idb/count IDBObjectStore.count()
:idb/put IDBObjectStore.put()
:idb/add IDBObjectStore.add()
:idb/delete IDBObjectStore.delete()
:idb/clear IDBObjectStore.clear()

NOTE: The :idb/index query accepts only two arguments; the name of the index to open and a query to run on the index e.g.

(exec-fn-symbol ["users" [:idb/index "by-name" [:idb/get "John"]]])

Because some queries accept a key range instead of just a key, aye-db exposes functions for constructing key ranges:

aye-db IndexedDB constructor Meaning
(r<= x) IDBKeyRange.upperBound(x) All keys ≤ x
(r< x) IDBKeyRange.upperBound(x, true) All keys < x
(r>= y) IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(y) All keys ≥ y
(r> y) IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(y, true) All keys > y
(r>=<= x y) IDBKeyRange.bound(x, y) All keys ≥ x && ≤ y
(r><= x y) IDBKeyRange.bound(x, y, true, false) All keys > x && ≤ y
(r>=< x y) IDBKeyRange.bound(x, y, false, true) All keys ≥ x && < y
(r>< x y) IDBKeyRange.bound(x, y, true, true) All keys > x && < y
(r= x) IDBKeyRange.only(x) All keys = x

An example usage of with-tx is the following

(require '[promesa.core :as p])

(with-tx db exec!
  (p/let [fk   "a/path"
          tk   "another/path"
          file (exec! ["files" [:idb/get fk]])]
    (exec! ["files" [:idb/delete fk]])
    (exec! ["files" [:idb/put file tk]])))


Copyright © 2020 Gerasimos

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at