This directory contains the configuration files for the Awesome WM on Arch Linux. These configuration files control the wallpaper, keybindings, tiling layouts, workspaces, and panel customization.
My Awesome setup has 5 widgets in all:
- Clock
- Brightness
- Volume
- Wifi
- Battery
Each of these widgets has mouse events that are activated by hovering or clicking on the widget. The following explains what those mouse events are:
- Clock: Mouse hover displays the calendar, you can change month by scrolling
- Brightness: Mouse hover displays the brightness level, you can change
brightness by scrolling
- Volume: Mouse hover displays volume level and (if music player is running)
current playing song, you can change volume by scrolling
- Wifi: Mouse hover displays current connected wifi SSID and signal strength
- Battery: Mouse hover displays battery tatus, charge level, and time remaining,
on right mouse click, uptime, memory usage and cpu usage is displayed
and on left mouse click the mouse hover notification is displayed
For more information on what each widget/config file does, check out their headers in their respective '.lua' file.
To install the Awesome WM config files, download the dependencies:
# pacman -S sysstat
# pacman -S lm_sensors
# pacman -S acpi
# pacman -S moc
Then execute the following:
$ unzip
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/awesome
$ mv Awesome-WM-master/* ~/.config/awesome/
$ rmdir Awesome-WM-master
$ cd ~/.config/awesome/src/scripts/
$ ./setup
If you have any problems, feel free to email me at ''.
If problems arise, make sure that you ran the 'setup' to fix any dependency and path errors. If that didn't fix it, then perhaps your error is one of these:
- Battery icon/value is not displaying.
* In the 'comp' script, there are hardcoded paths that look like:
Check your system for this file. If it is not present, then fear not!
It's probably just at a different path. If you execute:
# find / -maxdepth 3 -iname 'power_supply'
# find / -maxdepth 3 | grep -i 'power_supply'
This will search for a file containing 'power_supply' starting at / and
going down to a depth of 3 levels. You can change the value 3 to be any
number that you want, but the higher you go, the longer the search will
- Brightness icon/value is not displaying.
* In the 'comp' script, there are hardcoded paths that look like:
Check your system for this file. If it is not present, then fear not!
It's probably just at a different path. If you execute:
# find / -maxdepth 3 -iname 'backlight'
# find / -maxdepth 3 | grep -i 'backlight'
This will search for a file containing 'backlight' starting at / and
going down to a depth of 3 levels. You can change the value 3 to be any
number that you want, but the higher you go, the longer the search will
If none of that helped, then you can always email me! Good luck! Hopefully your setup is error free!