A simple Ruby on Rails application that enables users to search locations and view weather details made available by MetaWeather.
- Clone the repository locally (please do not fork on Github)
- Ruby: A Ruby version manager is highly recommended for installing Ruby and required Gems. You can find more information on available Ruby managers here: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/installation/#managers
Implement caching where location query responses are stored in a SQL database to speed-up subsequent searches (note: cache invalidation is not a requirement).
Add an appropriate weather icon to location weather result (
template). See MetaWeather API documentation for details: https://www.metaweather.com/api/Hint: Match
with appropriate weather icon made available a:https://www.metaweather.com/static/img/weather/png/64/?.png
Replace Rails view templates with React or Vue.
Implement a simple interface that allows an “admin” to review, add, or remove locations from the cache (authentication is not required).
- Create and push your code to a Github repository
- Send link to your repository by replying to the project invite email.