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Run klipper, moonraker, fluidd, KlipperScreen on android , one-click script for quick configuration.

Standing on the shoulders of giants!!!


Original klipper, moonraker and xterm init scripts by @d4rk50ul1 (

Original ttyACM0 initialization script by @CODERUS (

video tutorial:


Special Note: The installation scheme in this tutorial uses Android 5 or above. If the system is lower than Android 5, you need to use a lower version of linuxdeploy. There may be compatibility issues related to permissions for systems higher than Android 9, but this is not always the case. It is still worth a try. In addition, if openssh fails to start automatically (as shown by being unable to use ssh to connect to the debian system), this is generally a compatibility issue between the Android kernel and linuxdeploy. You need to change to an Android system with a different kernel version (note, a different kernel version). It is recommended to use AOSP or other native Android systems.

  1. Although the steps in this tutorial are as comprehensive and detailed as possible, it is not suitable for complete novice users because it involves basic linux usage and klipper configuration.

  2. The AndroidOS in this tutorial must be rooted. Because the root method of each mobile phone hardware and OS is different, there are many tutorials on the Internet, so I won't repeat them here.

  3. The software and hardware environment of this tutorial:

    Xiaomi 2S(aries)

    16G ROM, 2G RAM

    Run MOKEE9.0 OS based on android9.0

    The OS has used MOKEE's official patch to obtain root privileges

    flash and root refer to the official tutorial:

    ROM download and flash:

    Get root permissions:

  4. In theory, this tutorial can be applied to any rooted Android phone, to be tested.

  5. In theory, the debian installed after installing the proroot container in termux can also be used, to be tested.

  6. The printer control motherboard model: MKS SGEN-L V1.0, the klipper firmware has been flashed in the SD card in the motherboard.

Features of this tutorial:

  1. Use a separate APP to install the linux under the graphical interface, configure the OS to automatically restart, etc. Easy to manage and use.

  2. klipper still uses the popular kiauh script to install, upgrade or uninstall. The KlipperScreen interface of the mobile phone or the web interface can be used to upgrade each module.

  3. Use a one-click script to quickly configure the klipper family bucket, which is convenient and fast.

  4. Based on my own experience, I modified and customized the basic configuration files of the klipper family bucket, and some key configurations are more practical.

  5. After installation, no error is reported, and services such as klipper and moonraker can be individually controlled to start, restart, and close.

  6. The user experience is basically the same as that of the Raspberry Pi, including input shaping and pressure compensation, mobile phone CPU temperature display, and online upgrade of printer motherboard firmware SD card.

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The installation process is long and the phone needs to be connected to the charger! ! ! ! ! !

This tutorial assumes:

Android phone is rooted! ! ! ! ! !

The klipper firmware has been flashed in the SD card in the motherboard: klipper(MKS SGEN-L V1.0).bin

(The klipper firmware in SD card needs to be compiled according to the motherboard model, the firmware in this link is only for MKS SGEN-L V1.0)

Required software:

mobile phone:

XServer-XSDL-1.20.51.apk (required) Download link:

linuxdeploy-2.6.0-259.apk (required) Download link:

kerneladiutor_248.apk (Enable all CPU cores. If the Debian system in linuxdeploy cannot recognize all CPU cores, it is recommended to install) Download link:

termux_118.apk (optional, install when needed) download link:


Xshell (required) official website address:

Xftp (optional, recommended installation):

0. Install XServer-XSDL

The installation of XServer-XSDL is relatively simple, just follow the OS prompt and go directly to the next step.

Note: After the installation is complete, you need to click the "Change Device Settings" button at the top of the screen on the first startup interface to enter the setting interface, and then click "Mouse Simulation" --- "Mouse Simulation Mode" --- "Desktop version, no simulation" , then scroll down to the bottom and click Done. Otherwise the touch cannot be used.

If you miss the interface for the first startup, just close XServer-XSDL running in the background and start XServer-XSDL again.

1. Install kerneladiutor

Qualcomm processors have an MPD power consumption control scheme by default. By default, some CPU cores are turned off to control power consumption. The biggest problem caused by this is that in the debian , it will be found that the processor with 4 cores only recognizes 2 cores in most cases. kerneladiutor is a simple and easy-to-use Android kernel management software, used to adjust the frequency and performance of CPU and GPU. All CPU cores can be forcibly turned on to make full use of the performance of the phone.After actual testing, it was found that newer Android phones can be automatically recognized by Debian installed in LinuxDeploy for all CPU cores. Therefore, it is recommended not to install it initially, and install it later if necessary.

2. Install linuxdeploy

Install the apk file according to the OS prompts. After the installation is complete, open the software and click on the upper left corner of the main interface " 三横杠"Open the software settings:

Lock screen (no)

Lock Wi-Fi (yes)

Wake lock (yes)

Autostart (yes)

Autostart delay (5) (set as needed, increase the number if you want to start later)

Track network changes (yes)

Other options remain default! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

3. Install debian

After setting, return to the main interface, click on the lower right corner "滑动开关"Open the Linux installation configuration.

Distribution (Debian)

Architecture (armhf) (Check your mobile phone processor model by yourself, if it supports 64 bits, choose arm64)

Distribution suite (oldstable)

Installation type (Directory)

Installation path (/data/debian11)

Username (print3D) (because it involves the path of the klipper configuration file, it is recommended to use this username)

User password: (123456) (set whatever you want, as long as you can remember it)

INIT (enable)

Init system (sysV)

SSH (enabled) (must be enabled, otherwise it will not be able to connect to the linux)

GUI (enabled)

Graphics subsystem (X11)

Desktop environment (XTerm)

Other options remain default! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

After the configuration is complete, return to the main interface

Click on the upper right corner "三竖点 " Click "Install" (The installation process is relatively long, about 5-15 minutes depending on the network situation)

When "<<< deploy" appears at the bottom of the interface, the installation is complete

Click "STOP" at the bottom of the main interface, "<<< stop" will appear, and then click "START" (this step is necessary, otherwise the debian will not start)

After the OS is started, use Xshell to connect to the debian (the IP address is displayed at the top of the main interface of the linuxdeploy software, the login name and password are set in the above steps, port 22, protocol ssh)

At this point, the debian installation is complete! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

4.klipper installation environment configuration

After logging in to the debian with ssh, execute the following command:

  sudo usermod -a -G aid_inet,aid_net_raw root

###Because of the chroot container permission problem on the Android , except for the initial login user, other users have no network permission by default, including the root user. This command can solve the problem that the root user cannot connect to the Internet when using the sudo command.

  sudo apt update

###Update packages

  sudo apt install -y git vim wget

###Install the necessary tools and software

5. Install klipper using kiauh

  cd ~

###Enter the login user's home directory

  git clone

###Official kiauh script address


###Start the script to start installing the klipper family bucket

Need to install klipper, moonraker, fluidd (one-click script does not support Mainsail configuration), KlipperScreen these 4 components.

Every time a component is installed, it will prompt that the service cannot be started. This is the reason why the Android initialization system is not compatible with the klipper family bucket service startup method. Don’t worry about it. If it can be started, there is no need to configure it with a one-click script. Component installation involves part of the compilation process, which takes a long time, so wait patiently. As long as each script can be automatically installed to the end, there is basically no problem.

6. klipper family bucket configuration

Use Xftp or the command line to enter the following path:


Backup the fluidd.cfg, moonraker.conf, printer.cfg inside and delete the original files.

  cd ~

Enter the login user's home directory

Download the four files fluidd.cfg, homing_override.cfg, moonraker.conf, printer.cfg in this warehouse and put them in the /home/print3D/printer_data/config/ path.

Or if you want to save trouble, execute the following command directly:

  sudo wget -P /home/print3D/printer_data/config/

  sudo wget -P /home/print3D/printer_data/config/

  sudo wget -P /home/print3D/printer_data/config/

  sudo wget -P /home/print3D/printer_data/config/

Note: printer.cfg This configuration file needs to be changed according to the model of the printer control board. For details, please refer to the configuration instructions of each motherboard.

! ! ! ! ! ! Power on the main board of the printer, and connect the mobile phone and the main board of the printer with an OTG cable! ! ! ! ! !

Run the following command to find the serial device path and user group of the printer motherboard identified in the Android phone:

ls -al /dev/

The output information is generally like this:

crw-rw----. 1 aid_radio aid_radio 166, 0 6 29 11:57 ttyACM0

In the above output information, the second aid_radio is the user group of the serial device, and ttyACM0 is the name of the serial device. The complete serial device path is /dev/ttyACM0

Note! ! ! Different printer motherboards may have different names and user groups in different Android phones, please confirm carefully! ! !

If the information output after running the command " ls -al /dev/ " is similar to the following:

crw-rw----. 1 root root 166, 0 6 29 11:57 ttyACM0

This means that " ttyACM0 " belongs to the root user group. The following operations in step 6 will no longer apply. Please jump directly to step 7. What to do if " ttyACM0 " belongs to the root user group

If ttyACM0 is confirmed to belong to the non-root user group, run the following command to add user print3D to the user group of the serial device, so that user print3D obtains read and write permissions to the serial device.

sudo usermod -a -G aid_radio print3D

Continue to execute the following command:

cd ~

###Enter the login user's home directory

sudo wget


Note! ! ! If your serial port device path is not the default /dev/ttyACM0

Please execute the following command:

bash -p "identified serial port device path"

After the execution is completed, restart the phone. If there is no problem, the klipper family bucket and XServer-XSDL will automatically start and connect to the printer, and the KlipperScreen classic interface will be displayed on the screen.

7. What to do if " ttyACM0 " belongs to the root user group

Execute the following command:

cd ~

###Enter the home directory of the logged-in user

sudo wget


Note! ! ! If your serial port device path is not the default /dev/ttyACM0

Please execute the following command:

bash -p "identified serial port device path"

After the execution is completed, restart the phone. If there is no problem, the klipper family bucket and XServer-XSDL will automatically start and connect to the printer, and the KlipperScreen classic interface will be displayed on the screen.


If it is difficult to confirm the name of the serial device, you can use the following method:

1.Disconnect the printer motherboard from the Android phone, restart the phone, enter debian, run the following command and save the output:

ls -a /dev/

2.Connect the printer motherboard to the Android phone, restart the phone, enter debian, run the following command and save the output:

ls -a /dev/

3.Compare the results of step 1 and step 2 to easily confirm whether the device is correctly identified and the device name.

You can also use the following command to confirm whether the device is correctly connected to the Android phone:

dmesg | grep usb


dmesg | grep acm


dmesg | grep <CPU model of the printer control board>


dmesg | grep klipper

Carefully look for the output information of the above command to find the correct serial device name.

I wish you every success in 3D printing! ! !


For building and flashing SD card firmware, please refer to:

For online update of SD card firmware, please refer to: