Reproduce some Fermi-LAT 3FHL results to check Gammapy against the Fermi ST
- Dataset:
- Dataset:
- Tutorial:
- Catalog info as Gammapy objects, could be useful for comparison:
We fit a selection of ROIs defined in the 3FHL catalog (starting by the ones containing the most significant source). We compare the resulting source parameters and flux points to the catalogued values. The spectrum and flux points comparison is limited to sources with an average significance larger than 8 sigma (Signif_Avg > 8). In addition we show the observed/predicted counts and residuals maps.
- Events selection : 3FHL dataset (7 years, all event types)
- Energies : 10 GeV - 2 TeV
- Spatial bins : 1/8 deg
- Energy bins : 10 per decade
Run python
options :
selection : {debug, short, long}
debug : run only Vela region
short : run 8 regions (including Vela and Crab), default
long : run 100 regions
processess : int
number of processes to run regions in parallel, default is 4
fit : bool
run fit if True otherwise try to read results from disk, default is True
python --selection debug --processes 1
python --selection long --processes 6
- Spectral parameters are compatibles at ~97% and relative relative errors on parameters remain lower than 10% for most of the sources tested.
- Flux points are compatibles despite a small systematic effect for ~8% lower flux points values. This is possibly related to current spectral model evaluation in bin centers, have to check again once improved.
- We pre-computed background models extrapolation, have to check SkyDiffuseCube and TemplateSpectralModel evaluation when extrapolating.
- Projections effects: map discontinuity at 180°, high latitude distortion.
- Minuit related issues: the default Minuit tolerance of tol=0.1 is likely too small (internally Minuit use 1e-4*tol), so we used the following options :
optimize_opts = {"backend": "minuit", "tol": 10.0, "strategy": 2}
Increasing tol allows to reach convergence in a reasonable time, strategy=2 is slower than default (1) but more precise.
(100 ROIs fitted)
All following values are given in percent
Optimization terminated successfully. 100.0
Optimization failed. 0.0
Optimization failed. Estimated distance to minimum too large. 0.0
Rel. err. <10%: 61.971830985915496
Rel. err. <30%: 91.72535211267606
Rel. err. mean: -5.8491302077856595
dx/x <10% : 72.25806451612904
dx/x <30% : 99.35483870967742
Rel. err. <10%: 99.35483870967742
Rel. err. <30%: 100.0
Rel. err. mean: -0.1633147376900733
compatibility: 100.0
dx/x <10% : 49.67741935483871
dx/x <30% : 99.35483870967742
Rel. err. <10%: 95.48387096774194
Rel. err. <30%: 100.0
Rel. err. mean: -0.22198785615526734
compatibility: 98.06451612903226
dx/x <10% : 76.47058823529412
dx/x <30% : 100.0
Rel. err. <10%: 100.0
Rel. err. <30%: 100.0
Rel. err. mean: 0.15134907307517098
compatibility: 100.0
dx/x <10% : 47.05882352941177
dx/x <30% : 64.70588235294117
Rel. err. <10%: 76.47058823529412
Rel. err. <30%: 100.0
Rel. err. mean: -4.091718544272052
compatibility: 100.0
dx/x <10% : 82.3529411764706
dx/x <30% : 100.0
Rel. err. <10%: 100.0
Rel. err. <30%: 100.0
Rel. err. mean: -1.3330366391977653
compatibility: 100.0
TXS 0518+211
Vela Jr
Vela PSR
Vela X