Hybrid Choices by AW Freyr 3 Documentation 53 Chapter: Introduction 46 Chapter: What is Hybrid CYOA 151 Chapter: Basic Usage 116 Chapter: Advanced Topics 136 Chapter: Interaction Between CYOA and Model World 64 Chapter: Advanced Topic - Object Choices 4 Chapter: Advanced Topic - Memory Economy 71 Chapter: Reference 32 Example: * The Only Room - A very short and entirely abstract game... 34 Example: ** Eating a Banana - A simple demonstration of item-invoking... 106 Example: *** Temple of Fear - A full, basic game demonstrating a lot... 49 Example: *** Colored Rooms - Implementing a fast travel system using... 193 Example: **** The Lineup - An advanced implementation of object choices,... Commonly Unimplemented by Aaron Reed 4 DOCUMENTATION 15 Chapter: Customizing 52 Chapter: Rules 22 Example: ** Noses - Subtitle of this example. Dynamic Rooms by Aaron Reed 55 DOCUMENTATION 43 Example: * Frobozz Magic Excavator - Allow the player to create new... 58 Example: ** Cave-In - A randomly generated map. 14 Example: *** Generating Grids of Rooms - Some utility code. Extended Grammar by Aaron Reed 8 DOCUMENTATION 9 Example: * Look Around You - Keyword Interface by Aaron Reed 125 DOCUMENTATION 19 Example: * Sense of Direction - A simple usage of the extension to... 82 Example: ** The Gnome's Holiday - A full example of emphasized objects,... Numbered Disambiguation Choices by Aaron Reed 12 DOCUMENTATION 13 Example: * Curio Shop - A setting littered with opportunities for... Poor Man's Mistype by Aaron Reed 8 DOCUMENTATION 11 Example: * Potatoe Farm Response Assistant by Aaron Reed 7 DOCUMENTATION Small Kindnesses by Aaron Reed 22 DOCUMENTATION 9 Example: * Checkup - A small example illustrating the extension's... Smarter Parser by Aaron Reed 3 DOCUMENTATION 54 Chapter: Introduction 289 Chapter: The Rules 115 Chapter: Advanced Features 24 Chapter: Miscellany 33 Example: * Caverns and Kobolds - A tiny scenario to test misunderstood... 65 Example: * Stress test - A large archive of edge cases and actual... Simple Spelling by Alice Grove 33 DOCUMENTATION 19 Example: * Simple Spelling Lab - A room with some spellable items... Secret Doors by Andrew Owen 59 DOCUMENTATION Disappearing Doors by Andrew Plotkin 25 DOCUMENTATION 48 Example: * The Prisoner of La-Z-enda - A simple demonstration of... Optimized Epistemology by Andrew Plotkin 36 DOCUMENTATION 85 Example: * Contemplation - Thinking about things that are known In-Line Topical Hints by Andrew Schultz 49 DOCUMENTATION 2 EXAMPLE 131 Example: ** Fetch Quest - A minimal game with hints, rule-dependent... 277 Example: *** Gems - a small game with strictly rule-based hints Basic Literacy by Bart Massey 7 Documentation 22 Example: * OLAB - A writable erasable thing 16 Example: * The Poet's Notebook - A writable non erasable thing Scopability by Brady Garvin 19 DOCUMENTATION 25 Example: * The Visitor - An object that is present but unrevealed.... Clues and Conversation by Brian Rushton 124 DOCUMENTATION 24 Example: * The Raven - Having a single topic with a single target.... 21 Example: * The Detective - Having a single clue with no specific target.... 23 Example: * Eat Your Words - Trying out responses. 27 Example: ** Group Chat - Talking to everyone. 55 Example: ** Lost Wallet - Getting quips from things and other quips.... 181 Example: *** Halloween Dance - A complete game using this extension.... Threaded Conversation by Chris Conley 4 Documentation 5 Chapter: What's new in Version 8 8 Chapter: What's new in Version 5 116 Chapter: Introduction to Conversation in Interactive Fiction 172 Chapter: Basic Structure and Concepts 136 Chapter: Advanced Features for Customizing Conversation Flow 47 Chapter: Customizing the Player Interface 187 Chapter: Character Initiative and Action Queuing 35 Chapter: Trouble-shooting 34 Chapter: Release Notes 17 Chapter: Pre-Release Notes 20 Chapter: Testers 52 Example: * Very Simple - A simple example to start with. 62 Example: * Slightly Less Simple - The same inn as the previous example,... 80 Example: * Not So Simple - The inn example a third time, now with... 37 Example: ** The King of Everything - An example in which the player... 56 Example: ** Conferences - An example in which eavesdropping third... 115 Example: *** Blackened Blue - An example that demonstrates conversation... Configurable Creative Commons License by Creative Commons 51 DOCUMENTATION Cleared Events by Daniel Stelzer 16 DOCUMENTATION Command Modification by Daniel Stelzer 18 DOCUMENTATION Glulx Text Styles by Daniel Stelzer 11 DOCUMENTATION Modified Timekeeping by Daniel Stelzer 3 DOCUMENTATION Collections by Dannii Willis 4 Documentation 30 Chapter - Collection references 9 Chapter - Arrays 21 Chapter - Maps 6 Chapter - Cleaning up 25 Example: * Collections demo Glk Text Formatting by Dannii Willis 26 Documentation 35 Example: * Rainbow and space invader Glulx Definitions by Dannii Willis 8 Documentation 40 Chapter: Testing interpreter features (gestalts) Highscores by Dannii Willis 14 DOCUMENTATION 18 Example: * Highscores Example Menus by Dannii Willis 69 Documentation 89 Example: * Tabulation - A simple table of hints and help (see also... Snippetage by Dave Robinson 19 DOCUMENTATION 76 Example: * Pedantic Bob - Some simple printing and matching of snippets,... Dice by David A Wheeler 8 DOCUMENTATION 37 Example: * Pest Control - Dice in Action Basic Help by David Cornelson 25 DOCUMENTATION Approaches by Emily Short 6 Documentation 57 Chapter: Route-finding methods 51 Chapter: Refining the description of movement 10 Chapter: Other characters 35 Example: * Easy Keys - Demonstrating how to use Approaches with Locksmith... 23 Example: * Wide-Eyed Saloon - Demonstrating how to safely interrupt... 27 Example: * Proper Places - Demonstrating how to change the names of... 32 Example: ** Traveling with Candles - Movement in which the player... 37 Example: ** Riverside Path - A bicycle that the player can use to... 35 Example: ** The Jade Amphitheater - A replacement for the ordinary... Assorted Text Generation by Emily Short 132 Documentation 33 Example: * Door Count - A dynamic description of doors Automated Drawers by Emily Short 62 Documentation 11 Example: * Tiny and Large - An example of a room with an assortment... Computers by Emily Short 6 Documentation 44 Chapter: Hardware 144 Chapter: Software 27 Example: * Reading Email - A laptop set up with a password-lock program... 29 Example: * Powered Email Machine - The same as above, except that... 37 Example: * USB Drive - A very simple implementation of a laptop that... 27 Example: * True Search - A desktop computer running a search engine... 80 Example: ** Operations - A desktop computer running an operating system... 100 Example: *** Balance Checking - An ATM, or automatic teller machine,... Deluxe Doors by Emily Short 6 Documentation 33 Chapter: Two One-sided Doors 10 Chapter: Latched Doors 48 Example: ** Denise - We have a door that can be locked on one side... Dishes by Emily Short 19 Documentation 19 Example: * Sipping - A bottle of hard cider and a glass and corkscrew... Facing by Emily Short 4 DOCUMENTATION 41 Chapter: Added Abilities 36 Chapter: Controlling output 16 Chapter: Dependencies and change log 19 Example: * Directions and Doors - Allowing the player and his sidekick... Introductions by Emily Short 4 Documentation 45 Chapter: Things 52 Chapter: Rooms 36 Chapter: Troubleshooting and Compatibility 31 Example: * Marzipan Sea - Several objects with introductions and... 50 Example: ** Kill Doctor Pearson - A slightly more complex example... Measured Liquid by Emily Short 8 Documentation 22 Chapter: New Units 102 Chapter: New Kinds 125 Chapter: New Actions 14 Example: * Lakeshore - A lakeshore with a lake as a liquid source,... 19 Example: * Lakeshore Swim - A lakeshore where the player can swim... 14 Example: * Metric Lakeshore - As above, but in cubic centimeters.... 52 Example: ** Chemist's Lakeshore - Now we let the player type POUR... 24 Example: * Poisons - A drink that has a strong effect on the drinker.... 40 Example: * Guzzle and Gulp - Adding GULP and GUZZLE verbs alongside... 21 Example: * Cranvodka - An example of liquids that cannot be mixed.... 28 Example: * Crantini - An example of liquids that can be mixed, producing... 30 Example: * Clarktini - The same as before, but this time with our... 34 Example: * Crashtini - A pyrotechnic variation in which the wrong... 102 Example: *** Exactitude - Requiring the player to use precise quantities... Modern Conveniences by Emily Short 35 Documentation 16 Example: * Our House - A minimalist house consisting of two rooms.... 18 Example: ** Getting a drink - A house in which we're allowed to turn... 46 Example: ** Tidy Bowl - Adding a toilet bowl to every toilet, which... Modified Exit by Emily Short 77 Documentation 25 Example: * Simple Test - Test demonstrating the extension behavior.... Mood Variations by Emily Short 42 Documentation 38 Example: * Don't Mention The Chicken - A character who has moody reactions... Ordinary Room Description by Emily Short 17 Documentation 12 Example: * Quiet Shelf - A scenery supporter which does not list its... Postures by Emily Short 4 Documentation 64 Chapter: Postures and Furniture 17 Example: * Muddy Lawn - A room where the player can't sit on the ground,... Power Sources by Emily Short 4 Documentation 68 Chapter: Power 43 Chapter: Behavior of powered devices 23 Example: * Lamplighter - A very simple scenario with a wall-plugged... 28 Example: * Lamplighter Two - The same scenario, but with the addition... 56 Example: * Lamplighter Three - The flashlight again, but this time... Property Checking by Emily Short 12 Documentation 16 Example: * Underdescribed - A minimal sort of game which will produce... Recorded Endings by Emily Short 47 DOCUMENTATION 27 Example: * Reincarnation - We have a vial of poison that the player... Room Description Control by Emily Short 4 Documentation 65 Chapter: Room Description Control's Process 18 Chapter: Debugging and Background Simple Followers by Emily Short 31 Documentation 13 Example: * Farmyard Chase - In which we amass a small procession. Single Paragraph Description by Emily Short 31 Documentation 18 Example: * Scene Setting - The Amphitheater in full Tailored Room Description by Emily Short 4 Documentation 51 Chapter: Using Tailored Room Description 34 Chapter: Extra and Related Features 41 Example: * Doors and doors - Writing paragraphs about doors to generate... 29 Example: * Boatman - A sample involving modified descriptions for... 64 Example: ** Introductions - A system whereby both things and rooms... 66 Example: ** Gobs of Mayonnaise - A scenario with various objects competing... Transit System by Emily Short 68 Documentation 23 Example: * COTA - A bus running up and down High Street. 25 Example: * Amtrak - An Amtrak train running a long northeastern route,... Tutorial Mode by Emily Short 39 Documentation 13 Example: * Silence in the Library - A very small environment showing... Adaptive Hints by Eric Eve 68 DOCUMENTATION 204 Example: ** Escape from an Old House - A short game with several adaptive... Alternatives by Eric Eve 2 DOCUMENTATION 72 Chapter: Alternatives 93 Example: * Paintshop Blues - Experimenting with the actions the player... Bulk Limiter by Eric Eve 15 DOCUMENTATION 21 Example: * The Basket, the Bricks and the Spoon - Putting things in... Conversation Framework by Eric Eve 2 DOCUMENTATION 14 Chapter: Overview 9 Chapter: Asking and Telling about Things 7 Chapter: Revised Ask For 9 Chapter: Abbreviated ASK and TELL 50 Chapter: Greeting Protocols 6 Chapter: Yes, No and Sorry. 67 Chapter: Conversations and Player Knowledge 25 Chapter: Final Notes 140 Example: ** The Ring, the Gardener and the the Maid - Putting Conversation... Conversation Nodes by Eric Eve 2 DOCUMENTATION 30 Chapter: Introduction and Overview 64 Chapter: The basics of using convnodes. 98 Chapter: Defining Conversation Responses for Conversation Nodes 37 Chapter: Setting Up an Open Node 69 Chapter: Setting Up a Closed Node 21 Chapter: NPC-Initiated Conversation 106 Example: * Sarah's Jealous Suspicions - Putting convnodes through... Conversation Package by Eric Eve 2 DOCUMENTATION 8 Chapter: Introduction and Overview 37 Chapter: Using Suggestions with Conversation Nodes 53 Chapter: The Constituent Extensions 95 Example: * Consultation - A nodal conversation complete with suggestions,... Conversation Responses by Eric Eve 2 DOCUMENTATION 29 Chapter: Various Responses 12 Chapter: Hello and Goodbye 43 Example: * Bob's Lost Wallet - A brief conversation illustrating the... Conversation Suggestions by Eric Eve 2 DOCUMENTATION 33 Chapter: Introduction 70 Chapter: Setting Up Suggestion Lists 41 Chapter: Managing Suggestions 77 Example: * The Lion in Winter - Suggestions for a conversation fit... Conversational Defaults by Eric Eve 50 DOCUMENTATION 42 Example: * Sisko's Briefing - A brief conversation with defaults. 57 Example: * Sisko's Extended Briefing - A longer version of the first... Exit Lister by Eric Eve 2 DOCUMENTATION 55 Chapter: Basic Overview 48 Chapter: Showing Unvisited Rooms 26 Chapter: Hiding or Showing Exits 21 Chapter: Customizing No Exit Messages 52 Example: * A Walk in the Woods - A brief exit lister example 29 Example: * Exploring the Dark - Hiding and Showing Dark Exits Hiding Under by Eric Eve 2 DOCUMENTATION 153 Chapter: Hiding Under 37 Example: * Lost Cheque - A simple example of one thing hidden under... 48 Example: ** The Lost Sock and the Lost Cheque - Illustrating how Hiding... Implicit Actions by Eric Eve 2 DOCUMENTATION 169 Chapter: The Basics - A Set of Implicit Actions 35 Chapter: Locks, Keys and Doors 47 Chapter: Defining New Implicit Actions 45 Chapter: Limitations and Cautions 44 Example:* A Study in Two Keys - A demonstration of the various kinds... 60 Example:** Football Practice - Defining a new implicit action. 86 Example: *** Poison Trap - Preventing implicit actions in specific... Limited Implicit Actions by Eric Eve 2 DOCUMENTATION 53 Chapter: The Basics 105 Chapter: Extending Limited Implicit Actions 30 Example:* Balancing Act - Putting Limited Implicit Actions through... 135 Example: ** The Eye of Balinor - A Jewel Theft with plenty of locks... List Control by Eric Eve 131 DOCUMENTATION 104 Example: * Family Reunion - Using Tables to give successions of responses... List Controller by Eric Eve 2 DOCUMENTATION 25 Chapter: Overview 113 Chapter: Detail 36 Example: * Magic Jumping - Mixing Events and responses in a list controller... 102 Example: * Family Reunion - Using Tables to give successions of responses... Text Capture by Eric Eve 37 DOCUMENTATION 48 Example: * Intelligent Putting - Using text capture to improve implicit... Underside by Eric Eve 2 DOCUMENTATION 132 Chapter: Underside 44 Example: * Lost Sock - Putting and Finding Objects Under Other Objects.... Variable Time Control by Eric Eve 59 DOCUMENTATION 53 Example: * Museum of Curiosities - Actions taking variable amounts... Extended Debugging by Erik Temple 85 DOCUMENTATION 5 Chapter: Version history Brief Room Descriptions by Gavin Lambert 12 DOCUMENTATION 17 Example: * Brevity is Beautiful - Demonstration of brief descriptions.... Enterable Underside by Gavin Lambert 24 DOCUMENTATION 27 Example: * Hide and Seek - Hiding under beds, tables, or chairs. 34 Example: * The Sweet Life - Also hiding under a bed, but with more... 18 Example: * A Nice Picnic - Spreading out a picnic blanket underneath... Exit Lister by Gavin Lambert 2 DOCUMENTATION 9 Chapter: About 95 Chapter: Reference 4 Chapter: Integration 22 Chapter: Change Log 57 Example: * Test Game for Exit Lister - Lots of interesting rooms and... 45 Example: * Simple Cave with Secret Door and Lever, plus Exit Listing... Extended Banner by Gavin Lambert 16 DOCUMENTATION 10 Example: * Defaults - A simple demonstration of the defaults. 12 Example: * Copyright - Adding some copyright text to the banner. 15 Example: * Explicitly Licensed - Adding some explicit license text... 22 Example: * Further Customization - Adjusting the copyright line in... Prepositional Correctness by Gavin Lambert 2 DOCUMENTATION 6 Chapter - Compatibility 25 Chapter - Prepositions in General 17 Chapter - Entering/Exiting Prepositions 19 Chapter - The Room Description Heading 6 Chapter - What's not affected 8 Chapter - Using with non-English languages 43 Example: * Excessive Comfort - Hiding in a closet, draping on a sofa,... 15 Example: * Horseback - Riding a horse with Rideable Vehicles. Rideable Vehicles by Gavin Lambert 8 DOCUMENTATION 12 Example: * Back to the Hoverboard - Riding on a hoverboard. Secret Doors by Gavin Lambert 75 DOCUMENTATION 36 Example: * Simple Cave with Secret Door and Lever - This defines a... Title Page by Gavin Lambert 14 DOCUMENTATION 8 Example: * Simple Defaults - Basic title page 15 Example: * Splash - Title page with splash image 23 Example: * Additional accreditation - Customising the title page display... 50 Example: *** Extra Info - Customising the title page menu Easy Doors by Hanon Ondricek 2 DOCUMENTATION 16 Chapter : Introduction 89 Chapter : Creating Easydoors 6 Chapter : Debug 16 Chapter : NPCs, and Pathfinding 102 Example: ** And I Want to Paint It - Easy Doors in action, hopefully... 117 Example: **** His Lovely Assistant - Using Easy Doors to transport... Contextual Descriptions by Jeff Nyman 8 DOCUMENTATION 26 Example: * A Walk Through the Park Description Decay by Jeff Nyman 12 DOCUMENTATION 99 Example: * Description of Diminishing Returns Nuanced Timekeeping by Jeff Nyman 11 DOCUMENTATION Relative Placement and Direction by Jeff Nyman 44 DOCUMENTATION 67 Example: * A Relative Stroll Through a Park World Knowledge by Jeff Nyman 76 DOCUMENTATION 33 Example: * Becoming Aware - Demonstrates how knowledge is gained by... 48 Example: * Supposing and Establishing - Demonstrates suppositions... Hypothetical Questions by Jesse McGrew 54 DOCUMENTATION 46 Example: * A Sense of Adventure - Letting the player know what will... Notepad by Jim Aikin 64 DOCUMENTATION 28 Example: * Memorabilia - Some objects the player can write in. 71 Example: * Beethoven - A deaf NPC who responds only to commands written... Scheduled Activities by John Clemens 78 Documentation 30 Example: * Tinitinitis - Scheduling, testing, and canceling activities.... 36 Example: * Perfume - Using descriptions and rooms. 158 Example: ** Bunnies - Grouping activity reports. Far Away by Jon Ingold 31 DOCUMENTATION 38 Example: ** Christmas Morning - A simple example of distance, and... 71 Example: *** Starfield Dome - a more complicated example, with an... Achievements by Juhana Leinonen 2 DOCUMENTATION 23 Chapter: Setting up 18 Chapter: Awarding achievements 11 Chapter: Persistent achievements 41 Example: * Another Day at the Office - Rule-based and manually awarded... Bulky Items by Juhana Leinonen 3 DOCUMENTATION 31 Chapter: Usage 7 Chapter: Release history 63 Example: * Going Camping - A small game where you have to carry all... 31 Example: ** Bulky Containers - Containers that become bulky when a... 16 Example: ** Smarter TAKE ALL - Excluding bulky items from TAKE ALL... Debug Files by Juhana Leinonen 2 DOCUMENTATION 9 Chapter: Overview 36 Chapter: How to use it 9 Chapter: About the saved file 5 Chapter: Version history 53 Example: * Bear Hunter - An example where some information of the... Object Response Tests by Juhana Leinonen 2 DOCUMENTATION 11 Chapter: Basic usage 27 Chapter: Removing and adding tests 9 Chapter: Changing the actor 5 Chapter: A note on releasing 50 Chapter: Version history 20 Example: * Camp Fire - An example of basic use of the extension 41 Example: ** Porcelain - Skipping tests that have destructive side... Regional Travel by Juhana Leinonen 2 DOCUMENTATION 9 Chapter: Usage 5 Chapter: Version history 29 Example: * East Side West Side - A bare minimum example of setting... 67 Example: ** The Detective - Driving around the city in a car Reversed Persuasion Correction by Juhana Leinonen 2 DOCUMENTATION 9 Chapter: Functionality 15 Chapter: Limitations 20 Chapter: Change log 15 Example: * In the Army - A demonstration of the extension's functionality.... Distantly Visible Things by Marc von der Heiden 4 DOCUMENTATION 18 Chapter: Standard behavior of the extension 35 Chapter: Customizing the mechanics 20 Examples: 23 Example: * Manor House - Showing the standard behavior of the Distantly... 32 Example: ** Manor House 2 - Customizing distance visibility rules... Multiple Sounds by Massimo Stella 57 DOCUMENTATION 21 Example: * Rainforest - Shows how to use multiple sounds effects to... Actions on Groups by Matt Weiner 99 DOCUMENTATION 2 EXAMPLES 6 Example A, "Sword Talk," demonstrates a simple case of group only... 2 Example B, "Matrimony," allows us to marry two people at a time to... 2 Example C, "Glasses," demonstrates a way of consolidating some of... 57 Example: * Sword Talk - Allowing a response to "ask smith about swords"... 60 Example: * Matrimony - Allowing the player to perform marriages between... 47 Example: ** Glasses - When putting items on the table, performs a... 86 Example: ** The Left Hand of Autumn, Refactored - The example "The... Exit Descriptions by Matthew Fletcher 4 DOCUMENTATION 30 Example: * Touring the First Floor - Create a map of the main rooms... Questions by Michael Callaghan 4 DOCUMENTATION 41 Chapter: About questions 42 Chapter: Types of questions 48 Chapter: Asking questions 48 Chapter: Setting the command prompt for questions 134 Chapter: Responding to the answers given 4 Chapter: Determining whether or not we are asking a question 164 Example: * Open Sesame - A short example to show the question rules... 37 Example: * Quiz Night - A short example to show creating a multiple... Debug Tags by Michael Kielstra 64 DOCUMENTATION 18 Example: * The Lab - A basic example. 30 Example: * The Jet - A more complex example with priorities, urgency... Assumed Conversers by Michael Martin 17 DOCUMENTATION Quip-Based Conversation by Michael Martin 68 DOCUMENTATION 97 Example: *** Joe Schmoe Revisited - A reimplementation of David Glasser's... Reactable Quips by Michael Martin 65 DOCUMENTATION 41 Example: * Security Consultant - Extracting useful information from... 36 Example: ** Think Fast - Reacting to sudden events with a choice from... 42 Example: ** When Injokes Collide - Mixing conversation with reactions,... Unicode Interrogation by Michael Martin 9 DOCUMENTATION Achievements by Mikael Segercrantz 2 Documentation 12 Chapter: Introduction 9 Chapter: Definitions 66 Chapter: Using Achievements 38 Chapter: Modification 61 Example: ** Where ever thou art - Demonstrating the use of achievements,... Atmospheric Effects by Mikael Segercrantz 2 DOCUMENTATION 12 Chapter: Version Note 38 Chapter: The Kinds Provided 40 Chapter: The Tables Required 10 Chapter: The Tables Defined 29 Chapter: Overriding 7 Chapter: Internals 34 Example: * Forest and Clearing - A simple example of regional and... 61 Example: ** City and Neighborhood - A more complex example on using... 267 Example: **** The City-Plane of Union - Showing how to use the Atmospheric... Randomness by Mikael Segercrantz 2 DOCUMENTATION 10 Chapter: Information on the Pseudorandom number generator 6 Chapter: The main pseudorandom number generator 10 Chapter: Seeding the PRNG 21 Chapter: Reading values from the PRNG Trinity Inventory by Mikael Segercrantz 2 DOCUMENTATION 16 Chapter: Introduction 63 Chapter: Usage 4 Chapter: Definitions 32 Example: ** Trinity - Demonstrating the use of items not listed in... Autotaking by Mike Ciul 20 DOCUMENTATION 36 Example: * Butterfingers - Making sure the "attacking it with" action... Autoundo for Object Response Tests by Mike Ciul 2 DOCUMENTATION 22 Example: * Undropped - items that can't be restored to their original... Effective Infinity by Mike Ciul 48 DOCUMENTATION Flexible Action Requirements by Mike Ciul 91 DOCUMENTATION 25 Example: * "Mange Tout" - A blancmange that can't be taken but can... Objects Matching Snippets by Mike Ciul 43 DOCUMENTATION 23 Example: * Exclamations - Creates a new action that can be parsed... Unknown Word Error by Mike Ciul 30 DOCUMENTATION 10 Example: * Ignorance is Bliss - A brief test of this extension. 12 Example: ** Oops - Regression test for interaction between this extension... Basic Plans by Nate Cull 7 DOCUMENTATION 147 Example: ** Alchemy - A demo game showing use of these basic actions.... Planner by Nate Cull 100 DOCUMENTATION Character Portraits by Nathanael Nerode 106 DOCUMENTATION Compliant Characters by Nathanael Nerode 2 DOCUMENTATION 31 Chapter - Why to use 17 Chapter - How to Use 4 Chapter - Notable restrictions 30 Chapter - Additional Ways To Give Orders 6 Chapter - Holdall Enhancements 6 Chapter - Giving 87 Chapter - How to change and extend the extension's behavior 100 Chapter - Say, Tell, Answer, etc. 5 Chapter - Interactions with other Extensions 21 Chapter - Changelog 20 Example: *** Jane - Regression test Extended Banner by Nathanael Nerode 31 DOCUMENTATION 14 Example: * Totally Normal Banner - Same as default banner 12 Example: * Less Normal Banner - A little bit of custom text 14 Example: * A Simple Copyright - A copyright and license statement 16 Example: * A Silly Copyright - A bogus copyright and licence statement... Gender Options by Nathanael Nerode 174 DOCUMENTATION 131 Example: * City Park - This consists of a room with items featuring... 22 Example: ** It for All - Some authors have requested that "it" apply... 48 Example: * No0neman's Test - No0neman wanted to make sure that Alex... Gender Speedup by Nathanael Nerode 33 DOCUMENTATION Initial Cursor at Top or Bottom by Nathanael Nerode 72 DOCUMENTATION 9 Example: * Top - Cursor at top of screen 11 Example: * Bottom - Cursor near bottom of screen 12 Example: * Precision Bottom - Cursor at bottom of screen for reliable... Large Game Speedup by Nathanael Nerode 2 DOCUMENTATION 20 Chapter - The Problem 68 Chapter - The Solutions 13 Chapter - Changelog 97 Example: ** Four Hundred Things - A small game with a lot of stuff.... Nathanael's Cookbook by Nathanael Nerode 4 DOCUMENTATION 103 Chapter - Line Breaks and Paragraph Breaks 107 Example: * Line Breaks - Understand when Inform implicitly emits line... 49 Example: * Careful Startup - displaying messages at the right time... 20 Example: * Mention Unmention - controlling whether something is mentioned... 17 Example: * Examine Room - putting the room in scope 33 Example: * Meeting Place - using arbitrary binary relations 53 Example: *** Confusion - polite responses for failed commands to actors... 42 Example: *** Early Command Parsing - process certain commands specially... Nathanael's Debug Tools by Nathanael Nerode 8 DOCUMENTATION Neutral Standard Responses by Nathanael Nerode 222 DOCUMENTATION 24 Example: * The Ringer - An array of different types of messages, both... 10 Example: * Ignorance is Bliss - Test for don't know that word rule... 13 Example: ** Oops - Regression test for interaction between don't know... 16 Example: *** Scenery - Regression test for line break issues with... Room Description Supporter Bugfixes by Nathanael Nerode 45 DOCUMENTATION Standard Rules Dead Code Removal by Nathanael Nerode 16 DOCUMENTATION Tab Removal by Nathanael Nerode 19 DOCUMENTATION Title Case for Headings by Nathanael Nerode 82 DOCUMENTATION 17 Example: * Meadow - The title is Meadow, the name is meadow 18 Example: * The Meadow - But we want the title to be *The* Meadow. 64 Example: ** Around the Pond - A more complex example 93 Example: **** People's Rooms - Rooms with possessive names Undo Output Control by Nathanael Nerode 175 DOCUMENTATION 40 Example: * Mynah Undo - Presents report rules that reproduce Inform's... 68 Example: ** I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass - This example shows... 44 Example: ** Purgatory - Illustrates how to suspend and reinstate the... 47 Example: ** Purgatory II - As an additional enhancement, we make an... Verb Stripping by Nathanael Nerode 19 DOCUMENTATION Checkpoints by Peter Orme 2 Documentation 6 Chapter: The idea 12 Chapter: Using the Table of Checkpoints 14 Chapter: running assertions 20 Example: * Bring your own ball - Using checkpoints assertion in a... 95 Example: ** How to Fix an Airlock - Using both checkpoint assertions... Developer Framework by Peter Orme 4 Documentation 16 Chapter: Kinds (enums) 7 Chapter: Version history Flexible Logger by Peter Orme 123 DOCUMENTATION 12 Example: * Hello log - A minimal example. Just include and "debug",... 22 Example: ** Controlled Logging - an example with some more features.... Object Descriptors by Peter Orme 10 DOCUMENTATION 44 Example: * The Den - just describing some things Possible Movements by Peter Orme 3 DOCUMENTATION Unit Testing by Peter Orme 6 DOCUMENTATION 28 Chapter: Testing 6 Chapter: Reporting 13 Chapter: Settings 6 Chapter: Version History 2 Chapter: Examples 26 Example: * Asserting Arithmetic - Using assertions to check we know... Universal Opening by Peter Orme 20 DOCUMENTATION 17 Example: * The secure piggy bank - A piggy bank that you can put things... After Not Doing Something by Ron Newcomb 16 DOCUMENTATION 13 Example: * I Try, and I Try - Some people are never happy. Editable Stored Actions by Ron Newcomb 55 DOCUMENTATION 23 Example: * The Ultimate Puzzle Solution - A kind of value's not-so-kind... 72 Example: *** Editable Stored Actions - Allowing our player a CHANGE... Permission to Visit by Ron Newcomb 77 DOCUMENTATION 73 Example: ** Testing Area - A touching story about a lone cattle prod.... 48 Example: * Lax Security - Forget the keycards. Just ask a coworker... Phrases for Tables with Topics by Ron Newcomb 41 DOCUMENTATION 28 Example: * Fear and Surprise - A brief demonstration of power. Scope Control by Ron Newcomb 31 DOCUMENTATION 45 Example: * "Asking for Directions" - A new internet acquaintance needs... Unsuccessful PC Attempt by Ron Newcomb 22 DOCUMENTATION 21 Example: * "Road Test" - Success and failure on the road to nowhere.... Plugs and Sockets by Sean Turner 72 DOCUMENTATION 113 Example: ** Home Theatre - Plugging a variety of components with different... Game Ending Reloaded by Shin 3 DOCUMENTATION Points Awarding Reloaded by Shin 3 DOCUMENTATION Singing Reloaded by Shin 3 DOCUMENTATION Swearing Reloaded by Shin 3 DOCUMENTATION Footnotes by Stephen Granade 41 DOCUMENTATION 15 Example: * Shameless Plug - Adds a footnote to the description of... Basic Help Menu by Wade Clarke 2 DOCUMENTATION 12 Chapter: Overview 10 Chapter: Usage 24 Example: * Basics - A very small game mostly consisting of help. Menus by Wade Clarke 2 DOCUMENTATION 34 Chapter: Introduction [Chapter 1] 59 Chapter: The menu system described [Chapter 2] 53 Chapter: An overview of the help tables [Chapter 3] 102 Chapter: Entering your data into the help tables [Chapter 4] 34 Chapter: The limits of the menu system [Chapter 5] 38 Chapter: Book mode and the startup scan [Chapter 6] 242 Chapter: Configurable options of the menu system [Chapter 7] 14 Chapter: Screen Reader mode described [Chapter 8] 12 Chapter: Changing which keys do what [Chapter 9] 8 Chapter: Customising the extension's printed messages [Chapter 10]... 80 Chapter: Upgrading classic Menus tables for use with this extension... 54 Chapter: Change log, credits and contact info [Chapter 12] 87 Example: *** Robot Retrievers of the Year 3000 - A basic help menu... Beta Test by Zed Lopez 14 Documentation 2 Chapter Examples 13 Example: * "Betar late than never" 14 Example: * "You Beta Not Pout" Bit Ops by Zed Lopez 18 Documentation 4 Chapter Changelog 98 Chapter Examples If True by Zed Lopez 9 Documentation Inquiry by Zed Lopez 2 Documentation 7 Chapter Warnings 85 Chapter Inquiries 7 Chapter restart y/n 9 Chapter Changelog 4 Chapter Examples 26 Example: * Screenreader Question 27 Example: * Miscellaneous Inquiries Screenreader by Zed Lopez 41 Documentation 4 Chapter Changelog 2 Chapter Examples 13 Example: * "Screenreader Demo" Speechless by Zed Lopez 6 Documentation 14 Example: * "You can't speak" Tabulate by Zed Lopez 4 Documentation 19 Example: * Table of Stats Trial by Zed Lopez 19 Documentation Unit Tests by Zed Lopez 2 Documentation 9 Chapter Introduction 9 Chapter Use case 39 Chapter Unit Test kind 40 Chapter Assertions and Refutations 17 Chapter Instantly passing or failing 12 Chapter Testing printed output, including errors 62 Chapter Output Result 15 Chapter Test commands 28 Chapter Use Options 93 Chapter Text comparisons 28 Chapter Prior art 21 Chapter Changelog 2 Chapter Examples 199 Example: * Who tests the testers?