Getting Started

First of all - download the source files, extract the archive and then upload the entire folder to your preferred location on your web server.
Then, just include the JavaScript/CSS files and follow the steps described in the section be from low. You also can have a look at the examples on demo page and how they are initialized. This can be figured out by checking the lightcase.init.js file. (Note: lightcase.init.js is not part of the lightcase plugin itself!)

Basic setup

Step 1: Lightcase is based on the jQuery framework, so first you have to load this library.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Step 2: Now, include the CSS and JavaScript files for Lightcase.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path/to/lightcase.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/lightcase.js"></script>

Step 3: After including those files you have to define which links you want to open in Lightcase. Here we are using a wildcard selector for selecting all links which have an attribute "data-rel" beginning with "lightcase".

<script type="text/javascript">
	jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

Step 4: To open your media with Lightcase, create a link and add the attribute data-rel="lightcase".

<a href="path/to/media.jpg" data-rel="lightcase">Your link description or thumb</a>

Display title

In case you want to add a title, simply extend your link tag with the attribute title="Your title".

<a href="path/to/media.jpg" data-rel="lightcase" title="Your title">Your link description or thumb</a>


There are a couple of ways how to display videos on your website using lightcase. The most likely approach is to place it as HTML5 video which will be referred as type 'video' by lightcase. Of course, it is also possible to present external videos from Youtube, Vimeo or other video platforms, or as Adobe Flash video.

<a href="path/to/media.mp4" data-rel="lightcase">HTML5 video</a>
<a href="//" data-rel="lightcase">Youtube video</a>
<a href="path/to/media.swf" data-rel="lightcase">Flash video</a>

Different video file formats can be provided using the attribute 'data-lc-href' and have best browser support. Lightcase will do the rest and pick the one with the most presumable support of the actual browser. Note: Sources are delimited using comma. (since v2.4.0)

<a href="" data-lc-href="path/to/media.mp4, path/to/media.webm, path/to/media.ogg" data-rel="lightcase">HTML5 video using different file formats</a>

Source sets

For different sources to be loaded related to the current browser viewport width or device density, you can use the following notation below. There is no limitation for sources as well as a combination with viewport and density (Device Pixel Ratio) is possible. Note: Sources are delimited using comma. (since v2.3.0)

<a href="" data-lc-href="path/to/media1_small.jpg, path/to/media1_large.jpg 2x" data-rel="lightcase">Your link description or thumb</a>
<a href="" data-lc-href="path/to/media2_default.jpg, path/to/media2_small.jpg 320w, path/to/media2_small_2x.jpg 320w 2x" data-rel="lightcase">Link</a>


Couple of links with same attribute will open all of them as a collection.

<a href="path/to/media1.jpg" data-rel="lightcase:myCollection">Your link description or thumb</a>
<a href="path/to/media2.jpg" data-rel="lightcase:myCollection">Your second collection item</a>
<a href="path/to/media3.jpg" data-rel="lightcase:myCollection">Your third item, and so on...</a>

Within collections it is also possible to use various categories which can make your collections much more powerful. Lightcase looks for matching categories within a certain collection and will show them separated depending on the link was clicked to invoke Lightcase. Note: Categories are delimited using spaces. (since v2.2.0)

<a href="path/to/media1.jpg" data-rel="lightcase:myCollection" data-lc-categories="myCategory1 myCategory2">Your link description or thumb</a>
<a href="path/to/media2.jpg" data-rel="lightcase:myCollection" data-lc-categories="myCategory1">Your second collection item</a>
<a href="path/to/media3.jpg" data-rel="lightcase:myCollection" data-lc-categories="myCategory2 myCategory3 myCategory4">Your third item, and so on...</a>


Collections with trailing ":slideshow" in the attribute 'data-rel' will open them as a slideshow.

<a href="path/to/media.jpg" data-rel="lightcase:myCollection:slideshow" title="Your title">Your link description or thumb</a>



Lightcase provides various options to customize and override defaults. All possible options are described in section API.

	transition: 'scrollHorizontal',
	showSequenceInfo: false,
	showTitle: false

Alternatively, it is even possible to apply you options directly with a tag attribute. (since v2.3.5)

<a href="path/to/media.jpg" data-lc-options='{"maxWidth":440, "maxHeight":550}' data-rel="lightcase">Your link description</a>

There are several functions to intervene into the process Lightcase is doing until the content gets displayed. This may could be useful if you want to manipulate the standard process of Lightcase like pre-validating a form, changing something in the markup or anything else you could imagine.

	// Will be called immediately after lightcase is initialized
	onInit : {
		foo: function() {
			alert('Lightcase process is initialized');
	// Will be called before generating content
	onStart : {
		bar: function() {
			alert('Lightcase process is started');
	// Will be called right before new dimensions get calculated
	onBeforeCalculateDimensions : {
		baz: function() {
			alert('Lightcase process is calculating new dimensions');
	// Will be called right after new dimensions were calculated
	onAfterCalculateDimensions : {
		qux: function() {
			alert('Lightcase process has calculated new dimensions');
	// Will be called right before the content will be displayed
	onBeforeShow : {
		quux: function() {
			alert('Lightcase process will show the content now');
	// Will be called after everything is loaded and visible
	onFinish : {
		corge: function() {
			alert('Lightcase process has finished');
	// Will be called when aborting lightcase
	onClose : {
		grault: function() {
			alert('Lightcase closes now');
	// Will be called when lightcase does the cleanup
	onCleanup : {
		garply: function() {
			alert('Lightcase process is cleaning up');

How can I access all the DOM objects/elements of lightcase from e.g. within such a hook function above?

// All public available objects and methods

// Get the origin link object as a jQuery ready object

// Get a specific Lightcase DOM object (since v2.3.0)

How can I open Lightcase in a blank popup?

// With javascript only and without any trigger link
  href: '#',
  // more options like width, height, etc.

// From a simple link within markup
<a href="#" data-rel="lightcase">Open blank popup</a>

How can I close Lightcase via function?

// Call public function to close lightcase

// Example for automatically closing lightcase after five seconds using a hook function
  onFinish: {
    autoClose: function () {
      setTimeout(function () {
      }, 5000);


As mentioned, Lightcase is indeed really flexible. While you already are able to use several hooks to adjust, change, manipulate your content within the box, you're also able to initialize a recalculation of your content size. Use this call as soon as you did modifications with the current Lightcase content.


If passing a custom size, lightcase will update resize with the new size and keep that size instead. (since v2.5.0)

lightcase.resize({ width: 640 });



For supporting swipe for touch devices, you additionally need to include the provided '' as well as to make sure that option 'swipe' is set to 'true'. This will make possible to browse though collections by just swiping to the left or right with fingers.

<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/"></script>
	swipe: true

Fullscreen mode for mobile

There is an extra feature to use the full width for mobile devices only without respecting the 'shrinkFactor'. You just have to ensure that the option 'fullscreenModeForMobile' is enabled and for a proper display the following meta tag is included into the <head> part of your source code. Additionally, a special class name 'lightcase-fullScreenMode' will be set to the <html> tag in case you want to do some style adjustments as well.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
Property Type Default Description
idPrefix String
Identifier prefix for the lightcase objects. (since v1.4.4)
classPrefix String
Class name prefix for the lightcase objects. (since v1.3.0)
attrPrefix String
Name prefix for all attributes related to lightcase. (since v2.2.0)
transition String
Transition between the sequences for groups and slideshow.
Available values are 'none', 'fade', 'fadeInline', 'elastic', 'scrollTop', 'scrollRight', 'scrollBottom', 'scrollLeft', 'scrollHorizontal' and 'scrollVertical'.
transitionOpen String|null
Extra definition for the transition while opening lightcase. (since 2.4.0)
transitionClose String|null
Extra definition for the transition while closing lightcase. (since 2.4.0)
transitionIn String|null
Extra definition for the 'in' transition. (since 1.4.0)
transitionOut String|null
Extra definition for the 'out' transition. (since 1.4.0)
cssTransitions Boolean
Enable transitions with css. (since 1.4.0)
speedIn Integer
Animation speed for the starting transition.
speedOut Integer
Animation speed for the ending transition.
width Integer|null
Exact width for the media content. (since 2.4.0)
height Integer|null
Exact height for the the media content. (since 2.4.0)
maxWidth Integer
Maximum width for the media content.
maxHeight Integer
Maximum height for the media content.
forceWidth Boolean
Force width to prevent from shrinking. (since v1.1.0)
forceHeight Boolean
Force height to prevent from shrinking. (since v1.1.0)
liveResize Boolean
Enable live resize. (since v1.2.0)
fullScreenModeForMobile Boolean
Enable fullscreen mode for mobile devices. (since v1.3.0)
mobileMatchExpression RegExp
Mobile devices which should make use of fullscreen mode. (since v1.3.2)
fixedRatio Boolean
Keeps the ratio of the defined width and height proportionally if content is shrinked. (since v2.4.0)
disableShrink Boolean
Disable the shrink completely. (since v1.1.0)
shrinkFactor Integer
Factor (in percent) to shrink the media content to recalculate dimensions.
overlayOpacity Integer
Factor (in percent) for the overlay opacity.
slideshow Boolean
Default slideshow initialization for groups.
slideshowAutoStart Boolean
Starting slideshow automatically. (since v2.3.5)
breakBeforeShow Boolean
Breaks the process before showing the content. This setting can be very helpful in terms of e.g. waiting for data-binding compilers, or interacting into general process before displaying the content that was loaded by lightcase. Note, that you manually have to call the show function ``. (since v2.5.0)
timeout Integer
Delayed time between the slideshow sequences.
swipe Boolean
Enable swipe event for mobile devices. (since v1.4.0)
useKeys Boolean
Activate keys to navigate.
useCategories Boolean
Enables or disables usage of categories within a specific collection. (since v2.2.0)
navigateEndless Boolean
If enabled, the slideshow will be never ending.
closeOnOverlayClick Boolean
Close Lightcase on overlay click.
title String|null
Value for the title text.(Since v1.6.0)
caption String|null
Value for the caption text. (Since v1.6.0)
showTitle Boolean
Display title defined if the link attribute is set.
showCaption Boolean
Display caption from the attribute 'alt'.
showSequenceInfo Boolean
Display information about the current sequence in groups.
inline Object
width : 'auto',
height : 'auto'
Options would be passed to the inline element.
ajax Object
width : 'auto',
height : 'auto',
type : 'get',
dataType : 'html',
data : {}
Option would be passed to the ajax element. (since v1.3.0)
Option would be passed to the ajax element. (since v1.3.0)
Type of request like 'get' or 'post' (since v1.5.0)
DataType of response like 'html', 'text', 'json', ... (since v1.5.0)
Data for request like a serialized array (since v1.5.0)
iframe Object
width : 'auto',
height : 'auto',
frameborder : 0
Options would be passed to the iframe element.
flash Object
width : 400,
height : 205,
wmode : 'transparent'
Options would be passed to the flash element.
video Object
width : 400,
height : 225,
poster : '',
preload : 'auto',
controls : true,
autobuffer : true,
autoplay : true,
loop : false
Options would be passed to the video element.
attr String
Name of the attribute which should be used for initializing collections. (since v2.1.0)
href String
Force content source overriding the attributes 'href' and 'data-href'. (since v2.0.3)
type String
Force data type definition like 'inline' or 'ajax'. (since v1.4.2)
typeMapping Object
'image' : 'jpg,…',
'flash' : 'swf',
'video' : 'mp4,...',
'iframe' : 'html,...',
'ajax' : 'txt',
'inline' : '#'
Mapping for the media types. (since v1.4.0)
errorMessage String
'<p class="lightcase-error"...
Markup of the error message.
labels Object
'errorMessage': 'Source could not be found...',
'sequenceInfo.of': ' of ',
'close': 'Close',
'navigator.prev': 'Prev',
'': 'Next',
'': 'Play',
'navigator.pause': 'Pause'
Texts for several labels. (since v2.3.3)
markup Function
function() {
Browse the whole the function in the source file 'lightcase.js'.
onInit Object
{foo: function () {}}
Functions which will be executed before initializing the whole process. (since v1.6.0)
onStart Object
{bar: function () {}}
Functions which will be executed before generating content.
onBeforeCalculateDimensions Object
{baz: function () {}}
Functions which will be executed before calculating the dimensions. (since v2.5.0)
onAfterCalculateDimensions Object
{qux: function () {}}
Functions which will be executed after calculating the dimensions. (since v2.5.0)
onBeforeShow Object
{quux: function () {}}
Functions which will be executed before showing the content. (since v2.5.0)
onFinish Object
{corge: function () {}}
Functions which will be executed if everything is loaded and visible.
onClose Object
{grault: function () {}}
Functions which will be executed right before aborting. (since v2.1.0)
onCleanup Object
{garply: function () {}}
Functions which will be executed after the DOM is cleaned up. (since v2.1.0)