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Named entity recognition (NER), Part-of-Speeching tagging (POS) and Chinese word segmentation are tasks of sequence labeling.
Without deep learning, statistical linear-chain conditional random fields (linear-chain CRF) is the favorable solution. But it requires hand-crafted features.
In deep learning fields, bi-directional LSTM + CRF gives the state-of-the-art performance, which is discussed in detail here.

NER belongs to the task of structure learning, which is a generalization of traditional supervised learning (i.e., the output y has a structure). The difference between structure learning and classification or regression is the target function and the cost function. [7]
For classification, the cost function is usually cross-entropy. For regression, the cost function is usually mean squared error. For structure learning, the target function (y^* = argmax f(x,y). For y in Y.) and the cost function are arbitary.   Despite the difference, they share the same philosophy that finding a target function that minimize the cost over the training set.
Examples of structure learning:

  • Text generation
  • POS taggging, NER


Model architecture

The above edited image is from [1] shows the model architecture.

Embedding layer: Word embedding (Word emb.) together with character representation (Char rep.) are as inputs to bi-directional LSTM layer.
Bi-directional LSTM layer: Then the outputs of both forward LSTM and backward LSTM (which encodes the contextual word representation [2]) are concatenated as inputs to the CRF layer.
CRF layer: And the CRF layer gives the final prediction.

For embedding layer, CNN (to extract morphological information, such as prefix or suffix [3]) or bi-directional LSTM [4] can be used to obtain character representation. As to the performance, they have no significant difference [1]. See the image from [1] below:

Model formula

For an input sequence X, which has n characters (i.e., ranges from 0 to n-1), and it has been padded with the start and end symbols. For the sequence predictions y, which also been padded with the startTag and endTag.

Paper [4] define its score to be

P (shape of [n+2, k+2], 2 means the padded sequence and tags) is the score matrix output by the bi-directional LSTM. And is the score of the tag of character.
A is the tag transition score matrix. And means the transition score from the tag i to tag j.

The softmax over all possible tag sequences gives the probability for the sequence y:

The goal is maximizing the log-probability of the correct tag sequence:

This can be solved by Forward-Backward (for computing probability) and Viterbi (for decoding best tags) algorithms.

For Chinese NER, paper [5] proposes that character embedding are composed of pre-trained character embedding and embedding that learned by bi-directional lstm on radical features (偏旁部首).

Model parameters

  • Word embeddings
  • Tags transition matrix A
  • Matrix P related parameters: recurrent units of bi-directional LSTM, linear projection weights

However, part of model parameters or hyper-parameters are more important, paper [1] gives a detailed assessment, and the results are:

  • Major impact
    • Pre-trained word embedding
    • Gradient clipping
  • Minor impact  - Number of bi-directional LSTM layer
    • Number of recurrent units, default 100 is preferred
    • Mini-batch size: 8 (for small datasets), 32 (for large datasets)
    • Tagging schema: IOBES


Here, I focus on brands NER. For shoes, li Ning (李宁), adidas, nike are brands. For jewelry, ross or 周生生 are brands. So, my goal is finding the brands mentioned in the sentence.

For example, if the input sentence is 'I bought a Li Ning (李宁) hat yesterday', then the model will recognize Li Ning (李宁) as the brand.  

The initial source codes are from [6], the following shows the key points about the codes:

  • The model input is the concatenation of character embedding and word segmentation embedding. How to incorporate word segmentation information ?  - Perform Chinese word segmentation.
     - Encoding rule: BIES format (i.e., B:1, I:2, E:3, S:0).
     - For example: u'我买了富士康手机'-> u'我 买 了 富士康 手机'> [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3]

  • Dropout on character embedding  - According to Section 4.3 in paper [4], rnn_inputs = tf.nn.dropout(x=char_word_embeddings, keep_prob=self.keep_prob, name='lstm_inputs_dropout')

  • How to get actual sequence length in one batch ?

    • seq_lengths = tf.cast(tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=tf.sign(tf.abs(self.char_inputs)), axis=1), tf.int32)
  • How to initialize the pre-trained character embedding ?

    • Please see create_model method in
    old_weights =  
    new_weights = load_pre_trained_embedding(old_weights)
  • OOV problem

    • If the test character is not in char_to_id dictionary, then convert it to <UNK> symbol.
    • [char_to_id[char] if char in char_to_id else char_to_id['<UNK>'] for char in line]
  • How to perpare mini-batch data ?

    • For minimum padding, the data should be sorted first. See BatchManager method in

I revised the codes as follows:

  • Add end_logits relevant codes in cost_layer function in, which gives a relative better F1 score. For more details, please see my answer to the issue.
  • Add softmax classifier (i.e., classification problem) besides CRF classifier (i.e., structure learning). Although CRF classifier gives better results, the training speed of softmax classifier are faster.
  • Add tf.summary and detailed code comments.
  • Rearrange code files.


The brands NER training data are from crawled Weibo. Please see sample training, development and testing data in data folder for input format.

Try to run

  • First, BrandsNERModel_Train.ipynb is used to train the model.
  • Second, BrandsNERModel_Test.ipynb is used to test the model.

Example results

  • {'entities': [{'word': '特步', 'type': 'SHOE', 'start': 3, 'end': 5}], 'string': '我买了特步鞋'}
  • {'entities': [{'word': '一叶子', 'type': 'FACIAL_MASK', 'start': 0, 'end': 3}], 'string': '一叶子面膜真不错'}


[1] Optimal Hyperparameters for Deep LSTM-Networks for Sequence Labeling Tasks and implementation
[3] End-to-end Sequence Labeling via Bi-directional LSTM-CNNs-CRF
[4] Neural Architectures for Named Entity Recognition
[5] Character-Based LSTM-CRF with Radical-Level Features for Chinese Named Entity Recognition
[6] ChineseNER

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