🚫 由于 NeteaseCloudMusicApi 已删库,无法继续根据接口文档开发功能,此项目不再维护
上述界面为平板尺寸的应用首页,了解更多请深入 点击此处
Spotify - Web Player 是一个在线音乐平台项目,基于 Vue3 组合式 API + Element Plus,后端使用网易云音乐的数据,相比于网易云音乐去掉了冗余的模块,仅保留基本功能, 目前还在开发中。
- Vue3 with composition API
- Vue-router
- Pinia
- Vite
- Less
- Element-plus
- ES6+
- Fetch
- NodeJS 16+
- Chrome67+ / Edge79+ / Safari12+
- 对电脑与平板页面尺寸作响应式适配
$ # clone the project
$ git clone https://github.com/Binaryify/NeteaseCloudMusicApi.git
$ cd NeteaseCloudMusicApi
$ node app.js
$ # clone the project
$ git clone https://github.com/gaomingzhao666/Spotify-Web-Player.git
$ # install dependencies and run it
$ # recommend pnpm as a package manager that more faster than npm and the grammar is similar with npm
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm run dev
- 使用浏览器插件将跨域请求改为允许
- 在前端发送网络请求时设置跨域允许
- 后端在编写接口时改为跨域允许
- 使用构建器
推荐 Allow CORS 插件, 下载安装后在使用此项目时启用它即可, 当然你也可以自行选择其他插件或者其他方法来解决跨域问题
此项目由 gaomingzhao666@Nano 开发,后端接口支持(因版权原因现已停止维护)为 - NeteaseCloudMusicApi
gaomingzhao666/Spotify-Web-Player is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. A permissive license whose main conditions require preservation of copyright and license notices. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code.