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This document gives an overview and simple examples about the usage of the component-cli. For help on the cli commands, see the cli help (component-cli --help) or the generated documentation.


Create a Component Archive

In the beginning a component archive must be created. A component archive is a directory that contains the component descriptor at /component-descriptor.yaml and all resource blobs at /blobs/<blobname>.

It is possible to create these primitives either by hand, use a third-party templating engine, or use the utility functions that the component-cli provides.

Create a Component Archive Skeleton

A component archive skeleton can be created by using the component-cli component-archive create command.

component-cli component-archive create ./examples --component-name "" --component-version "v0.0.1"

This will create a new directory ./examples which contains a component-descriptor.yaml skeleton file.

Add a Resource

Resources can be added to an existing component descriptor by using the component-cli component-archive resources add command.

component-cli ca resources add ./examples ./resources.yaml

The previous command adds all resources defined in ./resources.yaml to the ./examples/component-descriptor.yaml file.

An example for ./resources.yaml is presented in the following.

# resources.yaml

name: 'ubuntu'
version: '18.0.0'
type: 'ociImage'
relation: 'external'
  type: 'ociRegistry'
  imageReference: 'ubuntu:18.0'

The resources file is expected to be in yaml format, and multiple resources can be added by using the yaml multi doc syntax:

name: 'ubuntu'
version: '18.0.0'
type: 'ociImage'
relation: 'external'
  type: 'ociRegistry'
  imageReference: 'ubuntu:18.0'
name: 'ubuntu'
version: '17.0.0'
type: 'ociImage'
relation: 'external'
  type: 'ociRegistry'
  imageReference: 'ubuntu:17.0'

Add a local File

A local blob (any file) can be added to the component descriptor by using the input attribute. This will automatically add the file as local artifact to the component descriptor and will configure the access of the resource accordingly.

Note you can specify that the given blob is automatically gzipped by setting the compress attribute.

When the given input path is a directory, a tar archive is automatically created.

# resources.yaml

name: 'myconfig'
type: 'json'
relation: 'local'
  type: "file"
  path: "./blob.json" # path is relative to the current resource file
  mediaType: "application/json" # optional, will be defaulted to application/octet-stream
// blob.json
  "key": "value"

The command

component-cli component-archive resources add ./examples ./resources.yaml

will add the blob resource to ./examples/component-descriptor.yaml and will create a blob file in the ./examples/blobs directory which contains the file contents.

See an example for a local blob resource with a directory and possible options.

name: 'myconfig'
type: 'json'
relation: 'local'
  type: "file"
  path: "some/path"
name: 'myconfig'
type: 'json'
relation: 'local'
  type: "dir"
  path: /my/path
  compress: true # defaults to false
  exclude: "*.txt"

Add a Reference to another Component Archive

A component reference can be added to an existing component descriptor by using the component-cli component-archive component-reference subcommand.

The subcommand offers the possibility to add a component reference either via component reference template in a file or by defining the component-reference via commandline flags.

(!) Commandline flags overwrite values defined by the file.

A component reference template can be like in the following snippet.

# comp-ref.yaml

name: 'component-spec'
componentName: ''
version: 'v0.0.1'

Via the command

component-cli ca component-reference add ./examples ./comp-ref.yaml

the component reference defined in comp-ref.yaml is added to ./examples/component-descriptor.yaml.

Use Templating

The previous commands introduced how resources, sources and component-references can be dynamically added to a component descriptor via the component-cli. Often these definitions need to be templated with the current build values like the version.

One solution for that issue is to do the templating yourself, with your preferred templating engine. This approach is also recommended when you need a more advanced templating features like loops.

In most use cases, a simple variable substitution is enough to meet the requirements. Therefore, the component-cli offers the possibility to use simple variable expansion in the templates.

For example if a resources need to be templates with a new version, the resource definition would be defined as follows:

# resources.yaml

name: 'ubuntu'
version: '${VERSION}'
type: 'ociImage'
relation: 'external'
  type: 'ociRegistry'
  imageReference: 'ubuntu:${VERSION}'

With the command component-cli component-archive resources add [path to component archive] ./resources.yaml -- VERSION=v0.0.2 it is now possible to define key-value pairs for the substitution.

Working with OCI Registries as Component Repositories

Component archives are typically stored in OCI registries. The component-cli provides commands to interact with these stored components and also resources that are stored in OCI registries (e.g. Docker Images).

Authenticating to private OCI Registries

The credentials for accessing private registries are handled via plain Docker CLI mechanisms. Either use the docker login command, or edit the Docker config file on your local machine manually.

Specialties regarding credential handling in the component-cli:

  1. The component-cli uses credential entries from the auths section in preference over credHelpers for the same registry URL.
	"auths": {
		"": {}
	"credHelpers": {
		"": "gcloud",

With the above Docker config, the component-cli will use the set of credentials from the auths section when interacting with the registry.

  1. The component-cli supports providing credentials for subpaths of the same host (not supported by Docker CLI).
	"auths": {
		"": {},
    "": {}

With the above Docker config, the component-cli will use the more specific set of credentials for all artifacts under the path

Push a Component Archive

A component archive can be pushed to an oci registry by using the component-cli component-archive remote push command.

component-cli ca remote push [path to component archive]

The command takes 1 argument which is the path to the component archive.

Pull a Component Descriptor

The component descriptor of a component archive can be pulled from an oci registry by using the component-cli component-archive remote get command.

component-cli component-archive remote get BASE_URL COMPONENT_NAME VERSION

Copy a Component Archive

The component descriptor of a component archive can be copied between different oci registries by using the component-cli component-archive remote copy command.

component-cli component-archive remote copy v0.1.0 --from --to

The previous command will copy the defined component and recursively also all referenced components from to Local blob resources, as they are part of the component archives themselves, are also copied to the new target location.

By passing the cli flag --copy-by-value, additionally all resources wit accessType: ociRegistry (e.g. Docker Images) will be copied to the target location. Therefore, if your component archives only describe local blobs and oci artifacts as resources, the whole application can be copied in a self contained way between different registries.


The signing functionality of component-cli allows to sign a component descriptor based delivery during the build process, and later verify the integrity of the delivery during the deploy process. All signing related commands are placed under the component-cli component-archive signatures command. The most important subcommands are sign and verify, which again have subcommands to sign and verify component descriptors using different algorithms. For detailed information on how a component descriptor is signed and verified, visit the Component Spec.

signing flow

Sign with RSA Private Key

One possible algorithm to sign and verify component descriptors is RSA.

Generate Private/Public Keypair

RSA requires a private/public keypair for signing and verification, which can be generated with the openssl cli.

The command

openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out ./private-key.pem

generates a new private key in PKCS8 format, which is written to ./private-key.pem.

After that, the command

openssl rsa -in ./private-key.pem -pubout > public-key.pem

extracts the public key from the private key and writes it to ./public-key.pem.


The command component-cli component-archive signatures sign rsa signs a component descriptor with RSA.

component-cli ca signatures sign rsa v0.1.0 --upload-base-url --recursive --signature-name test-signature --private-key ./private-key.pem

The previous command would recursively download the targeted component descriptor and all referenced components, sign them, and re-upload them to the new component repository defined by the parameter --upload-base-url. To overwrite the existing component descriptors with the signed ones, set --upload-base-url to the unsigned component repository URL and set the --force flag.

In the signed component descriptor a new signature has been appended to signatures.

  schemaVersion: v2
- name: test-signature
    hashAlgorithm: sha256
    normalisationAlgorithm: jsonNormalisation/V1
    value: c349a4aee7061e6553f0a5e9df840328a2018168c6b2a1475d10955e2114afb3
    algorithm: RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5
    mediaType: application/x-pem-file
    value: |
      -----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----
      Signature Algorithm: RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5

      -----END SIGNATURE-----

The RSA private key that is used for signing is defined by the parameter --private-key. It must point to a file which contains the private key in PEM format.

The parameter --signature-name defines the symbolic name under which the signature is written to the component descriptor. It allows to differentiate if multiple signatures exists in a component descriptor.

Sign with Signing Server

Alternatively to generating the signature on the client, the signature can also be generated by a server. This enables scenarios, where keys and certificates are centrally handled and not individually by all the clients themselves. A prerequisite for this scenario is a running signing server instance.

To sign a component descriptor using a signing server, run the following command:

component-cli ca signatures sign signing-server v0.1.0 --upload-base-url --recursive --signature-name test-signature --server-url https://localhost:8080 --root-ca-certs ./root-ca-certs.pem

Most of the parameters are equal to signing with an RSA private key, you can go there for an explanation of the parameters. The argument --server-url defines the base url where the signing server instance is running. If the server uses HTTPS with a self-signed certificate, the additional root ca certificates for validating the server certificate can be passed in via the argument --root-ca-certs.

If the signing server has enable client certificate authentication, use the parameter --client-cert to pass in a valid client certificate file.

Verifying Signatures

Verify with RSA Public Key

The command component-cli component-archive signatures verify rsa allows you to verify an existing RSA signature inside of a component descriptor.

component-cli ca signatures verify rsa v0.1.0 --signature-name test-signature --public-key ./public-key.pem

It will recursively fetch the resources and calculate the digests for the component that should be verified. In the end is checked that the calculated digest matches the signed digest in the signature that is selected with the parameter --signature-name.

The RSA public key that is used for verifying is defined by the parameter --public-key. It must point to a file which contains the public key in PEM format.

Verify with X509 Certificate

Alternatively a RSA signature can also be validated using x509 certificates.

component-cli ca signature verify x509 0.1.0 --cert ./cert.pem --signature-name test-signature

The command first verifies the certificate validity. Then, it will recursively fetch the resources and calculate the digests for the component that should be verified. In the end is checked that the calculated digest matches the signed digest in the signature that is selected with the parameter --signature-name.

If self-signed certificates are used, additional ca certificates can be passed in via the parameters --intermediate-ca-certs and --root-ca-cert. If --root-ca-cert isn't set, the system default ca certificate pool is used.