These Watson Assistant labs provide you with a set of fully guided tutorials which will help you:
- build a cognitive chatbot
- show you how to use AI when building your chatbot to enhance the end-user experience
- introduce you to IBM Cloud and IBM Watson
The labs will focus on building the chatbot, expose the user to multiple chat user interfaces, and use Watson Assistant, Watson Discovery and Watson Natural Language Understanding services, as well as integrating information from an external, third party application.
Once you've worked through the lab exercises, you'll be fully equipped to create your own chatbot using IBM Cloud and IBM Watson!
The workshop materials for each part of the lab are contained in the subfolders README files:
- Lab 1: Cognitive Chatbot Basics
- Lab 2: Chatbot Integrations
- Lab 3: Enhancing Your Chatbot with Advanced Watson Assistant Features
- Lab 4: Understanding User Sentiment - Integrating Watson Natural Language Understanding
- Lab 5: Extending Your Chatbot with Watson Discovery
- Lab 6: Integrating External Data using IBM Cloud Functions
You should follow the materials in this order.
No coding experience is necessary.