Precursor is a small, experimental programming language implemented as a pure TypeScript (and hence, JavaScript) library.
You can read more details below in the synopsis, you can see a working example (with I/O!) live in your browser!.
Licensed under the GPL-3
where it can be, and the WTFPL
API documentation & examples may be found here.
nvm use # the author recommends nvm!
npm i # install dependencies
npm t # run tests
npm run coverage # run tests with coverage
npm run build
This produces two versions of the library, one each for CommonJS and ES modules:
ls dist/cjs # or dist/esm, same file names
ceskm.d.ts ceskm.js grammar.d.ts grammar.js index.d.ts index.js parser.d.ts parser.js
npm run docs
import { strict as assert } from "assert";
import { CESKM, parse_cbpv, scalar } from "precursor-ts";
import type { Value } from "precursor-ts";
type Base = boolean | null | string | number;
class VM extends CESKM<Base> {
public run(program: string): Value<Base> {
let result = this.step(this.inject(parse_cbpv(program)));
while (!result.done) {
result = this.step(result.value);
return result.value;
protected literal(v: Base): Value<Base> {
if ("number" === typeof v
|| "boolean" === typeof v
|| "string" === typeof v
|| null === v)
{ return scalar(v); }
throw new Error(`${v} not a primitive value`);
protected op(op_sym: string, args: Value<Base>[]): Value<Base> {
switch (op_sym) {
case "op:add": {
if (! ("v" in args[0]) || ! ("v" in args[1]))
{ throw new Error(`arguments must be values`); }
if ("number" !== typeof args[0].v || "number" !== typeof args[1].v)
{ throw new Error(`arguments must be numbers`); }
const result: unknown = args[0].v + args[1].v;
return scalar(result as Base);
// ...
default: return super.op(op_sym,args);
const vm = new VM();
try {
const three =`
(op:add 1 2)
assert.deepEqual(three, {
v: 3
catch (e) { console.error(e); }
Precursor is a small programming language which you may grow and build upon (a precursor, if you like).
The default distribution consists of 3 components which work together "out of the box":
- a small call-by-push-value language,
, defined as a data type that you can manipulate in code (grammar.ts
); - a CESK-based evaluator which operates on
objects (ceskm.ts
) ; - a parser for an s-expression syntax, which parses source code
s intoCbpv
You can see examples of the syntax parsed by the default parser, and more generally how to get started quickly with this library, please consult the tests.
You can submit bugs through the Issues feature at .
As well you may email me at
I reserve the right to be terrible at replying; you should absolutely not take
it personally.