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gatling-build-plugin tips and tricks

Using another maven repository

val otherRepo = "Repo name" at ""

Global / publishTo := Some(otherRepo) // (1)

credentials += Credentials(
  "Repo realm",

resolvers += otherRepo
  1. Do not forget to put Global / otherwise you won’t be able to push to Sonatype in case of GatlingOssPlugin usage.

As this file lie in your global SBT configuration, there is no mean to commit it by mistake.

PGP configuration

addSbtPlugin("com.jsuereth" % "sbt-pgp" % "2.0.2")
credentials += Credentials(
  "GPG sign key", // (1)
  "pgp", // (2)
  "5470DFCDA4CB06EE1890118B28BE55DFA0E95B3D", // (3)
  "ignored" // (4)

useGpgPinentry := true
useGpgAgent := false
  1. Must be unique

  2. Must be pgp

  3. The key id to use

  4. The passphrase will lie in PGP_PASSPHRASE environment variable.

For more information, see sbt-pgp.

IntelliJ IDEA configuration


IntelliJ doesn’t derive sbt-test projects as SBT projects. Add each module as a project:

  • File / New / Module from Existing Sources

Then, IntelliJ doesn’t reach plugin.version property, go to the SBT tab on the right:

  • Click on "sbt Settings" (wrench)

  • Set VM parameters to -Dplugin.version=X.Y.Z-SNAPSHOT where X.Y.Z-SNAPSHOT is the version in root version.sbt

  • Reload