Script to a compile a bunch of latex with no output on terminal screen unless there is an error
file=$(find . -name "*.tex")
cd $(dirname $file)
pdflatex --jobname=$(basename ${file%.tex})-no-numbering -halt-on-error -interaction=nonstopmode $(basename $file) > /dev/null
if [[ $ret > 0 ]]; then
echo "There was an error compiling a description Latex file: $file"
echo -e "You need to verify if you have all Latex packages (for example tikz, pgfplots, hyperref...). See ${file%.tex}-no-numbering.log for more information.\n"
if [ -f ${file%.tex}-no-numbering.log ]; then
sed -n -e '/\(Error\|Undefined control sequence\)/,$p' ${file%.tex}-no-numbering.log | sed -e '/Here is how much of TeX'\''s memory you used:/,$d'
tail -1 ${file%.tex}-no-numbering.log
exit 1