diff --git a/lib/videojs-resolution-switcher.js b/lib/videojs-resolution-switcher.js
index eae1c38..03d4515 100644
--- a/lib/videojs-resolution-switcher.js
+++ b/lib/videojs-resolution-switcher.js
@@ -1,367 +1,378 @@
+/* https://github.com/kmoskwiak/videojs-resolution-switcher
+ * This library is using the dev branch (9/13/2016) because it fixes some IE9 issues. https://github.com/kmoskwiak/videojs-resolution-switcher/blob/dev/lib/videojs-resolution-switcher.js
+ * (12/20/2016) Modified to fix an issue with the Quality Label not changing.
+ * (1/13/2017) Modified player.currentResolution to pause video when switching resolution and to show loading spinner.
+ * (1/20/2017) Modified player.currentResolution to listen to timeupdate, loadedmetadata, and loadeddata to fix iOS safari issue.
+ */
/*! videojs-resolution-switcher - 2015-7-26
* Copyright (c) 2016 Kasper Moskwiak
* Modified by Pierre Kraft and Derk-Jan Hartman
- * Licensed under the Apache-2.0 license. */
-(function() {
- /* jshint eqnull: true*/
- /* global require */
- 'use strict';
- var videojs = null;
- if(typeof window.videojs === 'undefined' && typeof require === 'function') {
- videojs = require('video.js');
- } else {
- videojs = window.videojs;
- }
- (function(window, videojs) {
- var videoJsResolutionSwitcher,
- defaults = {
- ui: true
- };
- /*
- * Resolution menu item
- */
- var MenuItem = videojs.getComponent('MenuItem');
- var ResolutionMenuItem = videojs.extend(MenuItem, {
- constructor: function(player, options){
- options.selectable = true;
- // Sets this.player_, this.options_ and initializes the component
- MenuItem.call(this, player, options);
- this.src = options.src;
- player.on('resolutionchange', videojs.bind(this, this.update));
- }
- } );
- ResolutionMenuItem.prototype.handleClick = function(event){
- MenuItem.prototype.handleClick.call(this,event);
- this.player_.currentResolution(this.options_.label);
- };
- ResolutionMenuItem.prototype.update = function(){
- var selection = this.player_.currentResolution();
- this.selected(this.options_.label === selection.label);
- };
- MenuItem.registerComponent('ResolutionMenuItem', ResolutionMenuItem);
- /*
- * Resolution menu button
- */
- var MenuButton = videojs.getComponent('MenuButton');
- var ResolutionMenuButton = videojs.extend(MenuButton, {
- constructor: function(player, options){
- this.label = document.createElement('span');
- options.label = 'Quality';
- // Sets this.player_, this.options_ and initializes the component
- MenuButton.call(this, player, options);
- this.el().setAttribute('aria-label','Quality');
- this.controlText('Quality');
- if(options.dynamicLabel){
- videojs.addClass(this.label, 'vjs-resolution-button-label');
- this.el().appendChild(this.label);
- }else{
- var staticLabel = document.createElement('span');
- videojs.addClass(staticLabel, 'vjs-menu-icon');
- this.el().appendChild(staticLabel);
- }
- player.on('updateSources', videojs.bind( this, this.update ) );
- }
- } );
- ResolutionMenuButton.prototype.createItems = function(){
- var menuItems = [];
- var labels = (this.sources && this.sources.label) || {};
- // FIXME order is not guaranteed here.
- for (var key in labels) {
- if (labels.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- menuItems.push(new ResolutionMenuItem(
- this.player_,
- {
- label: key,
- src: labels[key],
- selected: key === (this.currentSelection ? this.currentSelection.label : false)
- })
- );
- }
- }
- return menuItems;
- };
- ResolutionMenuButton.prototype.update = function(){
- this.sources = this.player_.getGroupedSrc();
- this.currentSelection = this.player_.currentResolution();
- this.label.innerHTML = this.currentSelection ? this.currentSelection.label : '';
- return MenuButton.prototype.update.call(this);
- };
- ResolutionMenuButton.prototype.buildCSSClass = function(){
- return MenuButton.prototype.buildCSSClass.call( this ) + ' vjs-resolution-button';
- };
- MenuButton.registerComponent('ResolutionMenuButton', ResolutionMenuButton);
- /**
- * Initialize the plugin.
- * @param {object} [options] configuration for the plugin
- */
- videoJsResolutionSwitcher = function(options) {
- var settings = videojs.mergeOptions(defaults, options),
- player = this,
- groupedSrc = {},
- currentSources = {},
- currentResolutionState = {};
- /**
- * Updates player sources or returns current source URL
- * @param {Array} [src] array of sources [{src: '', type: '', label: '', res: ''}]
- * @returns {Object|String|Array} videojs player object if used as setter or current source URL, object, or array of sources
- */
- player.updateSrc = function(src){
- //Return current src if src is not given
- if(!src){ return player.src(); }
- // Only add those sources which we can (maybe) play
- src = src.filter( function(source) {
- try {
- return ( player.canPlayType( source.type ) !== '' );
- } catch (e) {
- // If a Tech doesn't yet have canPlayType just add it
- return true;
- }
- });
- //Sort sources
- this.currentSources = src.sort(compareResolutions);
- this.groupedSrc = bucketSources(this.currentSources);
- // Pick one by default
- var chosen = chooseSrc(this.groupedSrc, this.currentSources);
- this.currentResolutionState = {
- label: chosen.label,
- sources: chosen.sources
- };
- player.trigger('updateSources');
- player.setSourcesSanitized(chosen.sources, chosen.label);
- player.trigger('resolutionchange');
- return player;
- };
- /**
- * Returns current resolution or sets one when label is specified
- * @param {String} [label] label name
- * @param {Function} [customSourcePicker] custom function to choose source. Takes 2 arguments: sources, label. Must return player object.
- * @returns {Object} current resolution object {label: '', sources: []} if used as getter or player object if used as setter
- */
- player.currentResolution = function(label, customSourcePicker){
- if(label == null) { return this.currentResolutionState; }
- // Lookup sources for label
- if(!this.groupedSrc || !this.groupedSrc.label || !this.groupedSrc.label[label]){
- return;
- }
- var sources = this.groupedSrc.label[label];
- // Remember player state
- var currentTime = player.currentTime();
- var isPaused = player.paused();
- // Hide bigPlayButton
- if(!isPaused && this.player_.options_.bigPlayButton){
- this.player_.bigPlayButton.hide();
- }
- // Change player source and wait for loadeddata event, then play video
- // loadedmetadata doesn't work right now for flash.
- // Probably because of https://github.com/videojs/video-js-swf/issues/124
- // If player preload is 'none' and then loadeddata not fired. So, we need timeupdate event for seek handle (timeupdate doesn't work properly with flash)
- var handleSeekEvent = 'loadeddata';
- if(this.player_.techName_ !== 'Youtube' && this.player_.preload() === 'none' && this.player_.techName_ !== 'Flash') {
- handleSeekEvent = 'timeupdate';
- }
- player
- .setSourcesSanitized(sources, label, customSourcePicker || settings.customSourcePicker)
- .one(handleSeekEvent, function() {
- player.currentTime(currentTime);
+ * Licensed under the Apache-2.0 license.
+ */
+(function () {
+ /* jshint eqnull: true*/
+ /* global require */
+ 'use strict';
+ var videojs = null;
+ if (typeof window.videojs === 'undefined' && typeof require === 'function') {
+ videojs = require('video.js');
+ } else {
+ videojs = window.videojs;
+ }
+ (function (window, videojs) {
+ var videoJsResolutionSwitcher,
+ defaults = {
+ ui: true
+ };
+ /*
+ * Resolution menu item
+ */
+ var MenuItem = videojs.getComponent('MenuItem');
+ var ResolutionMenuItem = videojs.extend(MenuItem, {
+ constructor: function (player, options) {
+ options.selectable = true;
+ // Sets this.player_, this.options_ and initializes the component
+ MenuItem.call(this, player, options);
+ this.src = options.src;
+ player.on('resolutionchange', videojs.bind(this, this.update));
+ }
+ });
+ ResolutionMenuItem.prototype.handleClick = function (event) {
+ MenuItem.prototype.handleClick.call(this, event);
+ this.player_.currentResolution(this.options_.label);
+ };
+ ResolutionMenuItem.prototype.update = function () {
+ var selection = this.player_.currentResolution();
+ this.selected(this.options_.label === selection.label);
+ };
+ videojs.registerComponent('ResolutionMenuItem', ResolutionMenuItem);
+ /*
+ * Resolution menu button
+ */
+ var MenuButton = videojs.getComponent('MenuButton');
+ var ResolutionMenuButton = videojs.extend(MenuButton, {
+ constructor: function (player, options) {
+ this.label = document.createElement('span');
+ options.label = 'Quality';
+ // Sets this.player_, this.options_ and initializes the component
+ MenuButton.call(this, player, options);
+ this.el().setAttribute('aria-label', 'Quality');
+ this.controlText('Quality');
+ if (options.dynamicLabel) {
+ videojs.dom.addClass(this.label, 'vjs-resolution-button-label');
+ this.el().appendChild(this.label);
+ } else {
+ var staticLabel = document.createElement('span');
+ videojs.dom.addClass(staticLabel, 'vjs-menu-icon');
+ this.el().appendChild(staticLabel);
+ }
+ player.on('updateSources', videojs.bind(this, this.update));
+ player.on('resolutionchange', videojs.bind(this, this.updateLabel));
+ }
+ });
+ ResolutionMenuButton.prototype.createItems = function () {
+ var menuItems = [];
+ var labels = (this.sources && this.sources.label) || {};
+ // FIXME order is not guaranteed here.
+ for (var key in labels) {
+ if (labels.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ menuItems.push(new ResolutionMenuItem(
+ this.player_,
+ {
+ label: key,
+ src: labels[key],
+ selected: key === (this.currentSelection ? this.currentSelection.label : false)
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return menuItems;
+ };
+ ResolutionMenuButton.prototype.update = function () {
+ this.sources = this.player_.getGroupedSrc();
+ this.currentSelection = this.player_.currentResolution();
+ this.label.innerHTML = this.currentSelection ? this.currentSelection.label : '';
+ return MenuButton.prototype.update.call(this);
+ };
+ ResolutionMenuButton.prototype.updateLabel = function () {
+ var label = this.player_.controlBar.resolutionSwitcher.getElementsByClassName('vjs-resolution-button-label')[0];
+ label.innerHTML = this.player_.currentResolutionState.label;
+ };
+ ResolutionMenuButton.prototype.buildCSSClass = function () {
+ return MenuButton.prototype.buildCSSClass.call(this) + ' vjs-resolution-button';
+ };
+ videojs.registerComponent('ResolutionMenuButton', ResolutionMenuButton);
+ /**
+ * Initialize the plugin.
+ * @param {object} [options] configuration for the plugin
+ */
+ videoJsResolutionSwitcher = function (options) {
+ var settings = videojs.mergeOptions(defaults, options),
+ player = this,
+ groupedSrc = {},
+ currentSources = {},
+ currentResolutionState = {};
+ /**
+ * Updates player sources or returns current source URL
+ * @param {Array} [src] array of sources [{src: '', type: '', label: '', res: ''}]
+ * @returns {Object|String|Array} videojs player object if used as setter or current source URL, object, or array of sources
+ */
+ player.updateSrc = function (src) {
+ //Return current src if src is not given
+ if (!src) { return player.src(); }
+ // Only add those sources which we can (maybe) play
+ src = src.filter(function (source) {
+ try {
+ return (player.canPlayType(source.type) !== '');
+ } catch (e) {
+ // If a Tech doesn't yet have canPlayType just add it
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ //Sort sources
+ this.currentSources = src.sort(compareResolutions);
+ this.groupedSrc = bucketSources(this.currentSources);
+ // Pick one by default
+ var chosen = chooseSrc(this.groupedSrc, this.currentSources);
+ this.currentResolutionState = {
+ label: chosen.label,
+ sources: chosen.sources
+ };
+ player.trigger('updateSources');
+ player.setSourcesSanitized(chosen.sources, chosen.label);
+ player.trigger('resolutionchange');
+ return player;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns current resolution or sets one when label is specified
+ * @param {String} [label] label name
+ * @param {Function} [customSourcePicker] custom function to choose source. Takes 2 arguments: sources, label. Must return player object.
+ * @returns {Object} current resolution object {label: '', sources: []} if used as getter or player object if used as setter
+ */
+ player.currentResolution = function (label, customSourcePicker) {
+ if (label == null) { return this.currentResolutionState; }
+ // Lookup sources for label
+ if (!this.groupedSrc || !this.groupedSrc.label || !this.groupedSrc.label[label]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var sources = this.groupedSrc.label[label];
+ // Remember player state
+ var currentTime = player.currentTime();
+ var isPaused = player.paused();
+ player.pause();
+ player.loadingSpinner.show();
+ // Hide bigPlayButton
+ if (!isPaused && this.player_.options_.bigPlayButton) {
+ this.player_.bigPlayButton.hide();
+ }
+ player.setSourcesSanitized(sources, label, customSourcePicker || settings.customSourcePicker);
+ //The event is fired inconsistently across devices and different filetypes. So listen for all of them;
+ player.one('timeupdate', handleLoad).one('loadedmetadata', handleLoad).one('loadeddata', handleLoad);
+ function handleLoad() {
+ player.off('timeupdate', handleLoad).off('loadedmetadata', handleLoad).off('loadeddata', handleLoad);
+ player.currentTime(currentTime);
+ player.handleTechSeeked_();
+ if (!isPaused) {
+ // Start playing and hide loadingSpinner (flash issue ?)
+ player.play();
- if(!isPaused){
- // Start playing and hide loadingSpinner (flash issue ?)
- player.play().handleTechSeeked_();
- }
- player.trigger('resolutionchange');
- });
- return player;
- };
- /**
- * Returns grouped sources by label, resolution and type
- * @returns {Object} grouped sources: { label: { key: [] }, res: { key: [] }, type: { key: [] } }
- */
- player.getGroupedSrc = function(){
- return this.groupedSrc;
- };
- player.setSourcesSanitized = function(sources, label, customSourcePicker) {
- this.currentResolutionState = {
- label: label,
- sources: sources
- };
- if(typeof customSourcePicker === 'function'){
- return customSourcePicker(player, sources, label);
- }
- player.src(sources.map(function(src) {
- return {src: src.src, type: src.type, res: src.res};
- }));
- return player;
- };
- /**
- * Method used for sorting list of sources
- * @param {Object} a - source object with res property
- * @param {Object} b - source object with res property
- * @returns {Number} result of comparation
- */
- function compareResolutions(a, b){
- if(!a.res || !b.res){ return 0; }
- return (+b.res)-(+a.res);
- }
- /**
- * Group sources by label, resolution and type
- * @param {Array} src Array of sources
- * @returns {Object} grouped sources: { label: { key: [] }, res: { key: [] }, type: { key: [] } }
- */
- function bucketSources(src){
- var resolutions = {
- label: {},
- res: {},
- type: {}
- };
- src.map(function(source) {
- initResolutionKey(resolutions, 'label', source);
- initResolutionKey(resolutions, 'res', source);
- initResolutionKey(resolutions, 'type', source);
- appendSourceToKey(resolutions, 'label', source);
- appendSourceToKey(resolutions, 'res', source);
- appendSourceToKey(resolutions, 'type', source);
- });
- return resolutions;
- }
- function initResolutionKey(resolutions, key, source) {
- if(resolutions[key][source[key]] == null) {
- resolutions[key][source[key]] = [];
- }
- }
- function appendSourceToKey(resolutions, key, source) {
- resolutions[key][source[key]].push(source);
- }
- /**
- * Choose src if option.default is specified
- * @param {Object} groupedSrc {res: { key: [] }}
- * @param {Array} src Array of sources sorted by resolution used to find high and low res
- * @returns {Object} {res: string, sources: []}
- */
- function chooseSrc(groupedSrc, src){
- var selectedRes = settings['default']; // use array access as default is a reserved keyword
- var selectedLabel = '';
- if (selectedRes === 'high') {
- selectedRes = src[0].res;
- selectedLabel = src[0].label;
- } else if (selectedRes === 'low' || selectedRes == null || !groupedSrc.res[selectedRes]) {
- // Select low-res if default is low or not set
- selectedRes = src[src.length - 1].res;
- selectedLabel = src[src.length -1].label;
- } else if (groupedSrc.res[selectedRes]) {
- selectedLabel = groupedSrc.res[selectedRes][0].label;
- }
- return {res: selectedRes, label: selectedLabel, sources: groupedSrc.res[selectedRes]};
- }
- function initResolutionForYt(player){
- // Map youtube qualities names
- var _yts = {
- highres: {res: 1080, label: '1080', yt: 'highres'},
- hd1080: {res: 1080, label: '1080', yt: 'hd1080'},
- hd720: {res: 720, label: '720', yt: 'hd720'},
- large: {res: 480, label: '480', yt: 'large'},
- medium: {res: 360, label: '360', yt: 'medium'},
- small: {res: 240, label: '240', yt: 'small'},
- tiny: {res: 144, label: '144', yt: 'tiny'},
- auto: {res: 0, label: 'auto', yt: 'auto'}
- };
- // Overwrite default sourcePicker function
- var _customSourcePicker = function(_player, _sources, _label){
- // Note that setPlayebackQuality is a suggestion. YT does not always obey it.
- player.tech_.ytPlayer.setPlaybackQuality(_sources[0]._yt);
- player.trigger('updateSources');
- return player;
- };
- settings.customSourcePicker = _customSourcePicker;
- // Init resolution
- player.tech_.ytPlayer.setPlaybackQuality('auto');
- // This is triggered when the resolution actually changes
- player.tech_.ytPlayer.addEventListener('onPlaybackQualityChange', function(event){
- for(var res in _yts) {
- if(res.yt === event.data) {
- player.currentResolution(res.label, _customSourcePicker);
- return;
- }
- }
- });
- // We must wait for play event
- player.one('play', function(){
- var qualities = player.tech_.ytPlayer.getAvailableQualityLevels();
- var _sources = [];
- qualities.map(function(q){
- _sources.push({
- src: player.src().src,
- type: player.src().type,
- label: _yts[q].label,
- res: _yts[q].res,
- _yt: _yts[q].yt
- });
- });
- player.groupedSrc = bucketSources(_sources);
- var chosen = {label: 'auto', res: 0, sources: player.groupedSrc.label.auto};
- this.currentResolutionState = {
- label: chosen.label,
- sources: chosen.sources
- };
- player.trigger('updateSources');
- player.setSourcesSanitized(chosen.sources, chosen.label, _customSourcePicker);
- });
- }
- player.ready(function(){
- if( settings.ui ) {
- var menuButton = new ResolutionMenuButton(player, settings);
- player.controlBar.resolutionSwitcher = player.controlBar.el_.insertBefore(menuButton.el_, player.controlBar.getChild('fullscreenToggle').el_);
- player.controlBar.resolutionSwitcher.dispose = function(){
- this.parentNode.removeChild(this);
- };
- }
- if(player.options_.sources.length > 1){
- // tech: Html5 and Flash
- // Create resolution switcher for videos form tag inside