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CLI wrapper for @valibot/to-json-schema to convert JS/TS files containing Valibot schemas into a JSON schema (draft 07).

# Convert valibot schemas to JSON schema
npx @gcornut/cli-valibot-to-json-schema ./schemas.js

This outputs a conversion of the Valibot schemas into JSON schema. If the default export is a Valibot schemas, it is used as the root definition. Other exported Valibot schemas are converted in the JSON schema $defs section.

See detailed input and output:

Input file ./schemas.js:

import * as v from "valibot";

export const AString = v.string();
const AnObject = v.object({ aString: AString });
export default AnObject;

Output conversion:

    "$schema": "",
    "$defs": {
        "AString": {
            "type": "string"
    "properties": {
        "aString": {
            "$ref": "#/$defs/AString"
    "required": ["aString"],
    "type": "object"

AnObject is the default export in the source module, so it is converted as the root definition. AString is exported separately, so it is exported to the definitions section.

See @valibot/to-json-schema README for details on the limited compatibility when converting Valibot schema.

ESM and TypeScript input module

This CLI loads the input JS module using standard NodeJS CommonJS require. This means you will have issues with ESM or TypeScript modules.

To remedy that, you will either have to preinstall ebuild-runner and esbuild (so that the program can use them) or use a Node-compatible runtime that support these modules (ex: bun, replacing npx with bunx).


# Convert from TS/ESM module using bunx
bunx @gcornut/cli-valibot-to-json-schema ./schemas.ts

# Convert from TS/ESM module with esbuild-runner preinstalled
npm install esbuild esbuild-runner
npx @gcornut/cli-valibot-to-json-schema ./schemas.ts

# Convert from TS/ESM module using `yarn dlx` multi-package feature
yarn dlx -p esbuild -p esbuild-runner -p @gcornut/cli-valibot-to-json-schema valibot-json-schema ./schemas.ts


Use -o <file> option to output the JSON schema to a file instead of stdout.

Use -t <type> option to select the root definitions from the module exports (defaults to the "default" export). Example: -t will get the property bar on the foo export of the input module.

Use -d <type> option to select the definitions from the module exports (instead of using all non-default export). Example: -d will get the property bar on the foo export of the input module.

Use --force to ignore unsupported schemas and validations and still provide an output.