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Releases: ge-semtk/semtk

Ingest Warnings, Fuseki 4.5, refactoring

09 Jun 13:40
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Added ingestion warnings for missing, extra columns
Upgrade to Fuseki 4.5 support
Remove arangoDb

SPARQL gen cycles & minor improvements

07 Jun 14:14
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First release of SPARQL generation of nodegroups containing cycles without MINUS or OPTIONAL
Next steps in CombineEntities
Fix bug in ?Node_type SPARQL generation
Re-hardcode version in all POM files

SPARQL gen fix and combineEntries REST endpoint

31 May 18:40
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Fixed missing ?Node_type clause for a Node with no subtypes.
Added combine entries endpoint for entity resolution work.

Bug fixes to complex ranges and reports

25 May 19:17
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  • sparql generation on nodegroups with objects of complex ranges was missing the type constraint
  • automatic nodegroup ingestion templates with objects of complex ranges had difficult-to-understand names: SecurityEntity->content_identifier_2 changed to SecurityEnitity->content_Port_identifier (complex range type is in the middle)
  • SPARQLgraph was not protected from browser memory overflows from large queries in some sections of the report and construct queries on the query tab

Ingestion performance improvements

11 May 19:22
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  • Significant improvements in ingestion performance
  • Complete the change-over to openapi-doc.
  • Cleaner non-handling of SADL3 lists

Nodegroup generator fix for RACK v10.x

27 Apr 18:01
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Nodegroup generator function was not matching the docs.
Make sure only the "main class" is createIfMissing and the rest are errorIfMissing.

For RACK 10.1

11 Apr 19:02
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fix startup order and minor tweaks only

Few more fixes for testing before RACK release

11 Mar 20:02
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Reverted nodegroup propertyItem.domainURI (incorrect and misleading new name) back to UriRelationship before it gets out. Bump nodegroup json to version 19.
Fixed disappearing report in SPARQLgraph when nodegroup store is accessed.

Bug fixes with complex ranges

11 Mar 18:58
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Fixed and improved functionality for correcting invalid nodegroups in SPARQLgraph,
in particular when SemTK has detected a node that is a superclass of the current complex range.
SemTK used to allow this and no longer does.
So this helps users rectify the situation with a couple clicks.

Bug fixes with complex ranges

11 Mar 18:20
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Fixed and improved functionality for correcting invalid nodegroups in SPARQLgraph,
in particular when SemTK has detected a node that is a superclass of the current complex range.
SemTK used to allow this and no longer does.
So this helps users rectify the situation with a couple clicks.