diff --git a/Progress bar.py b/Progress bar.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b0d34a56488 --- /dev/null +++ b/Progress bar.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +import math +import colorama +from colorama import Fore, Style + +colorama.init() + +def progress_bar(progress, total, color=Fore.CYAN, complete_color=Fore.GREEN): + """ + - progress:int --> current progress of the operation (ex. index of an item inside a list) + - total:int --> the actual lenght of the operation (ex. the lenght of a list of items) + - color --> color for the bar and percentage value during the operation + - complete_color --> color for the bar and percentage value once the operation is complete + """ + + percent = 100 * (progress / total) + bar_length = 50 #Set fixed lenght of the bar to 50 chars (Thanks to NitkarshChourasia for improvement) + completed_length = int(bar_length * (progress / total)) + bar = '█' * completed_length + '-' * (bar_length - completed_length) + + print(f'\r|{color}{bar}{Style.RESET_ALL}| {color}{percent:.2f}%{Style.RESET_ALL}', end='', flush=True) + #Using f-strings and print statement's parameter: + #\r --> Special escape character that allows to keep writing on the same section of the line (in this case from the beginning) + #{color + bar + Style.RESET_ALL} --> Sums the Fore color character to create a pretty colored bar on the screen + #percent:.2f --> ":.xf" allows to round to x value of decimal points (2 in this case). It is important, for this script, that the two print statement use the same x value to avoid misprinting + #{color}{percent:.2f}{Style.RESET_ALL} --> Same as previous but since "percent" is of type float it can't be directly added to a string. + # To fix this you can either use this sintax or convert it to str by doing {color + str(percent:.2f) + Style.RESET_ALL} + #flush=True --> ensure real-time printing of the progress bar without buffering + + if progress == total: + print(f'\r|{complete_color}{bar}{Style.RESET_ALL}| {complete_color}{percent:.2f}%{Style.RESET_ALL}') + +numbers = [x * 5 for x in range(2000, 3000)] +lenght = len(numbers) + +progress_bar(0, total=lenght) + +results = [] +for i, x in enumerate(numbers): + #Iterate over the list of ints with enumerate to get both the index "i" (used for progress) and the value of the int "x" to execute the operation + results.append(math.factorial(x)) + progress_bar(progress=(i + 1), total=lenght) + #Since indexes start at 0, add 1 to the first iteration and increase it by one at every following iteration for consistency + +print("\nFactorials calculated successfully!")