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Calculate md5sum of a string or stream.


$ help md5
md5: md5 [string]
    Calculate MD5 sum.
    Calculates the MD5 sum of the string argument, or stdin if no
    argument is provided. The result is assigned to the REPLY 


Calculate MD5 sum of a string

md5 ''
printf 'MD5 sum of the empty string is: %s\n' "$REPLY"
## Output:
#MD5 sum of the empty string is: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
md5 $'hello\n'
printf 'MD5 sum of hello<LF> is: %s\n' "$REPLY"
## Output:
#MD5 sum of hello<LF> is: b1946ac92492d2347c6235b4d2611184

Calculate MD5 sum of a stream/file

md5 < /dev/null
printf 'MD5 sum of /dev/null is: %s\n' "$REPLY"
## Output:
#MD5 sum of /dev/null is: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
md5 <<< hello
printf 'MD5 sum of hello<LF> is: %s\n' "$REPLY"
## Output:
#MD5 sum of hello<LF> is: b1946ac92492d2347c6235b4d2611184

Implementation notes

This was the first builtin I attempted. It was triggered by me solving the Advent of Code challenges using multiple languages, including bash. The one requiring calculating ~1M md5 sums took ages when each one required forking and execing md5sum(1) or md5(1). So I decided to try writing a loadable builtin, and learn a bit about how an md5sum is calculated in the process.

I wrote it by reading the specs of the RFC, then when it finally produced correct results, I split it up into multiple functions, similar to how BSD had split them up. The current source can probably be optimized a bit, but the speed gain over forking and execing an external executable is large enough.