diff --git a/geoalchemy2/dialects/sqlite.py b/geoalchemy2/dialects/sqlite.py
index a939e141..c071cadb 100644
--- a/geoalchemy2/dialects/sqlite.py
+++ b/geoalchemy2/dialects/sqlite.py
@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
 import os
 from sqlalchemy import text
+from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
 from sqlalchemy.sql import func
 from sqlalchemy.sql import select
+from geoalchemy2 import functions
 from geoalchemy2.dialects.common import _check_spatial_type
 from geoalchemy2.dialects.common import _format_select_args
 from geoalchemy2.dialects.common import _spatial_idx_name
@@ -220,3 +222,40 @@ def before_drop(table, bind, **kw):
 def after_drop(table, bind, **kw):
     """Handle spatial indexes during the after_drop event."""
     table.columns = table.info.pop("_saved_columns")
+# Define compiled versions for functions in SpatiaLite whose names don't have
+# the ST_ prefix.
+    "ST_GeomFromEWKT": "GeomFromEWKT",
+    "ST_GeomFromEWKB": "GeomFromEWKB",
+    "ST_AsBinary": "AsBinary",
+    "ST_AsEWKB": "AsEWKB",
+    "ST_AsGeoJSON": "AsGeoJSON",
+def _compiles_sqlite(cls, fn):
+    def _compile_sqlite(element, compiler, **kw):
+        return "{}({})".format(fn, compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw))
+    compiles(getattr(functions, cls), "sqlite")(_compile_sqlite)
+def register_sqlite_mapping(mapping):
+    """Register compilation mappings for the given functions.
+    Args:
+        mapping: Should have the following form::
+                {
+                    "function_name_1": "sqlite_function_name_1",
+                    "function_name_2": "sqlite_function_name_2",
+                    ...
+                }
+    """
+    for cls, fn in mapping.items():
+        _compiles_sqlite(cls, fn)
diff --git a/geoalchemy2/functions.py b/geoalchemy2/functions.py
index 6cc9a462..13169e74 100644
--- a/geoalchemy2/functions.py
+++ b/geoalchemy2/functions.py
@@ -277,54 +277,3 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         attributes["__doc__"] = "\n\n".join(docs)
     globals()[name] = type(name, (GenericFunction,), attributes)
-# Define compiled versions for functions in SpatiaLite whose names don't have
-# the ST_ prefix.
-    "ST_GeomFromEWKT": "GeomFromEWKT",
-    "ST_GeomFromEWKB": "GeomFromEWKB",
-    "ST_AsBinary": "AsBinary",
-    "ST_AsEWKB": "AsEWKB",
-    "ST_AsGeoJSON": "AsGeoJSON",
-# Default handlers are required for SQLAlchemy < 1.1
-# See more details in https://github.com/geoalchemy/geoalchemy2/issues/213
-def _compiles_default(cls):
-    def _compile_default(element, compiler, **kw):
-        return "{}({})".format(cls, compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw))
-    compiles(globals()[cls])(_compile_default)
-def _compiles_sqlite(cls, fn):
-    def _compile_sqlite(element, compiler, **kw):
-        return "{}({})".format(fn, compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw))
-    compiles(globals()[cls], "sqlite")(_compile_sqlite)
-def register_sqlite_mapping(mapping):
-    """Register compilation mappings for the given functions.
-    Args:
-        mapping: Should have the following form::
-                {
-                    "function_name_1": "sqlite_function_name_1",
-                    "function_name_2": "sqlite_function_name_2",
-                    ...
-                }
-    """
-    for cls, fn in mapping.items():
-        _compiles_default(cls)
-        _compiles_sqlite(cls, fn)