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Releases: geofffranks/spruce

spruce-release Release v1.15.0

28 Jan 14:55
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  • spruce diff now returns exit status 1 if there are any differences; and exit status 0 if no differences [thanks @drnic]

spruce-release Release v1.14.0

21 Dec 21:05
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  • Spruce will now ignore things that look like BOSH/Concourse
    variables, so you can pass-through things like ((my-cert))
    without throwing an error about unknown Spruce operators.

spruce-release Release v1.13.1

06 Nov 17:50
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  • If you need to change the way maps are merged throughout an entire file,
    the DEFAULT_ARRAY_MERGE_KEY environment variable can be set, to override
    the default value of 'name'. This makes it easy to not need to put (( merge on identifier ))
    everywhere in your YAML, when name is not the desired key.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue when grabbing multi-line string values from environment variables with
    (( grab $MULTI_LINE_STRING_VAR ))


Thanks for the bugfix @sorenh!

spruce-release Release v1.13.0

31 Oct 13:15
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New Features

  • There is a new (( ips )) operator, provided by Soren Hansen!
    It calculates IPs using indices and offests from a given IP or
    CIDR block. Useful if you need to calculate an IP in a non-BOSH
    YAML file, or if the IPs fall outside of the range of BOSH networks
    defined in them anifest. See the IPs operator docs for more info.


  • spruce is now built with golang 1.9

Bug Fixes

  • spruce will now honor the System's trusted root CAs on Darwin,
    when connecting to Vault


Thanks @sorenh for your work on the (( ips )) operator, and the bugfixes you
provided for the 1.12.2 release!

spruce-release Release v1.12.2

30 Oct 23:46
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Bug Fixes

  • When pulling environment variables in, their values are now
    unmarshaled into appropriate types via YAML. For example, PORT=123
    will be used as an integer in the output YAML. This may cause problems
    if a consumer of the output YAML is requiring a string value of the number/boolean
    being displayed. If this is the case, (( concat $PORT "" )) can be
    used as a workaround. It seems more likely that there will be consumers
    requiring the value as an integer/boolean type rather the stringified version.

  • Resolved an issue where spruce diff was not noticing changes in
    type between values. For example, changing from "123" to 123`
    will now produce diff output.

spruce-release Release v1.12.1

23 Aug 21:13
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed lack of --go-patch support in spruce vaultinfo

spruce-release Release v1.12.0

22 Aug 15:53
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Experimental Windows binaries are being shipped alongside spruce now!
If you encouter any strange issues, submit a GH issue.

Bug Fixes

  • --skip-eval properly skips (( param )) and (( inject )) operators now. prune
    behavior works as it has in the past (the (( prune )) operators are not evaluated,
    but --prune arguments are.

  • When using the (( delete )) array operator, the quotes are no longer required:

    - (( delete "myObj" ))
    - (( delete myObj ))

Deprecation notices

  • The --concourse flag for spruce is now deprecated. It will be removed in a future
    release. Its purpose was to allow parsing of {{variable}} interpolation inside
    Concourse YAML files. As an alternative, try using built-in spruce operators,
    or the ((!variable)) syntax to make use of CredHub data in Concourse.

spruce-release Release v1.11.0

13 Jul 13:35
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New Features

  • spruce now supports go-patch files
    in its merge phase via the --go-patch flag. This means you can interleave
    traditional spruce/yaml files with go-patch files. The go-patch files will be
    merged into the document, and can even be used to insert spruce operators to
    be evaluated later.

    For example: spruce merge --go-patch base.yml patch.yml more-spruce.yml will apply
    the go-patch file patch.yml on top of base.yml, and then merge in more-spruce.yml
    via traditional spruce merging logic. Once merging is complete, the other
    evaluation phases take place, executing operators, requiring params, etc.

  • Added the (( defer )) operator. This allows you to specify
    an operation in your yaml that you wish to defer until a later sprucing.
    This can be useful for using spruce to generate more spruce templates,
    or to handle content that requires (( ... )) syntax, like CredHub.

    For example:

    still_a_grab_op: (( defer grab myval ))
    myval: 1

    Would yield:

    still_a_grab_op: (( grab myval ))
    myval: 1

    when merged a single time. Running it through spruce again would result
    in the grab being evaluated.

  • Not technically a new feature, but newly documented as a feature is the
    ((! ... )) syntax. Spruce will ignore this completely, and not attempt
    to evaluate any operations on it. Unlike defer, the output will be identical
    to the input (the exclamation point is kept in the output).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes #201 by supporting azs key in subnets

    Previously only az was supported. Now when specifying
    multiple AZs in a subnet, all IPs from that subnet can be
    used in any instance-group/job that is in a zone that the
    subnet mentioned.

    This can lead to interesting scenarios when using mixes of
    multi-az subnets and single-az subnets, where different offsets
    can mean the same IP in a different zone, or the same index could
    mean different IPs in different zones. Try not to do this, as it will
    likely lead to confusion down the road. However, care is made to ensure
    that IPs are never re-used, regardless of what subnets/azs they were
    allowed to be used by.

    This should not affect any existing IP allocations, since previously the
    azs field wasn't looked at, and the old behaviors remain the same
    for az and no-azs.

  • Fixes #153 and #169. The result of the cartesian-product operator
    now behaves as it should in join/concat/inject and other operators.

  • Integers above a 64-bit unsigned quantity are now supported in operations.
    They are automatically converted to scientific notation, and treated as floats.


Thanks to @thomasmmitchell, @jhunt, and @poblin-orange for their help on all the features
and fixes in this release!

spruce-release Release v1.10.0

01 Jun 20:10
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New Features

  • There is now a --fallback-append flag to change the default array merge behavior
    from inline to append.


Thanks @thomasmmitchell for the feature!

spruce-release Release v1.9.0

25 Apr 20:46
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New Features

  • There is now a spruce vaultinfo command. It examines your
    yaml data to find all the vault operators being used, and spits
    out a summary of the keys being requested from vault, and what paths
    are requesting them.


Thanks @thomasmmitchell for the new feature!