diff --git a/web/client/utils/FilterUtils.jsx b/web/client/utils/FilterUtils.jsx
index 54d0c05b13..88a33c30a2 100644
--- a/web/client/utils/FilterUtils.jsx
+++ b/web/client/utils/FilterUtils.jsx
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ const FilterUtils = {
"ogc": {startTag: "", endTag: ""},
"fes": {startTag: "", endTag: ""}
- toOGCFilter: function(ftName, json, version, sortOptions = null, hits = false, format = null) {
+ toOGCFilter: function(ftName, json, version, sortOptions = null, hits = false, format = null, propertyNames = null) {
try {
this.objFilter = (json instanceof Object) ? json : JSON.parse(json);
} catch(e) {
@@ -87,6 +87,14 @@ const FilterUtils = {
spatialFilter = this.processOGCSpatialFilter(versionOGC);
+ if (this.objFilter.crossLayerFilter) {
+ let crossLayerFilter = this.objFilter.crossLayerFilter;
+ if (Array.isArray()) {
+ crossLayerFilter.forEach( f => filters.push(this.processOGCCrossLayerFilter(f)));
+ } else {
+ filters.push(this.processOGCCrossLayerFilter(crossLayerFilter));
+ }
+ }
let filter = "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Filter>";
@@ -104,7 +112,12 @@ const FilterUtils = {
ogcFilter += '';
ogcFilter += filter;
+ if (propertyNames) {
+ ogcFilter += propertyNames.map( name => (
+ this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].startTag +
+ name +
+ this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].endTag )).join("");
+ }
if (sortOptions && sortOptions.sortBy && sortOptions.sortOrder) {
ogcFilter +=
"<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":SortBy>" +
@@ -475,6 +488,54 @@ const FilterUtils = {
ogc += this.ogcSpatialOperator[this.objFilter.spatialField.operation].endTag;
return ogc;
+ /**
+ * processOGCCrossLayerFilter(object)
+ * object should be in this form :
+ * {
+ * collectGeometries: {queryCollection: {
+ * typeName: "TYPE_NAME_TO_QUERY",
+ * }
+ * }}
+ * Example: if I want to filter the featureType "roads", with the geometryName = "roads_geom"
+ * that intersect the polygons from the featureType "regions, with geometryName "regions_geom"
+ * where the attribute "area" of the region is >= 10 You will have the following
+ * {
+ * operation: "INTERSECTS"
+ * attribute: "roads_geom",
+ * collectGeometries: {queryCollection: {
+ * typeName: "regions",
+ * geometryName: "regions_geom",
+ * cqlFilter: "area > 10"
+ * }}
+ * }
+ */
+ processOGCCrossLayerFilter: function(crossLayerFilter) {
+ let ogc = this.ogcSpatialOperator[crossLayerFilter.operation].startTag;
+ ogc +=
+ this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].startTag +
+ crossLayerFilter.attribute +
+ this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].endTag;
+ // only collectGeometries is supported now
+ if (crossLayerFilter.collectGeometries) {
+ ogc += `` +
+ `` +
+ `${crossLayerFilter.collectGeometries.queryCollection.typeName}` +
+ `${crossLayerFilter.collectGeometries.queryCollection.geometryName}` +
+ `${crossLayerFilter.collectGeometries.queryCollection.cqlFilter}` +
+ `` +
+ ``;
+ }
+ if (crossLayerFilter.operation === "DWITHIN") {
+ ogc += '<' + this.nsplaceholder + ':Distance units="m">' + (crossLayerFilter.distance || 0) + '' + this.nsplaceholder + ':Distance>';
+ }
+ ogc += this.ogcSpatialOperator[crossLayerFilter.operation].endTag;
+ return ogc;
+ },
getGmlPointElement: function(coordinates, srsName, version) {
let gmlPoint = ' {
let filter = FilterUtils.toCQLFilter(filterObj);
+ it('Check CrossLayerFilter segment generation', () => {
+ let crossLayerFilterObj = {
+ operation: "INTERSECTS",
+ attribute: "roads_geom",
+ collectGeometries: {queryCollection: {
+ typeName: "regions",
+ geometryName: "regions_geom",
+ cqlFilter: "area > 10"
+ }}
+ };
+ let expected = ""
+ + 'roads_geom'
+ + ''
+ + ''
+ + 'regions'
+ + 'regions_geom'
+ + 'area > 10'
+ + ''
+ + "";
+ // this is a workarround for this issue : https://github.com/geosolutions-it/MapStore2/issues/1263
+ // please remove when fixed
+ FilterUtils.nsplaceholder = "ogc";
+ FilterUtils.setOperatorsPlaceholders("{namespace}", "ogc");
+ let filter = FilterUtils.processOGCCrossLayerFilter(crossLayerFilterObj);
+ expect(filter).toEqual(expected);
+ });