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Getting Started

DRN edited this page Sep 4, 2023 · 16 revisions


Discord does not allow Automated User Accounts (Self-Bots/User-Bots)

Read more in Discord Trust & Safety Team's Official Statement...

While this project works for user logins, I do not recommend it as you risk account termination. If you can, use a proper Discord Bot user for this program.

NOTE: This only applies to real User Accounts, not Bot users. This program currently works for either.

Now that that's out of the way...

How to Run

Depending on your purpose for this program, there are various ways you can run it.

You can either create a settings.json following the examples & variables listed below, or have the program create a default file (if it is missing when you run the program, it will make one, and ask you if you want to enter in basic info for the new file).

Confused? Try looking at the step-by-step list.

Getting Started Step-by-Step

  1. Download & put executable within it's own folder.
  2. Configure Main Settings (or run once to have settings generated). (SEE BELOW)
  3. Enter your login credentials in the "credentials" section. (SEE BELOW)
  4. Put your Discord User ID as in the "admins" list of the settings. (SEE BELOW)
  5. Put a Discord Channel ID for a private channel you have access to into the "adminChannels". (SEE BELOW)
  6. Put your desired Discord Channel IDs into th6e "channels" section. (SEE BELOW)
    • I know it can be confusing if you don't have experience with programming or JSON in general, but this was the ideal setup for extensive configuration like this. Just be careful with comma & quote placement and you should be fine. See examples below for help.

Tutorial Video (v1.6.3; Jan 2022)

Tutorial Video

Finding Login Credentials

  • If using a Bot Application, enter the token into the "token" setting. Remove the lines for "username" and "password" or leave blank (""). To create a Bot User, go to and create a New Application. Once created, go to Bot and create. The token can be found on the Bot page. To invite to your server(s), go to OAuth2 and check "bot", copy the url, paste into browser and follow prompts for adding to server(s).
  • If using a User Account (Self-Bot) WITHOUT 2FA (2-Factor Authentication), fill out the "username" and "password" settings. Remove the line for "token" or leave blank ("").
  • If using a User Account (Self-Bot) WITH 2FA (2-Factor Authentication), enter the token into the "token" setting. Remove the lines for "username" and "password" or leave blank (""). Your account token can be found by opening the browser console / dev tools / inspect element > Network tab > filter for "library" and reload the page if nothing appears. Assuming there is an item that looks like the below screenshot, click it and find "Authorization" within the "Request Headers" section of the Headers tab. The random text is your token.

Setting Up Permissions in Discord

  • In order to perform basic downloading functions, the bot will need Read Message permissions in the server(s) of your designated channel(s).
  • In order to respond to commands, the bot will need Send Message permissions in the server(s) of your designated channel(s). If executing commands via an Admin Channel, the bot will only need Send Message permissions for that channel, and that permission will not be required for the source channel.
  • In order to process history commands, the bot will need Read Message History permissions in the server(s) of your designated channel(s).

Bot Intents for Discord Application Bots


  • Go to the Discord Application management page, choose your application, go to the Bot category, and ensure Message Content Intent is enabled.

How to Find Discord IDs

ENABLE DISCORD DEVELOPER MODE - Discord User Settings > App Settings > Advanced > Developer Mode

You should now be able to right click on anything and copy the Discord ID!

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