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Releases: getdatakick/revws

Bug fixes

06 Aug 05:45
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Version 1.0.19 fixes following bugs:

Issue #15 - Review date does not use ps settings - Reviews were rendered with incorrect date format
Issue #36 - All reviews page does not contain canonical tag, resulting in duplicate content
Issue #64 - Refresh CSRF token - user was not able to submit review when CSRF token expired. This issue fixes this problem by refreshing token
issue #65 - from now one, every release of revws will have it's own js bootstrap file, to prevent browser cache issues on module update
issue #34 - Additional strings for when there's only 1 review in PRODUCT_BUTTONS and PRODUCT_EXTRA

Multiple enhancements and bugfixes

10 Jul 05:08
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  • sanity checks - detect problems with module configuration - report missing email translations etc.
  • improve review creation experience for multiple criteria - there is now a slide effect between criteria
  • drilldowns - links from review list to product / customer
  • microdata - emit information about worst and best ratings
  • fix translations [nl, de, es, ru]
  • dedicated data export / import page (extracted from settings)

multiple bugfixes

  • microdata - render aggregated ratings within review list
  • microdata - incorrect calculation of average ratings
  • MyReviews page - fix bug with missing product information
  • [ps17] - approve / reject email link don't work

Data backups

15 Jun 06:02
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Data backup

This new feature allows you to export all your data to XML format. Just in case you wanted to change the review module :)

In the upcoming version there will be an option to import data from this XML format. Meanwhile, you can use Datakick module for this.

Real delete and review filtering

As you may know, revws module didn't really delete reviews, it just marked them as deleted and archived them. Now you have an additional option to really delete these archived reviews.

I've also introduced filtering for backend review list, so you can choose what reviews should be visible. Archived items are hidden by default - you won't see those red lines anymore (unless you want to).

List of all reviews

There is a new page that lists all reviews located at reviews route. You can try it by navigating to or

I recommend you create some link to this new page, so google can find it and start indexing it!


  • revws did not worked correctly with layered navigation module (ps16/thirtybees)
  • clear cache after GDPR data deletion
  • invalid jquery selector in revws-bootstrap.js file
  • google rich snippets - always render aggregate ratings metadata, even when averages are not displayed on product page

List widgets

29 May 11:43
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List widget redesign

In this version I've redesigned review list widget, so it can be used anywhere in your store. This is an important step towards another interesting features, such as review carousel or custom review lists

New displayRevwsReviewList hook

You can now use hook named displayRevwsReviewList anywhere in your smarty templates. This hook will render review list. By default, all reviews are displayed. You can customize it using following hook parameters:

  • displayReply - display shop replies or not. Allowed values: true | false. Default true
  • displayCriteria - controls how to display criteria breakdown. Allowed values: inline | side | false. Default value is the one set up in your settings
  • reviewStyle - controls review style. Allowed values: item | item-with-product. Default value item
  • order - how to order reviews in list. Allowed values: date | usefulness | author | product | title | content | grade | id. Default is date
  • orderDir - order in descending or ascending - Allowed values: desc | asc. Default value desc
  • pageSize - how many reviews should be displayed on one page. Default 5 reviews
  • allowPaging - controls if paging is allowed or not. Default value true
  • product - display reviews for specific product only
  • customer - display reviews submitted by specific customer
  • guest - display reviews submitted by specific anonymous visitor

Example usage: to display 3 newest reviews on your homepage, simply enter this somewhere into your index.tpl file in your theme

{hook h='displayRevwsReviewList' allowPaging=false order='date' pageSize=3}

GDPR compliance

11 May 17:19
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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

This version makes revws module compliant with GDPR rules. You can choose one of three modes:

  • allow users to submit reviews without giving consent - this is current behaviour. Use it if you don't have visitors from EU countries
  • simple consent mode - revws module will include agree checkbox that users have to check it before submitting review. This is very limited implementation - for example consent is not logged anywhere.
  • Official GDPR Compliance Module - this mode can be used only when you have prestashop's official GDPR module installed. This module is free for prestashop 1.7, for prestashop 1.6 you'll need to purchase it

Multiple Language Support

02 May 09:10
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You can choose to display only reviews written in visitor's language. This settings is recommendeded for any shop using multiple languages feature:

  • it will reduce the noise on your product page, displaying only information relevant to each visitor
  • it will have SEO benefits - no duplicate content between different language versions

You can disable this feature and keep displaying reviews written in any language. This can be usefull in case you haven't collected many reviews yet.


27 Apr 07:00
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  • ability to trigger review dialog using url parameter named post_review
  • added support to choose layout (left and right columns) for MyReviews section
  • check module version now display release notes


  • no bugs fixed in this release


16 Apr 13:16
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  • support
  • csrf token


11 Apr 06:13
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04 Apr 05:38
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  • bug fixes
  • new hook displayRevwsReview